Earn International Qualifications

Certificate of Intercultural Competence

The University of Bonn values and supports extracurricular engagement in international and intercultural fields, offering the Certificate of Intercultural Competence as a tangible sign of appreciation for those active in this area. This is a free service, available to all students enrolled at the University of Bonn.

The multicultural reality of modern schooling makes intercultural skills crucial to successful teaching and thus part of teacher training. The Certificate of Intercultural Competence for teaching degrees provides students at the University of Bonn on a teaching degree with the opportunity to shape their individual profile. 

The certificate at a glance

Honing your international awareness, improving your language skills and networking with other students are the best ways to ensure diversity in your day-to-day life as a student as well as giving you key skills for working in an international context.

The Certificate of Intercultural Competence comprises four components, and students will need to complete three of them – and can do so in as many semesters as they like, from their bachelor’s right through to their doctorate.

The Certificate of Intercultural Comptence for teaching degrees als comprises four components. Students must complete three of the four components offered. At least one of the selected components must be tailored to the needs of teaching degrees. Possible teaching degree-specific aspects are listed under the relevant components. 

Certificate components and content

All activities that students actually completed outside Germany, such as an internship or period of study abroad or a research visit.

Students who obtained their university entrance qualification in Germany or at a German school abroad: study-related stay abroad (e.g. via the Erasmus Programme, the Global Exchange Program, a PROMOS scholarship or a stay abroad that they organized themselves).

Once you complete one of the three options listed below, you will have met all the requirements for Component A.

  • A1, Studying abroad
    Duration: at least three months
    Evidence: Confirmation of Stay/ Transcript of Records
  • A2, Internship abroad
    Duration: at least two months (although compulsory internships can be shorter)
    Evidence: internship certificate
  • A3, Research visit
    Duration: at least one month
    Evidence: confirmation from supervisor

Students who obtained their university entrance qualification outside Germany: study-related stay at the University of Bonn (e.g. via the Erasmus Programme or organized themselves).

  • A1, Studying at the University of Bonn
    Evidence: Transcript of Records/ certificate of enrollment
  • A2, Research visit to the University of Bonn
    Evidence: confirmation from supervisor
  • A3, Research visit
    Duration: at least one month
    Evidence: confirmation from supervisor

All activities geared toward acquiring specialist and linguistic skills such as language courses, international lecture series and summer schools.

You need to earn 25 points in total, meaning that you will have to complete B1, B2 or B3 successfully.

  • B1, Language courses
    Duration: at least 50 hours (four hours a week for one semester or two hours a week for two)
    Language courses can be taken in Germany or abroad
    Several language courses can be combined together
    Restriction: the language courses must be extracurricular and not connected to a student’s main studies, meaning that they cannot count towards their regular degree program.
    Courses taught at the University of Bonn (for international students): German language courses1
    Points: 25
    Evidence: confirmation of attendance/ printout from BASIS
  • B2, Lecture series with international relevance
    Restriction: the lecture series must be extracurricular and not connected to a student’s main studies, meaning that it cannot count towards their regular degree program.
    International lecture series at the University of Bonn: 
    BIMUN Lecture Series2 (Bonn International Model United Nations): Defensive Democracy in an Age of rising Populism and Extremism
    Lecture series IAAK: Research in Dialogue Lecture Series                                                      Lecture Series France: Identität, Flucht und Migration/ Identité, exil et migration                          Interdisciplinary Lecture Series of the ILZ: Zukunft pluriversal denken: Visionen, Zeitlichkeiten und neue Räume // Entre futuros: visiones pluriversales, temporalidades y nuevos espacios    Lecture Series of the Faculty of Philosophy: Engaged Anthropology: Reimagining Social Transformation through Collaborative Research                                                                  Students can also attend and count lecture series that form part of the standard timetable for the semester from BASIS3. You are welcome to contact us in advance if you have a question about what can be counted.

Points: 25
Evidence: confirmation of attendance (e.g. in the case of the BIMUN Lecture Series4) OR list of signatures5 (PDF) OR brief synopsis of the content (max. one page)

  • B3, Summer schools
    Duration: at least two weeks
    Students who obtained their university entrance qualification in Germany: the summer school must be held abroad
    Students who obtained their university entrance qualification outside Germany: the summer school can be held in any country apart from the student’s home country
    Current summer schools6 open for applications.
    Points: 25
    Evidence: confirmation of attendance

This component looks mainly at your extracurricular activities, such as supporting international students, acting as an ambassador for the University of Bonn, helping out at international events or being involved in international university groups at the University of Bonn.

You need to earn 25 points in total, preferably from two subareas of component C. 

  • C1, Supporting students/ doctoral students from abroad
    Study Buddy Program7 – meet-ups among international/ German students/ doctoral students
    Welcome Center for International Researchers8 – supporting visiting researchers from other countries
    Language tandem scheme at the Center for Language Learning (SLZ)9 – meet-ups for acquiring foreign language skills
    Language tandem exchange organized by the General Students’ Committee (AStA)10 – meet-ups for acquiring foreign language skills
    Points: 10 per pairing in the abovementioned initiatives
    Evidence: confirmation of attendance or report sheet11 (PDF)                                                              Program "MitSprache - Integration through language support for new immigrants12"                  Points: 25 per extracurricular participation in the seminar and voluntary engagement              Evidence: confirmation of attendance  
  • C2, Attending/ helping to organize International Office events and/ or events at the faculties
    Attending or helping to organize our country focus evenings
    Getting involved in the Welcome Days for international students
    Getting involved in the Study and Internships Abroad fair
    Getting involved in information events as a returning exchange student
    Attending or helping to organize International Club events                                                      Please feel free to contact us directly if you are interested! You can also read the program of International Office events as well as that from the International Club. The certificate newsletter provides more information on events.
    Points: 5 for attending, 10–25 for playing an active role in organizing
    Evidence: request this by email from zertifikat@uni-bonn.de the day after the event
  • C3, Ambassadorial activities at your host university/ the University of Bonn
    Actively representing the University of Bonn at your host university or your home university (i.e. the University of Bonn) by:
    Volunteering (Leadership Role) with the iStart program13                                                  Showcasing the relevant partner university at an event
    Playing an active role in a Study Abroad fair
    Organizing a country focus evening
    Points: 5–15 depending on the workload involved
    Evidence: email confirmation from the respective International Office
  • C4, Involvement in international university groups at the University of Bonn
    Overview of international student associations at the University of Bonn14
    Points: 15 per semester for being an active member, 20 for committee activities over the course of a semester
    Evidence: attestation/ confirmation from the university group

This component assesses your awareness of global contexts, processes and issues. You can choose between taking an intercultural training course and attending talks, exhibitions, etc. with an international focus.

You need to earn 25 points in total.

  • D1, Intercultural training
    Training put on by the University of Bonn or external organizers will count
    Content of the intercultural training courses15 and registration information
    Points: 20
    Evidence: confirmation of attendance
  • D2, Talks and events with an international focus
    Within and outside the University
    Restriction: the talks/ events must be extracurricular and not connected to a student’s main studies, meaning that they cannot count towards their regular degree program.
    Talks and events (selection):                                                                                                        BIMUN – individual talks from the lecture series                                                                          iStart program13 - individual events 
    City of Bonn16 – calendar of international events
    Bonn Adult Education Center (VHS)17
    fiw (Forum Internationale Wissenschaft) - individual talks from the various lecture series
    Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb)18 – individual events
    German-Japanese scientific partnerships on the Rhine19
  • Points: 2.5 for attending one event
    Evidence: list of signatures20 (PDF) or brief synopsis of the content (max. one page)

Certificate components and content for teaching degrees

All activities that students actually completed outside Germany, such as an internship or period of study abroad or a research visit.

Once you complete one of the three options listed below, you will have met all the requirements for Component A.

  • A1, Studying abroad with a subject didactic and/ or educational science component 
    Duration: at least three months
    Evidence: Confirmation of Stay/ Transcript of Records
  • A2, International school internship
    Duration: at least two months (although compulsory internships can be shorter)
    Evidence: internship certificate
  • A3, Research visit abroad with a subject didactic and/ or educational science focus
    Duration: at least one month
    Evidence: confirmation from supervisor

All activities geared toward acquiring specialist and linguistic skills such as language courses, international lecture series and summer schools.

You need to earn 25 points in total, meaning that you will have to complete B1, B2 or B3 successfully.

  • B1, Language courses
    Duration: at least 50 hours (four hours a week for one semester or two hours a week for two)
    Language courses can be taken in Germany or abroad
    Several language courses can be combined together
    Restriction: the language courses must be extracurricular and not connected to a student’s main studies, meaning that they cannot count towards their regular degree program.
    Courses taught at the University of Bonn 
    Points: 25
    Evidence: confirmation of attendance/ printout from BASIS
  • B2, Lecture series with international relevance
    Restriction: the lecture series must be extracurricular and not connected to a student’s main studies, meaning that it cannot count towards their regular degree program.
    International lecture series at the University of Bonn: 
    BIMUN Lecture Series2 (Bonn International Model United Nations): Defensive Democracy in an Age of Emerging Populism and Extremism                                                                                      Lecture series IAAK: Research in Dialogue Lecture Series                                                              Lecture Series France: Identität, Flucht und Migration/ Identité, exil et migration                          Interdisciplinary Lecture Series of the ILZ: Zukunft pluriversal denken: Visionen, Zeitlichkeiten und neue Räume // Entre futuros: visiones pluriversales, temporalidades y nuevos espacios  Lecture Series of the Faculty of Philosophy: Engaged Anthropology: Reimagining Social Transformation through Collaborative Research                                                                        Students can also attend and count lecture series that form part of the standard timetable for the semester from BASIS3. You are welcome to contact us in advance if you have a question about what can be counted.
    Points: 25
    Evidence: confirmation of attendance (e.g. in the case of the BIMUN Lecture Series4) OR list of signatures5 (PDF) OR brief synopsis of the content (max. one page)
  • B3, Summer schools with a subject didactic or educational science focus
    Duration: at least two weeks
    The summer school must be held abroad.
    Points: 25
    Evidence: confirmation of attendance

This component looks mainly at your extracurricular activities, such as supporting international students, acting as an ambassador for the University of Bonn, helping out at international events or being involved in international university groups at the University of Bonn.

You need to earn 25 points in total, preferably from two subareas of component C. 

  • C1, Supporting students/ doctoral students from abroad
    Study Buddy Program7 – meet-ups among international/ German students/ doctoral students
    Welcome Center for International Researchers8 – supporting visiting researchers from other countries
    Language tandem scheme at the Center for Language Learning (SLZ)9 – meet-ups for acquiring foreign language skills
    Language tandem exchange organized by the General Students’ Committee (AStA)10 – meet-ups for acquiring foreign language skills
    Points: 10 per pairing in the abovementioned initiatives
    Evidence: confirmation of attendance or report sheet11 (PDF)                                                            Program "MitSprache - Integration through language support for new immigrants12"                  Points: 25 per extracurricular participation in the seminar and voluntary engagement              Evidence: confirmation of attendance 
  • C2, Attending/ helping to organize International Office events and/or events at the faculties
    Attending or helping to organize our country focus evenings
    Getting involved in the Welcome Days for international students
    Getting involved in the Study and Internships Abroad fair
    Getting involved in information events as a returning exchange student
    Attending or helping to organize International Club events                                                
    Please feel free to contact us directly if you are interested! You can also read the program of International Office events as well as that from the International Club. The certificate newsletter provides more information on events.
    Points: 5 for attending, 10–25 for playing an active role in organizing
    Evidence: request this by email from zertifikat@uni-bonn.de the day after the event
  • C3, Activities as a teaching degree ambassador
    Pädagogischer Austauschdienst (PAD): Campus ambassador21
    German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): International teaching degree ambassador22 or peer- advice about studying abroad within the scope of a teaching degree (contact: Frauke Fechner, ffechne1@uni-bonn.de)
    Points: 5–15 depending on the workload involved
    Evidence: email confirmation from the respective International Office
  • C4, Activity in an international/ intercultural club, association or an organization active in the educational science/ schools sector
    Europa macht Schule23
    Weitblick e.V.24
    AsA e.V.25
    Points: 15 per semester for being an active member, 20 for committee activities over the course of a semester, 10 for the participation in the program "Back to School26"
    Evidence: attestation/ confirmation from the university group

This component assesses your awareness of global contexts, processes and issues. You can choose between taking an intercultural training course and attending talks, exhibitions, etc. with an international focus.

You need to earn 25 points in total.

  • D1, Intercultural training for a teaching context
    e.g. with the scope of the extraC-Program from the Bonn Center for Teaching Education (BLZ) 
    Points: 20
    Evidence: confirmation of attendance
  • D2, Educational Sciences/ school teaching experience with an international orientation
    Within and outside the University
    Restriction: the talks/ events must be extracurricular and not connected to a student’s main studies, meaning that they cannot count towards their regular degree program.
    Points: 2.5 for attending one event
    Evidence: list of signatures20 (PDF) or brief synopsis of the content (max. one page)

Process and registration

Students register via an online portal, which is also used to record the individual pieces of evidence provided. Each certificate is issued individually and confirms your engagement with international issues.

The first thing to do is register online. Please read How to Register on Mobility-Online carefully before registering. You will then be able to subscribe to the monthly newsletter, which provides details of international events, workshops and vacancies.

Obtaining evidence and credit for activities

Once you have registered, you should record the activities that will count toward your certificate in your Mobility-Online account, where you can add information about your activities and upload the corresponding evidence at any time. As soon as you have provided and uploaded all the necessary evidence, you can ask for your certificate to be issued.


All students enrolled at the University can register.

You can earn points toward your certificate through extracurricular activities not related to your degree program. The Certificate components and content box on the website contains all you need to know about what activities, events, etc. will qualify. Please do not hesitate to ask whether other kinds of activities that you have done can also be counted.

Once you have signed up, you will be able to enter your activities in the online portal and upload relevant evidence.

You can complete your certificate at any time while you are a student (bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral) at the University of Bonn.

Once you have uploaded all the necessary documents to Mobility-Online, we will check that they are complete. If nothing is missing, we will issue your certificate. While we are still unable to see anyone in person, we will send you your certificate by mail.

Intercultural Trainings

Interactive intercultural training teaches students theoretical input that they then immediately apply in exercises. Substantial intercultural experience would be an advantage but is not an essential requirement. The training is particularly recommended for people gearing up for a stay abroad but also for those studying in Germany.


Avatar Haag

Vanessa Haag

Certificate of Intercultural Competence


Poppelsdorfer Allee 53

53115 Bonn (Germany)

Office hours

Please make an appointment via eCampus30

  • Thursday
    01:00 pm to 03:30 pm

  • and by appointment
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