Evaluation: Getting serious with LEGO® -Discover your entrepreneurial mindset, January 25, 2024 Workshop "Getting serious with LEGO® -Discover your entrepreneurial mindset" @ Transfer Center enaCom, University of Bonn Please answer the questions below. Altogether, my expectations have been met. Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree The theoretical and practical parts were well balanced. Way too theoretical Too theoretical Well balanced Too practical Way too practical I learned new techniques/methods and gained new insights which I will be able to apply in the future. Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree The amount of workshop content was ... Way too much Too much Neither too much nor too little Too little Way too little The duration of the workshop was ... Way too long Too long Neither too long nor too short Too short Way too short Altogether, I think the lecturers were ... Excellent Good Average Poor Terrible I now have more clarity and feel better equipped to develop and evaluate potential business ideas. yes no Could you imagine becoming a founder yourself? yes no I need further advice/consultation. yes no Altogether, I think the workshop was ... Excellent Good Average Poor Terrible I would recommend the workshop. Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Are you interested in other, similar formats? yes no Further comments: max. 1.500 characters (ca. 4 sentences) Submit UniID Bitte füllen Sie dieses Feld mit dem im Platzhalter angegebenen Beispielformat aus. Die Telefonnummer wird gemäß der DSGVO verarbeitet. Links