24. March 2022

In-Person Teaching in the 2022 Summer Semester In-Person Teaching in the 2022 Summer Semester

Like other universities in North Rhine-Westphalia and across Germany, the University of Bonn is planning to return to in-person teaching for the upcoming summer semester.

Summer Semester with on-site teaching
Summer Semester with on-site teaching - The University of Bonn is approaching a summer semester on site. © Photo: Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn
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Most of the legal provisions introduced to combat the coronavirus will soon expire as
things stand. Like other universities in North Rhine-Westphalia and across Germany, the University of Bonn is planning to return to in-person teaching for the upcoming summer semester. Under the current plan, the main focus will once again be on event formats organized on site. However, hybrid or online teaching may also be offered in the areas where this is possible.

The faculties are engaged in regular dialogue with University management and will adjust their plans if need be. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia has not yet issued any specific coronavirus-related rules and regulations for the upcoming semester. Needless to say, University operations may still be modified in the course of the summer semester depending on the trend in case numbers and hospitalizations and the associated legal provisions and ordinances.

Regardless of any binding legal regulations, the Rectorate is advising people to continue limiting personal contact and taking the same familiar hygiene measures when on site as a precautionary measure. In particular, medical or FFP2 masks should still be worn when moving about inside a room, in corridors, etc.

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