28. March 2023

Statement Statement

As communicated by the University of Bonn on Oct. 26, 2022, allegations of serious misconduct were made against a member of the University's Faculty of Law and Economics in social media.

The current employer of the person accused at the time announced today that an independent investigation had found no conduct corresponding to the allegations.

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Immediately after the allegations had been published, the University management also instructed its responsible offices to review the matter. The University used the information available to it to clarify the facts within a reasonable period of time. To date – despite explicit requests to provide information and despite active contact by the University – there are no findings to substantiate the allegations made via social media.

In the view of the University of Bonn, the member of the Faculty of Law and Economics in question has been fully exonerated from the allegations made.


The Rector of the University of Bonn, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch

The Dean of the Faculty of Law and Economics, Prof. Dr. Jürgen von Hagen

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