The €10,000 Doctoral Award was instigated in 2009 and recognizes superlative doctoral theses of exceptional scientific or academic relevance. This year’s was won by Dr. med. Alexander Marc Böhner for his thesis entitled “Der Einfluss des lokalen Nervensystems auf Inflammationsprozesse der murinen Niere” (“The influence of the local nerve system on inflammation processes of murine kidneys”).
Dr. med. Leon von der Emde scooped the Bonn Award for Medicine for his doctorate on the subject of “Struktur-Funktions-Korrelation in gesunden Probanden sowie Patienten mit retinaler Atrophie in Gegenwart chorioidaler Neovaskularisationen bei altersabhängiger Makuladegeneration” (“Structure-function correlation in healthy subjects and patients with retinal atrophy in the presence of choroidal neovascularization in the case of age-related macular degeneration”). The €5,000 prize is funded by the Prof. Dr. Rolf und Dr. Gisela Dederich-Stiftung and has been awarded since 2012.
The Dr. Edmund ter Meer Award, which honors outstanding doctoral theses in chemistry, was presented this year to Dr. Tristan Keller in recognition of his work entitled “Selbstassemblierte Monolagen organischer Moleküle auf Festkörperoberflächen” (“Self-assembled monolayers of organic molecules on solid surfaces”). Worth €2,000, the accolade was sponsored by the Geheimrat Dr.-Edmund-ter-Meer-Stiftung.
bonnFM Wins Initiative Award
However, the University of Bonn is not only home to some excellent researchers - it also has many highly dedicated students too. With its Initiative Award, the UGB recognizes individuals and groups who give up their own time to support their fellow students, put them in touch with contacts in the world of work and help foster dialogue with the general public. This year’s €2,000 in prize money will be going to bonnFM, the student radio station of the University of Bonn and Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences.
The selection committee was chaired by Professor Max P. Baur and also included Professor Svenja Hippel, Professor Christian Strassburg, Professor Ute C. Vothknecht, Dr. Martina Krechel-Engert, Marion Duisberg, Dr. Andrea Niehaus and Thomas Regge as well as Janna Reif, who represented the presidency of the General Students’ Committee.