Innovative Solutions with Idea Mining

A workshop offered by Transfer Center enaCom

Creativity is a relevant skill that benefits researchers, future specialists and managers across all industries. In everyday (scientific) work, a strong thematic focus can lead to ‘professional tunnel vision’, which prevents new and non-obvious aspects and potential innovations from being included

In-person Workshop

Thursday, September 4, 2025
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Dr. Florentin Schmidt and Christina Qaim




Alte Sternwarte
Poppelsdorfer Allee 47*

Target Group

Doctoral students and postdocs


 Business and Organizations


8 units are applicable within the Doctorate plus or Careers plus certificate

* The premises are not barrier-free. Please contact the Bonn Graduate Center if you need assistance.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© colourbox


In this workshop, you will learn to break through habitual thought patterns, develop creative ideas that create impact and approach problems unconventionally. As part of ‘idea mining’, we introduce creative techniques that free you from habitual thought patterns and open up new perspectives (‘get rid of the box’). 

In the workshop, we will go through the process of idea mining as a creative tool for innovation management together in interdisciplinary teams using a real example from science. A mix of different creative techniques will be used and the resulting ideas will then be analysed in terms of their usefulness and feasibility.

Idea mining was conceived by experts at the University of Münster and has since been successfully applied in more than 200 workshops in science, society and business. Typical applications range from interdisciplinary research collaboration to product and strategy development and marketing.


  • Getting to know idea mining using various creative tools with a real scientific example (topic: sustainability)
  • Personal soft skills development


Transfer Center enaCom

Dr. Florentin Schmidt

+49 228 73-6504


Brühler Str. 7
53119 Bonn

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