Building a Raspberry Pi Cluster

A workshop offered by the University IT and Data Center (HRZ)

What could be a better way to understand how an HPC cluster is built than building one yourself? We throw dozens of Raspberry Pis, Cables, SD-cards and stuff on a big table and see what happens.

In-person Workshop

Friday, July 4, 2025
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Jan Steiner




PC Room 0.012 at the HRZ,
Wegelerstr. 6

Target Group

Doctoral students and postdocs


Research, Business and Organizations


8 units are applicable within the Doctorate plus or Careers plus certificate

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© colourbox


At the end of the workshop you will have assembled a basic cluster, configured the network, and run the first MPI application on it, just like on one of its bigger siblings like Bonna or Bender.

This course is for everyone who is interested in learning how clusters work. You do not need to be an HPC user. Both employees and students can apply.
Basic knowledge of the Linux / UNIX shell is needed.

Registration happens via eCampus. Simply join this workshop like any other eCampus course (Uni-ID required).


  • Setting up the operating system
  • Configuring the network
  • Creating user accounts
  • Installing Software
  • Synchronization of system time
  • Mounting a file system
  • Setting and starting up the SLURM scheduler
  • Running MPI jobs


High Performance Computing at the University of Bonn



Wegelerstr. 6
53115 Bonn 

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