Well advised

Advice about International Cooperation and Grant Programs

One of the most important questions when seeking to establish a new research or exchange partnership program or develop an existing program further, is how to finance it.

Programs Administered by the International Office

Depending on the strategy, the University sets incentives for internationalization through the central acquisition and award of funding.


The expansion of global cooperation programs sharpens the profile of the University of Bonn and represents an important part of its Excellence Strategy. The central goals in this context are the systematic and ongoing development of strategic partnerships (e.g. Networks 4/ Global Competence Centers) and the targeted funding of cooperation agreements with universities in the Global South (e.g. Impact 3/ Cooperation in the Global South).

We currently provide four grant programs to reach these goals, which seek to support the internationalization of Bonn’s researchers across all disciplines. Our internationalization strategy focuses its activities in the funding and international expansion of high-profile research areas (Transdisciplinary Research Areas).

Call for Proposals in the Scope of the Excellence Strategy1

Erasmus+ funds cooperations and (usually multilateral) projects for the promotion of mobility and university cooperation.

Erasmus+ at the University of Bonn2

The Collège de France in Paris is one of the leading French institutions of academia. The members of the Collège de France are internationally-leading academic figures in their respective fields of expertise.

The form of cooperation practiced between the Collège de France and the University of Bonn in the Ernst Robert Curtius visiting professorship is unique within Germany. Professors from the Collège use the funding to give guest lectures at the University of Bonn. Applications can be made every year up to March.

Learn more3

Working within the scope of its own internationalization policy, the Collège de France invites international professors to give lectures in Paris every year; its international early-career researchers promotion scheme also provides doctoral students and postdocs with the opportunity to conduct research in Paris.

The Rectorate of the University of Bonn has appointed Prof. Dr. Nicolas Wernert and Dr. Willi Jung to liaise with the Collège de France.

The University of Bonn has acquired funding from the DAAD Eastern Partnership Program. The stated aim of the program is to provide funding to promote relations with universities in central, east and south eastern Europe and the countries of the CIS. Partnerships are funded in all disciplines and at all academic levels.

The University of Bonn has established partnerships agreements with the University of Warsaw, Charles University Prague, the University of Wrocław and HSE University St. Petersburg.

The main focus of the program rests on establishing exchange programs for students and academics from all disciplines. The program also provides funding to cover the travel expenses of members of the University of Bonn to the partner universities and the residence costs of international guests in Bonn. The International Office is the nerve center of international operations at the University of Bonn, with responsibility for the planning, processing and accounting of funding.

Please address all questions about the levels of funding available and opportunities for participation in the program to the International Office. We are happy to help. Applications for funding must have been received by the International Office by November 30 to ensure funding for activities planned for the following year.

Information about Further Sources of Funding

The restrictions to which internal university funding is subject means that the acquisition of third-party funding is attaining ever-greater significance. A large number of organizations provide grant programs within the scope of international cooperation.

Funding Organizations and Foundations

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation funds academic cooperation between excellent international and German researchers through the award of scholarships and prizes.

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation43

Are you a researcher, academic or student interested in international projects and cooperation? The Kooperation International website provides a comprehensive guide to international cooperation in the areas of education and research. The latest grant programs and announcements are issued in the “news” section.

Kooperation International54

The DAAD provides funding to enable German universities to extend their international networks and realize their internationalization strategies.

Information for Universities6

In mobilizing a range of specialized scholarships and advice programs, the DAAD has established itself as a key actor in the development cooperation sector. Countries in the Global South are acquiring increasing significance as partners in the race to find solutions to pressing questions of future global strategy. At the same time, the value of a university education is gaining in importance within these rapidly developing countries.

Further Information on Development Cooperation7


The DAAD has a range of funding opportunities for all comers – recent graduates, junior scholars, those seeking to teach and research internationally and university professors.

Further Information about Teaching Outside Germany87

A number of DFG funds and programs have a specific international emphasis. International research cooperation can be realized within the scope of individual programs, coordinated programs and preparatory measures. This is supplemented by a range of regional and subject-specific sources of funding and projects for the promotion of early-career researchers, visiting professorships and funding for conferences, contact and lecture trips.

The German Research Foundation98

“Horizon 2020” was established in 2014 as the new EU framework program to provide funding for research and innovation. Working together with the EU structural funds, it provides funding for researchers from academia and industry in the realization of new ideas. Funding is provided in all phases, from foundational research to practical research and the market launch of new technologies and services. Further information:

The portal of the NRW state government109

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research1110

The JSPS awards funding for research visits to Japan and provides information about Japanese universities and research institutes.

The JSPS grant program1211

Foundations are becoming ever-more important in the acquisition of additional third-party funding for the promotion of research and teaching. Stiftungsindex.de is a catalog of all foundations in Germany.

Stiftungsindex, not-for-profit German foundations1312


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Tina Odenthal

Partnerships and International Researchers


Poppelsdorfer Allee 102

53115 Bonn (Germany)

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