20. November 2020

Highly cited Bonn researchers University of Bonn represented in the ranking "Highly Cited Researchers 2020"

University of Bonn represented in the ranking "Highly Cited Researchers 2020"

With a total of 14 researchers, the University of Bonn is represented this year in the international ranking of "Highly Cited Researchers".

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According to the creators of the ranking, the persons on this list of "Highly Cited Researchers" belong to the most influential one percent of their field worldwide. The benchmark is the frequency with which their scientific publications were cited by other researchers in the past decade (period from 2009 to 2019). The ranking is published annually by the "Web of Science Group" and contains around 6,200 scientists in 21 subject categories.

Rector Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch commented on the ranking: "Outstanding and globally recognized scientists and scholars who belong to the global top of their respective disciplines significantly shape the leadership and outstanding reputation of the University of Excellence Bonn. We are very proud of the above-mentioned personalities and are pleased that the University of Bonn once again occupies a leading position in Germany. We will continue to work to attract the best minds in each discipline at all career levels in order to develop excellent research and innovative teaching into the future. "

The most cited researchers at the University of Bonn and their subjects are:

- Frank Ewert, Agricultural science
- Armin Falk, Economics
- Eicke Latz, Immunology
- Michael T. Heneka, Cross-Field
- Mihai G. Netea, Microbiology and Immunology
- Stefan Grimme, Chemistry
- Wolfgang Maier, Cross-Field
- Andreas Schlitzer, Cross-Field
- Moritz Schularick, Economics
- Joachim L. Schultze, Cross-Field
- Michael Wagner, Cross-Field

The list of highly cited researchers also includes another female and two male scientists who are primarily affiliated with other institutions, but who are or were academically connected to the University of Bonn:

- Monique M. B. Breteler, Cross-Field, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)
- Frank Neese, Chemistry, Max Planck Society

Another scientist from another institution was at the University of Bonn until 2017:

- Christian Drosten, Cross-Field, Charité Berlin

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