Writing Support Group for Doctoral Students

A support group facilitated by the Bonn Graduate Center and International Office

Do you ever feel alone, and you are not in the right mood to write? Do you want to share your thoughts and struggles on writing without worrying about the limited time you have with your supervisor? Do you have the data and results but struggle with formalizing your story? Do you feel you spend more time reading than writing? Do you find yourself only writing when you're in the mood, leaving no time for weekends or vacations?

In-house and online course

Wednesdays, starting July 3, 2024, 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
until December 18, 2024, 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 


Fatima Ali




Internationaler Club, Poppelsdorfer Allee 53 and via Zoom

Target Group

Doctoral students from all research areas in their second year or beyond

Registration Deadline

June 21, 2024


12 units are applicable within the Doctorate plus certificate

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
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If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the writing support group is the perfect fit for you. Whether you have a draft or not, as long as you are a doctoral student and have completed some analysis of your data, you are welcome to join us. Additionally, you can apply as a team of two to this group using the same questionnaire.

This student-led initiative, supported by the International Office at the University of Bonn and the Bonn Graduate Center, aims at supporting your writing progress. In the group, you will have the freedom to express your concerns regarding writing.

Our main goal is to cultivate a habit of writing, making it a regular and enjoyable part of your routine rather than a daunting task.

To join the group, please register and complete the questionnaire and indicate your willingness to participate.

Aim and Content

The aim of this writing support group is to assist in your writing progress and accelerate it. In order to get the best ouf the experience, participants will be encouraged to engage in two-hour individual writing sessions every day, excluding weekends. During these sessions, individuals will commit to different writing tasks such as generating text, reading, analysis, and ideation. However, participants should ensure that they generate some text every day, even if it's just one paragraph.

In addition to the daily individual writing sessions, participants are expected to attend weekly meetings held every Wednesday from 4 to 6 pm. Meetings will alternate between in-person sessions at the International Club on odd weeks and Zoom meetings on even weeks. During these meetings, participants will reflect on their writing progress and set weekly writing goals for the following week. Progress will be documented on a Google Sheet.

Weekly meetings serve as a platform for reflection, progress monitoring, and discussion of writing challenges and solutions. 

During the first two weeks, the focus will be on identifying the best time for each individual to write. Afterward, participants will adhere to this designated time for their daily writing sessions, fostering consistent writing habits, which are the ultimate goal of the group.

To join this writing group, participants should be at least in their second year of their doctorate or beyond and have already collected data or material for their research. 

We are eager to have participants who are fully committed to joining this group and have the necessary time to dedicate to it until the end of this year. We kindly request that if you feel you may not have the time or commitment to fully engage in this initiative, please refrain from signing up. We value your dedication and want to ensure that everyone involved can contribute meaningfully to the group's success.


Bonn Graduate Center 


+49 228 73-60141



Alte Sternwarte
Poppelsdorfer Allee 47
53115 Bonn

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