NAS Lecture Series: Women, Power, and the Presidential Elections
PD Dr. Birte Christ Giessen University:
Women, Power, and the Presidential Elections:
Just four years ago, the election of the first “Madam President” seemed imminent: six women, the highest number ever, competed in the Democratic primaries. Though none of them clinched the nomination, Joe Biden’s choice of Kamala Harris as his Vice President suggested that a woman would rather sooner than later move into the Oval Office. But no. Why has it historically been so difficult for women to rise to the highest office? Which factors played into preventing a woman candidate in 2020, and Biden stepping aside for Harris or another female Democrat in 2024?
Women, Power, and the Presidential Elections:
Just four years ago, the election of the first “Madam President” seemed imminent: six women, the highest number ever, competed in the Democratic primaries. Though none of them clinched the nomination, Joe Biden’s choice of Kamala Harris as his Vice President suggested that a woman would rather sooner than later move into the Oval Office. But no. Why has it historically been so difficult for women to rise to the highest office? Which factors played into preventing a woman candidate in 2020, and Biden stepping aside for Harris or another female Democrat in 2024?
Tuesday, 09.07.24 - 06:00 PM
- 08:00 PM
NAS Lecture Series "The White House Embattled: The U.S. Election 2024"
Target groups
All interested
bpb:medienzentrum | Bundeskanzlerplatz 2e | 53113 Bonn
bpb:medienzentrum | Bundeskanzlerplatz 2e | 53113 Bonn
not required
Additional Information
North American Studies Program | in cooperation with the Amerika Haus NRW e. V., the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb), and the Deutsch-Kanadische Gesellschaft e. V. (DKG)