22. February 2022

Committed to sustainability Committed to sustainability

University of Bonn unveils its own sustainability program BOOST

Sustainability at the University of Bonn now has a name: Bonn Program for Sustainable Transformation (BOOST) encapsulates the wide-ranging knowledge, projects and commitment of University members for responsibility in how we treat our fellow human beings, our natural world and its resources.

The University of Bonn unveils own sustainability program BOOST.
The University of Bonn unveils own sustainability program BOOST. © Volker Lannert/University of Bonn
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Sustainability has been an integral part of the University of Bonn’s development for a long time now. With its new mission statement, “Working Together for Sustainability,” the University is setting itself sustainability goals and committing itself to sustainable development on campus, to which all its members can contribute. The aim is to gradually reduce environmental pollution and the consumption of resources in the interests of climate neutrality, help to answer urgent questions facing society through top-class research and teaching, and establish a culture of sustainability at the University of Bonn.

The University is pressing ahead with developing a comprehensive sustainability strategy and embedding sustainability systematically in everything it does to ensure a present and future worth living in. The Bonn Program for Sustainable Transformation (BOOST) brings all of the University’s sustainability work under one roof. Says Prof. Dr. Annette Scheersoi, Vice Rector for Sustainability: “For us, BOOST is more than just a slogan. This new program stands for sustainable behavior at the University of Bonn, for our responsibility and for our commitment to doing our bit for a society that’s fit for the future.”

Various key players are joining forces at the University of Bonn to foster a culture of sustainability: the student-run “Green Office”, student initiatives such as the “Fairtrade University” group and numerous sustainability working groups and dedicated individuals in central and decentralized areas of the University. The Vice Rectorate and the Sustainability Unit are pooling the efforts of everybody involved and coordinating the transformation process. Prof. Scheersoi adds: “It’s wonderful to see how many initiatives are coming together, continuing to evolve and being brought to life. BOOST is a byword for all of this and an invitation to all students and staff to drive sustainability forward together.”

In its mission statement, the University sets out its sustainability goals and undertakes to formulate measures for achieving them. According to Prof. Scheersoi, however, real change can only happen if everyone pulls together: “We’ve got a massive amount of potential at the University and can have a direct impact on society through our engagement as an agent of change. Driving forward this transformation and helping it on its way is an exciting task.”

All the University’s sustainability activities—across research, teaching and operations—come under the BOOST umbrella. Adopting the mantra “Nachhaltigkeit (er)leben” (“experiencing and embracing sustainability”), its members take part in regular campaign months by, for example, making suggestions on integrating sustainability into our day-to-day lives or getting involved in projects to make their campus sustainable.

Vice Rectorate Sustainability

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