Seeing better by looking away1
When we fixate an object, its image does not appear at the place where photoreceptors are packed most densely. Instead, its position is shifted slightly nasally and upwards from the cellular peak. This is shown in a recent study conducted at the University of Bonn, published in the journal Current Biology. The researchers observed such offsets in both eyes of 20 healthy subjects, and speculate that the underlying fixation behavior improves overall vision.
“Who makes history?” The return of the person-centered approach2
What influence do individual personalities have on political decisions and the course of history? This question lies at the heart of a new publication entitled Der Faktor Persönlichkeit in der internationalen Politik (“The personality factor in international politics”). It is edited by Dr. Hendrik W. Ohnesorge, a research associate at the Chair in International Relations and Managing Director of the Center for Global Studies (CGS), and Professor Dr. Xuewu Gu, current holder of the chair and Director of the CGS. Bernd Frye talked to Hendrik W. Ohnesorge. An article from forsch 2021/01.
Economy: Michael-Burkhard Piorkowsky highlights the importance of households3
“Economics is a human thing,” says a convinced Michael-Burkhard Piorkowsky. The researcher, who held the Professorship for Household and Consumption Economics at the University of Bonn before his retirement, has written a book that takes this statement as its title. Johannes Seiler asked him some questions about it. An article from forsch 2021/01.
Paleontologists reveal what fossilized teeth can tell us4
Teeth are the toughest and most durable parts of a mammal’s body and are often the only bits of fossils left after millions of years. We join Prof. Dr. Thomas Martin to explore the secret of teeth.
Researching across discipline boundaries: mathematician Florian Brandl grapples with economic theory5
How can several stakeholders make decisions as one when they possess different information or need to take uncertainties into account? This and other questions are on the plate of mathematician and economic theorist Dr. Florian Brandl, who took up the first Argelander Professorship in the Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs) on April 1 and started work as a Bonn Junior Fellow at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics at the same time. He is the first researcher to hold such a professorship, one of several new posts created for exceptional early-career researchers who excel in combining several different disciplines. In the case of Florian Brandl’s research, these are mathematics, economics and computer science. An article from forsch 2021/01.
Students develop a children's book on fundamental rights with Gigi the eagle6
Gigi the eagle is searching for her young. However, the proud bird is not alone – helping her are two children, Ben and Mia. On the pages of a new book created by students, primary school children can read an adventure story while learning about Germany’s fundamental rights at the same time. To understand how this children’s book came about, it is worth rewinding three years. An article from forsch 2021/01.
Ulrike Almut Sandig is the University of Bonn’s tenth Thomas Kling Poetics Lecturer7
What does a poetics lecturer do? What’s coming up in Bonn this year? What does our language say about us? How does language change us? An interview from forsch 2021/01.
Renewed splendor: Website relaunch milestone reached8
New design: mobile first with clear user navigation: The website of Bonn’s University of Excellence got a facelift in late April, so users and web editors are enjoying a modern, new look and feel. An article from forsch 2021/01.