All scientific employees or assistants of the university, including the University Hospital Bonn (UKB), can apply. Start-up projects are supported in the preparation, validation and development of marketable products or services. During the funding period, the underlying research result should be further developed towards marketability in order to take the next step towards founding a company or to be eligible for public start-up funding. The Transfer Center enaCom supports all successful applicants with a comprehensive consulting and coaching program.
Material resources and contracts with service providers are financed. The application process consists of two phases: First, interested parties submit a project outline. The best applications are then invited to a start-up pitch. The funds are awarded based on the evaluation of the project outline and the start-up pitch. The Transfer Center's start-up advisors are available to provide advise during the application preparation phase.
The prototyping grants were launched in 2022 and have already been awarded to ten founding teams from the University and the University Hospital. The topics of the projects approved so far range from digital health solutions and 3D printing to sustainable robots and antiviral nasal spray, for example.
The prototyping grants are tendered by the Transfer Center enaCom and funded by the ESC individual project "U-Bo-Grow" of the University of Bonn. They are funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy (MWIKE) of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
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Approved founding teams in 2023, second call1