University Partnerships
As an international research university, the University of Bonn maintains a variety of excellent relationships with renowned higher education institutions from around the globe. As a result, the university’s international connections are extremely diverse: In addition to the numerous research collaborations of its scholars, institutes and faculties, the University of Bonn has also cultivated an impressive cross-faculty partnership network with over 70 higher education institutions worldwide. Moreover, the Erasmus+ program provides for lively exchange with over 300 European higher education institutions.
Partner Universities
A number of departments and institutes are involved in inter-faculty and university-wide partnership programs. Often with a long history, they have been established on a long-term footing. Many of these partnership agreements incorporate a student exchange program or shared degree programs and are centrally managed. The University of Bonn maintains especially close contacts with its six strategic partner universities.
Other Cooperations and Networks
- United Nations University4 (Tokyo, Bonn)
Within the scope of the Erasmus program, the University of Bonn cooperates at departmental level with nearly 300 partner universities in Europe. Through Erasmus+ worldwide, there are further cooperations with partner universities in Armenia, Georgia, Israel, Tanzania and USA.
NeurotechEU is an alliance of eight leading European universities and over 250 partners from industry, academia and civil society that have set themselves the mission of building an innovative, trans-European network of excellence for brain research and technologies.
- Associate Supporter of the German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH) Tokyo7
- Member of the Inter University Centre Dubrovnik (IUC)8
The various faculties and institutes at the University of Bonn maintain many of their own cooperation projects. More information about these projects can be obtained by directly contacting the respective faculty or institute.
Tina Odenthal
Poppelsdorfer Allee 102
53115 Bonn (Germany)