26. October 2022

Statement Statement

Several days ago, a member of our University and of the Faculty of Law and Economics has been accused of severe misconduct in social media. Currently, we have no hard evidence concerning the accusations. The facts are currently being examined.

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In view of this, we are stating the following:

  1. The University of Bonn and the Faculty of Law and Economics are committed to the protection of their students, faculty, and staff against sexual harassment and other kinds of misconduct.The University and the Faculty take accusations of this kind very seriously. Where reasons to do so exist, we take measures to sanction cases of inappropriate behavior.

    We call upon all members of the Faculty not to tolerate sexual and other kinds of misconduct and to protect themselves and others. As part of that, we ask victims and witnesses of sexual assault to contact the relevant offices of the University (https://www.gleichstellung.uni-bonn.de/angebote-und-beratung/beratungsangebote/central-advisory-services-at-the-university-of-bonn1). The equal-opportunity office (gsb@zgb.uni-bonn.de) and the University’s anti-discrimination office (https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet/organisation/universitaetsverwaltung/dezernat-1-akademisches/diskriminierungsschutz2) stand ready to receive such information and treat it with outmost confidentiality.

  2. The University of Bonn and the Faculty of Law and Economics are equally committed to the protection of the right of their students, faculty, and staff to the integrity of their personal and academic reputation. As long as no proofs of the contrary exist, the presumption of innocence holds for any accused person.

The Rector of the University of Bonn, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch
The Dean of the Faculty of Law and Economics, Prof. Dr. Jürgen von Hagen

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