09. June 2023

Impressive Results in THE Impact Ranking for Sustainability Impressive Results in THE Impact Ranking for Sustainability

University of Bonn places in Top 50 among universities in two categories

The Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking 2023 sees the University of Bonn among the Top 50 universities worldwide in two of five ranked categories. The study highlights the impact of universities on the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). It is the first time that the University participated in this relatively new ranking.

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With a ranking of 45th place, the University achieved its best results in SDG 2 — Zero Hunger. This section of the rankings concentrates on research at the university on the topic of eliminating hunger as well as its degree programs and instructional offerings on sustainable foods and agriculture. An additional focus is placed on initiatives to fight food waste and global hunger and promote healthy and affordable foodstuffs.

SDG 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions also earned recognition for the University, finishing at 50th place worldwide. This ranking is focused on how universities promote the rule of law at the national and international level, as well as peace and justice. It explores research being conducted at the universities on law and international relations, the scientific consulting they provide governments and society, their commitment to academic freedom and to needs-oriented, inclusive, participatory, and representative decision-making at all levels.

The University also achieved good results in three other SDG categories: SDG 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation (ranked 101-200), SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth (ranked 201-300), and SDG 3 – Good Health and Wellbeing (ranked 401-600). Overall, the University stands well toward the front or middle of the main pack.

“For us, this initial participation in the impact rankings offers us valuable feedback about where to go from here,” explains Dr. Annette Scheersoi, Vice Rector for Sustainability at the University of Bonn. “The very good results in two of five sub-rankings shows that we are quite strong in certain areas and are on the right path in others in worldwide comparison. The results offer additional suggestions about where we might further reinforce our sustainability work to support the goals of the United Nations in the best possible way, and to drive continued sustainable transformation of our University.”

The Rankings

THE Impact Rankings from the British magazine Times Higher Education (THE) are the sole global rankings to assess universities based on the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals as determined from reviews of an institution's research, administration, PR work, and teaching. This was the University of Bonn’s first time joining the rankings, and it submitted information for five of the 17 potential sub-rankings. In addition, THE also assessed its research performance in the respective thematic fields. Beyond this, qualitative and quantitative indicators had to be described and documented by the participating universities. 1,591 universities in total took part in at least one of the 17 rankings.

For more information, please visit: https://www.timeshighereducation.com/impactrankings1

For more information on the topic of sustainability: https://www.uni-bonn.de/nachhaltigkeit2

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