Meat Consumption Falls After Veggie Month

What effect does a vegan/vegetarian month have on a canteen? For this experiment, the Studierendenwerk Bonn sought scientific support from researchers at the Universities of Bonn and Kassel. They found that the impact could still be felt up to eight weeks after the campaign month had ended: as a result of the vegan/vegetarian month, the amount of meat consumed in the canteen fell by 7 to 12 percent compared to the level recorded beforehand. In addition, around half of the people surveyed agreed with the idea of one meat-free month a year, while over 80 percent said that canteens should offer more vegetarian options. The findings have been published in a working paper prepared by the ECONtribute Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bonn.

How star-shaped cells increase flexible learning

Star-shaped glial cells, so-called astrocytes, are more than just a supporting cell of the brain. They are actively involved in learning processes and interact with the nerve cells. But what exactly is it that astrocytes do? Researchers at the University Hospital Bonn (UKB) and the University of Bonn are using a biophysical model to clarify how astrocytes interact with nerve cells to regulate rapid adaptation to new information. The results of the study have now been published in the renowned journal "Nature Communications Biology".

Top Grades for International Scientific Collaboration

Two recently published sets of rankings, from CWTS Leiden and QS Europe, highlight the extensive international networks contributing to the University of Bonn’s research.

Greenland science expedition aims to unveil critical climate insights

This week (Friday 19 July) the UK’s polar research vessel the RRS Sir David Attenborough makes its first science expedition to the Arctic. A team will work in south-east Greenland to advance our understanding of the region's rapidly decaying ice sheet and its impacts on ocean and global climate systems. Also on board the ship: Katrin Wagner, PhD student at the Institute of Geosciences at the University of Bonn. During the expedition, Katrin Wagner will talk about her life on board and answer questions from the public.

Jessica Fintzen Awarded EMS Prize

Jessica Fintzen has won yet another highly prestigious accolade, this time the European Mathematical Society’s EMS Prize. The professor in the University of Bonn’s Mathematical Institute and member of the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM) Cluster of Excellence is to be handed the award on Monday, July 15, during the ninth European Congress of Mathematics (ECM) in the Spanish city of Seville.

Fourteen Teachers Honored

During a ceremony forming part of this year’s Universitätsfest, fourteen teachers have been presented with teaching prizes from the University in recognition of their dedication to the profession. The laureates—six women and eight men—were chosen by the students themselves. They were handed their prize certificates by Professor Klaus Sandmann, Vice Rector for Teaching, Learning and University Development at the event on the Hofgarten lawn that was attended by over 5,000 guests.

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