2025 Internationalization Strategy

Internationalization is a central element of the overall orientation and development plan at the University of Bonn. The goal is to maintain the current high level of internationality and to continue advancing the internationalization process.

Internationalization objectives and action areas through the year 2025

We firmly believe that internationalization contributes substantially to realizing further quality and competitiveness gains across all areas of activity at the University of Bonn. Accordingly, we are committed to more firmly ensconcing internationalization broadly at the University, setting objective in the areas of research, degree programs, teaching and administration to be attained by the year 2025.

Recruiting is at the heart of the 2025 Internationalization Strategy, as we seek to attract outstanding international academics and students by offering an optimal environment for research, study and teaching at the University in preparation for entering highly competitive global job markets in academia and the private sector.

To facilitate execution of the Strategy, these five internationalization action areas have been defined, each with its own set of objectives.

Action areas

  • Internationalization of academic research
  • Internationalization of study offerings and teaching
  • Framework for internationalization
  • Strategic partnerships
  • Collaborations based in the international city of Bonn

We believe internationalization requires organizational implementation across many different areas, thus to achieve all of the objectives, broad measures are defined which in part are implemented by the central units (Vice Rectorate for International Affairs and International Office) and in part by the faculties and cross-departmental organizational units.

HRK Audit: Internationalization of Universities

In 2017, the University of Bonn successfully passed the audit “Internationalization of Universities” by the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK). As part of the re-audit, the internationalization process is currently being promoted and an implementation plan with more than 85 measures at central and decentralized level is being formulated. The HRK accompanies the implementation process until the beginning of 2023.

Guiding principles for internationalization

In addition to the paramount 2020 Internationalization Strategy, the University of Bonn has adopted guiding princples on certain aspects of its internationalization.

2025 Internationalization Strategy of the Faculties, Departments and Institutes

Sustainability in international cooperation

The International Office has drawn up a set of guidelines outlining a range of approaches and strategies to establishing international cooperation at the University of Bonn on a more sustainable footing. It provides numerous suggestions to this end, setting out the options open to internationally mobile academics and the organizers of international events. It also provides a number of useful tips designed to make events held in Bonn more sustainable.


Avatar Münch

Prof. Dr. Birgit Ulrike Münch

Vice Rector for International Affairs

Dechenstraße 3-11

53115 Bonn

Avatar Fuchs-Bodde

Dr. Katharina Fuchs-Bodde



Poppelsdorfer Allee 53

53115 Bonn (Germany)

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