The Europe Strategy of the University of Bonn

Increasing collaboration with partners in the European landscape of academic research and teaching is a primary objective for the University of Bonn, which aims to leverage to greater effect existing instruments for inter-networking academic institutions throughout the European Union. The University is sharpening its competitiveness for receiving European research funding, and will be making use of European Union programs for expanding mobility and networking in higher education. In collaboration with select partner universities, the University works to realize the idea of Europe ever more perfectly, in part through cultural exchange, mobility and language-learning initiatives.

Action area Internationalization of Academic Research:

Increasing the quantity and success rate of EU research funding applications

Lab work

Researchers at the University of Bonn are plugged into a large global network, collaborating across all six continents and quite frequently publishing jointly with international colleagues. Many academics in Bonn are involved in international collaborative projects that receive matching-funds grants from German and international organizations.

The University of Bonn is planning to increasingly draw on this potential to further develop existing network relationships within Europe, particularly in the areas of securing ERC grants, participating in EU joint projects and International Training Networks (ITN) and establishing European doctoral programs. A European transfer strategy has been devised to ensure more structured development and promotion of transfer-related activities which in the past have been pursued solely if and as spearheaded by individual academics.

Objectives and measures

  1. Development and expansion of European research and innovation networks through greater leveraging of Horizon Europe and Erasmus+ KA2.
  2. Expansion of joint doctorate programs and doctoral programs involving European partners (including particularly securing increased grant funding in connection with Marie Skłodowska Curie Initial Training Networks).
  3. Outlining of a transfer strategy aligned with the EU strategy.
  1. Improve administrative support for securing EU grant funding.
  2. Acquire KA2 projects within the framework of the NeurotechEU European University.
  3. Proactively identify and provide administrative support for EU transfer projects such as ERC Proof of Concept and Erasmus innovation partnerships.

Action area Internationalization of Study Offerings and Teaching:

Enhance incoming mobility, expand offering of joint European degree programs

The Erasmus+ program is solidly ensconced and anchored in the faculties, our partnership network consisting of 287 universities (575 contracts) located in 30 countries. The Erasmus budget has risen greatly over the past 20 years, and mobility of University of Bonn students is now at a high level relative to other universities nationwide.

The University of Bonn intends to capitalize in targeted fashion on its geographic location in the heart of Europe in its efforts to further internationalize study offerings and teaching. In the area of student mobility, we aim at attracting students from Erasmus program countries in particular as well as creating additional global mobility projects with Erasmus partner countries (KA 107 and KA 171). Digital and hybrid courses offered in cooperation with our European partners will further internationalize our existing degree programs. Moreover, we aim at boosting scientific exchange and cooperation among instructors by creating additional joint degree programs and making increased used of Erasmus teaching staff mobility programs.

Graduation celebrations
© Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn

Objectives and measures

  1. Increase the number of incoming exchange students in bachelor’s degree programs, expand Erasmus mobility across the board (with focus on KA 107 and KA 171).
  2. Develop and expand use of digital and hybrid international cooperation formats utilized as part of University of Bonn degree programs.
  3. Win bids to host joint degree programs, particularly within the Erasmus Mundus framework.
  1. Enhance administrative support for Erasmus+ KA 107 and KA 171, develop and expand English-language modules for BA programs.
  2. Early adoption regarding utilization of the new funding opportunities for blended teaching and virtual mobility as part of the Erasmus framework program for 2021–2027.
  3. Targeted incentives for application filing, administrative support for Erasmus Mundus applications.

Action area Strategic Partnerships:

Strengthening university partnerships and networking throughout Europe

University rectors shake hands
© Dick van Aalst/ Radboud University

The University of Bonn maintains partnerships at institute, faculty and university level with more than 200 universities around the world. To sharpen its international profile and further increase European cooperation, we are part of the European University of Brain and Technology (NeurotechEU1), which is the European equivalent to our strategic partnerships outside the EU.

As part of the European University framework, we aim to strengthen and increase cooperation with our seven partner universities in research, teaching and administration, thus contributing to the establishment of this network throughout Europe over the long term. In addition, we will be working to cultivate relationships with other universities through membership in EU-wide networks concerned with science and academic policy.

Objectives and measures

  1. Obtain contract renewal for the NeurotechEU European University.
  2. Join strategically important networks of European universities.
  3. Identify further candidates within the EU for institution-level university partnerships.
  1. Develop structures and processes across faculties and administrative units to facilitate successful completion of the first funding phase of NeurotechEU.
  2. File membership applications for select European university networks.
  3. Conduct digital fact-finding missions within the EU.


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Dr. Katharina Fuchs-Bodde



Poppelsdorfer Allee 53

53115 Bonn (Germany)

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