Careers plus - Research Track
Wollen Sie zukünftig in der Forschung bleiben und als Wissenschaftler*in an einer Universität oder einer Forschungseinrichtung arbeiten?
Erweitern Sie Ihr akademisches Portfolio um wichtige Kompetenzen in den Bereichen Führung, Management und Kommunikation
Besuchen Sie einzelne Angebote oder vertiefen Sie Ihre Kompetenzen mit einem Zertifikat "Führung und Management in der Wissenschaft"1.
Neben den unten ausgeschriebenen Angeboten können Sie sich zudem zeitlich flexibel anhand einer Vielzahl an E-Trainings weiterbilden.
Modul 1 | Führung
Coaching Skills for Future Research Managers and Future Academic Leaders
Online Workshop on January 27 and 28, 2025
The Key to Success - 7 Resilience Strategies for High-Flying Scientists
Online Workshop on February 3, 2025
Leadership Essentials
In-person Workshop on February 12 and 13, 2025
Supervision of PhD Candidates
In-person Workshop on September 16 and 17, 2025
Managing and Leading a Research Group
In-person Workshop on October 28 and 29, 2025
Professional Recruitment in Science
Online-Workshop on November 18 and 19, 2025
Transformational Leadership - How to lead in an authentic, inspiring and transformative Way*
In-person Workshop on December 4 and 5, 2025
Modul 2 | Management
Organizing Conferences in Academia Yourself: Objective Setting - Team Building - Project Start
Online Workshop on February 4, 2025
Strengthening Your Personal IT-Security in Research
Practice Oriented Exchange on February 11, 2025
Einführung in die Digital Humanities
Online-Workshop am 26. Februar 2025
Projektmanagement an Hochschulen (Online-Coaching-Programm) - Frühjahr
Online-Workshop ab dem 3. März bis zum 25. April 2025
Design Thinking (EN)*
In-person Workshop on March 20, 2025
Basics of the Law on Fixed-term Contracts ('WissZeitVG')
Online Workshop on April 10, 2025
Change Management - Shaping Change proactively*
Online Workshop on May 14, May 15, and May 21, 2025
Agile Methods Sprint*
In-person Workshop on June 27, 2025
Scrum Master Introduction
On-site Workshop on July 02 and 03, 2025
Projektmanagement an Hochschulen (Online-Coaching-Programm) - Herbst
Online-Workshop ab dem 1. September bis zum 24. Oktober 2025
Time and Project Management
In-person Workshop on September 5, 2024
Grundlagen des Befristungsrechts an Hochschulen - Das Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz
Online Workshop am 8. Oktober 2025
Modul 3 | Kommunikation
SciComm FOCUS | Increase the Impact of Your Research: Writing Good Policy Briefs
In-person Workshop on January 23, 2025
SciComm BASICS | Science Communication in a Digital World
Online Workshop on January 29 and 30, 2025
SciComm FOCUS | Science in the Spotlight - Video Production with Smartphone
In-person Workshop on February 20, 21 and 24, 2025
SciComm FOCUS (short) | Kooperation zwischen Wissenschaft und Pressestelle: Was braucht wer wofür bis wann warum?
Präsenz-Workshop am 12. März 2025
Efficient Collaboration and Communication in International and Transdisciplinary Teams
In-person Workshop on March 17, 2024
Successfully Leading Negotiations*
Online Workshop on March 19, 2025
SciComm FOCUS: Talk like TED - Convincing and Gripping Presentation*
In-person Workshop on April 1 and 2, 2025
Professional Moderation of Events*
In-person Workshop on June 5, 2025
Constructive Conflict Management*
In-person Workshop on September 18, 2025
SciComm FOCUS | Talk like TED - Convincing and Gripping Presentation*
In-person Workshop on November 13 and 14, 2025
Make an Impact! - Networking, Self-Marketing and Communication Skills*
In-person Workshop on December 2, 2025
Modul 4 | Forschung und Lehre
Mit Selbstreflexion die eigene Lehre und Lehrkompetenzen weiterentwickeln
Hybrid-Workshop am 4. Dezember 2024 und 15. Januar 2025
Praxiswerkstatt - Die erste Sitzung meiner Lehrveranstaltung planen
Präsenz-Workshop am 6. Januar 2025
Advanced Python for Scientists
In-person Workshop on January 13 and 14, 2025
Introduction to Programming with Python
In-person Workshop on January 20 and 21, 2025
Einführung in das deutsche Wissenschaftssystem für Wissenschaftsmanager*innen
Online-Workshop am 22. Januar 2025
Introduction to Working on HPC Clusters
In-person Workshop on January 22 and 23, 2025
SciComm FOCUS | Increase the Impact of Your Research: Writing Good Policy Briefs
In-person Workshop on January 23, 2025
Praxiswerkstatt – Präsentationen für die Lehre ansprechender gestalten
Präsenz-Workshop am 24. Januar 2025
Coaching Skills for Future Research Managers and Future Academic Leaders
Online Workshop on January 27 and 28, 2025
Praxiswerkstatt - The struggle is real! Herausforderungen in meiner Lehre bewältigen
Präsenz-Workshop am 28. Januar 2025
SciComm BASICS | Science Communication in a Digital World
Online Workshop on January 29 and 30, 2025
Gute Herstellungspraxis (GMP)
Online-Workshop am 4. und 5. Februar 2025
Organizing Conferences in Academia Yourself: Objective Setting - Team Building - Project Start
Online Workshop on February 4, 2025
Introduction to Statistics
In-person Workshop on February 5, 6 and 7, 2025
Linux Introduction Course
In-person Workshop on February 10 and 11, 2025
Advanced Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques
In-person Workshop on February 10, 2025
Version Control with Git
In-person Workshop on February 12 and 13, 2025
Good Laboratory Practice
In-person Workshop on February 13 and 14, 2025
Building a Raspberry Pi Cluster
In-person Workshop on February 17, 2025
SciComm FOCUS | Science in the Spotlight - Video Production with Smartphone
In-person Workshop on February 20, 21 and 24, 2025
Good Research Practice Advanced
Online Workshop on February 24, 2025
Einführung in die Digital Humanities
Online-Workshop am 26. Februar 2025
Publishing Journal Articles: Strategies for Success
Online Workshop on March 7, 2025
SciComm FOCUS (short) | Kooperation zwischen Wissenschaft und Pressestelle: Was braucht wer wofür bis wann warum?
Präsenz-Workshop am 12. März 2025
Advanced Machine Learning
In-person Workshop on March 17 - 21, 2025
Mastering Grant Applications: Identifying Funding Opportunities and Crafting Successful Proposals
Online Workshop on March 19 and 20, 2025
C++ and CUDA programming for Machine Learning
In-person Workshop on March 24, 25 and 26, 2025
Developing a Research and Funding Strategy
Online Workshop on June 24th and 25th
Juniorprofessur und Tenure Track-Professur kompakt: Rechte, Pflichten und Perspektiven (DHV)
Online-Workshop | mehrere Termine 2025
Modul 5 | Karriereplanung
How to become a professor! Academic career planning and optimizing
In-person Workshop on March 14, 2025
Strategic-Networking: How to Network for Career Collaborations & Conferences
In-person Workshop on March 27, 2025
First Audition? How to apply for professorships
Online Workshop on November 4 & 5, 2025
Online-Webcast |Academic career plannung and development
Online-Webcast on demand
Online-Webcast | I’m out of here! Leaving academia
Online-Webcast on demand
Online-Webcast | First Audition? How to apply for Professorships
Online-Webcast on demand
* Zu diesen Veranstaltungen können sich Teilnehmer*innen kooperierender Hochschulen des PE NRW Zertifikats "Qualifizierung für Berufsfelder in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft" anmelden. Die Teilnahme wird ermöglicht, wenn nach der Anmeldungsfrist noch Plätze zur Verfügung stehen (die nicht durch Beschäftigte der Universität Bonn gebucht wurden.)
* Participants of cooperating universities of the PE NRW certificate "Skills for Careers in Business and Society" can register for these events. Participation is permitted if there are places available after the registration deadline (that have not been booked by employees of the University of Bonn).
Petra Best
Sabine Kurth-Driessen
Lesen Sie auch
Research Management Track
Finden Sie hier die Veranstaltungen des Research Management Track im Careers plus Programm.
Business & Organizations Track
Finden Sie hier die Veranstaltungen des Business & Organizations Track im Careers plus Programm.
Careers plus Programm
Finden Sie hier eine Übersicht des Careers plus Programms für Wissenschaftler*innen ab Postdoc-Level.