The NeurotechEU Symposium, entitled “Advancing Neurotechnology — Bridging Brains, Machines and Society”, will be hosted by the University of Bonn on the ...
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Herzliche Einladung zum Konzert des Internationalen Chores mit Liedern aus aller Welt und zu Gunsten von Friends for Africa e.V. Der Eintritt ist frei.
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In this online seminar an expert from the German tenants’ association–Deutscher Mieterbund e.V.–will give you an overview of tenants’ rights and duties in ...
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We would like to invite you and your family and friends to a guided tour at the Bundeskunsthalle Bonn. We will visit the exhibition “Save Land. United for ...
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This information event will give you all the important answers to questions related to the German health care system and its contributions, (European) health ...
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Carnival–our famous fifth season in the Rhineland. We would like to bring you and your family closer to this special tradition of customs–from a historical but ...
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Die BigBand der Uni Bonn lädt sie herzlich zu ihrem Semesterabschlusskonzert mit dem Titel "Who asked?" am 28.01.2025 um 20:30 in der Aula der Uni Bonn ein. ...
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Filmvorführung „Eternal You – Vom Ende der Endlichkeit“ Was wäre, wenn der Tod eines Menschen nicht das Ende seines Lebens bedeuten würde? Was wäre, wenn ihre ...
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