
International Partnerships and Cooperation Programs

The University of Bonn is active in a large number of international networks and projects. Working together with its many partner universities, the University maintains a range of joint programs, providing students and researchers alike with a range of opportunities to cooperate with leading international institutions of higher education.

University Partnerships

The University of Bonn maintains a number of partnerships with institutions of higher education throughout the world. Managed on both an interdisciplinary and inter-faculty level, these partnerships cover a wide range of programs and projects. Various faculties and institutes also maintain separate specialist collaborations. Find out more about our international partners.

Hochschulrektoren reichen sich die Hände.
© Dick van Aalst/ Radboud University
© Volker Lannert/ Universität Bonn

Research Cooperations

Our researchers work in research projects with colleagues based in countries throughout the world. Many of these projects are based on third-party funding; a number of them are conducted at the cutting edge of academic innovation.

Regional Priorities in International Cooperation

Working on the basis of existing intensive academic contacts, shared values and regional ties, the University has identified eight countries as areas for targeted cooperation. Strategic partner universities have been identified in six of these countries and cooperations with existing partners have been expanded systematically. One of these future areas of focus is the “Global South”, with which we plan to specialize in capacity building activities and the mobilization and exchange of knowledge and expertise.

Flaggen verschiedener Staaten
© Michael Sondermann/ Bundesstadt Bonn
Landschaft in Afrika, Flach im Vordergrund. Berglandschaft im Hintergrund
© Bisrat Haile Gebrekidan/ Universität Bonn

Cooperation Programs with Africa

The University of Bonn maintains a range of different links with Africa; we plan to extend them even further.

Die EU-Flagge weht im Wind.
© Colourbox.com

The European Strategy

Working within the scope of its European strategy, the University is planning to expand its level of involvement in European cooperation projects and networks.

© Unsplash.com

Advice about International Cooperation and Grant Programs

The International Office provides advice to all those seeking to establish and obtain funding for programs of international cooperation.


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Tina Odenthal

Partnerships and International Researchers


Poppelsdorfer Allee 102

53115 Bonn (Germany)

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