Orientation & Career planning

Career Talk: How to Do a Career in Academia in Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Offered by the Human Resources Development

Get an overview of the most important aspects of an academic career in German-speaking countries. What career paths are there? What do I need to keep in mind? Where are potential obstacles and risks?

The speaker, Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf, has accompanied approximately 200 appointment procedures and appointment negotiations as a representative for the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena. Through this task, he has built up a broad knowledge of career paths in a wide range of natural sciences, humanities and social sciences. He works as trainer and consultant in the research sector for several years.

The event takes place in the context of the Postdoc Appreciation Week and is aimed at all interested postdocs not only from the University of Bonn.

Online Talk

Tuesday, September 19, 2023
10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.


Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf




Online via Zoom

Target group



Research Track


There is no certificate of attendance for this offer

Frau vor Laptop
© Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash


Career Planning In Academia

  • How are careers in Academia structured?
  • Why is becoming a professor the most relevant career goal in academia in Austria, Germany and Switzerland?
  • What are steps in between like Juniorprofessor, Tenure-Track-Professor and Postdoc and what are differences between them?
  • What should I do as Postdoc? How could I structure this career step?
  • What are the achievements I need like publications, 3rd-party-funding, networks etc.
  • Why do I need to know some difficulties and challenges like the Wisssenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz?

Q&A Session

Frequently asked questions

No. Human Resources Development will cover the costs.

Yes, if an event is fully booked, we will put you on the waiting list. You will then move up if a place becomes available again in time before the start of the event.

If you are employed at the University of Bonn and need childcare during an event, please contact the Family Office of the University of Bonn.

Everyone who  participates at the Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany 2023 can participate in this event.

There is no certificate of attendance for this event.


Avatar Kurth-Driessen

Sabine Kurth-Driessen


Registration and Organization

Poppelsdorfer Allee 31-33

53115 Bonn

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