University of Bonn expresses sympathy to partner university in Prague1
The Management of the University of Bonn has issued the following statement on the attack at Charles University in Prague, in which several people were killed and many injured on December 21: "We are shocked by the cruel attack on innocent people at our long-standing partner university in Prague. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families and friends."
The Two (Country) Sides of Forests2
How do national policies impact deforestation? Researchers from the University of Bonn have looked into this question at the global scale and have found that, contrary to common assumptions, national strategies have a significant—and visible—influence on efforts to protect forest heritage. Their study has now been published in the journal “Global Environmental Change.”
Four apprentices among the very best in their training year3
No fewer than four apprentices from the University of Bonn have come out of their apprenticeship top of their training year. To mark this achievement, the University has presented them and their training teams with certificates, which were handed over in person by Holger Gottschalk, Provost of the University of Bonn.
Review: Life in the space-time continuum. All about biological clocks in time and off the beat4
What is time? Does it even exist separately from us humans? And what keeps us “in time”? An event from the series entitled “Die Exzellenzuniversität Bonn lädt ein” (“An invitation from the University of Bonn, a University of Excellence”) took an interdisciplinary look at the big issue of time, offering an evening of fascinating insights, surprising facts and ample food for thought.
Stellar Birthplaces in the Whirlpool Galaxy5
An international research team led by the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) and involving the University of Bonn has mapped the cold, dense gas of future star nurseries in one of our neighboring galaxies with an unprecedented degree of detail. The data will enable the researchers for the first time to mount an in-depth study of the conditions that exist within the gas during the early stages of star formation outside the Milky Way at the scale of individual star-forming regions. Their findings have now been published in the Astronomy and Astrophysics journal.
Statement on the relocation of training of priests in the Archdiocese of Cologne6
The Archdiocese of Cologne has decided to reorganize its training of priests. This was announced by Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki and Regens Regamy Thillainathan at the annual meeting with the professors of the Faculty of Catholic Theology on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, in Cologne. From now on, the domicile ("Konvikt") and seminary will be housed together in the "House for Pastoral Services" in Cologne. The planned establishment of residential groups close to the University of Bonn will enable candidates for the priesthood to live and study in Bonn at the University of Excellence.
Evi Kostenis Awarded PHOENIX Pharmaceutical Science Prize7
Carvedilol is a beta blocker that is often prescribed to lower blood pressure or prevent heart attacks. Professor Evi Kostenis from the Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology at the University of Bonn has contributed to a better understanding of how this drug works as the corresponding author for an article published in the journal “Nature Communications.” Kostenis’s research team has been presented with a €10,000 PHOENIX Pharmaceutical Science Prize in recognition of this important discovery. 
Intensive dialogue held with delegation from strategic focus country8
The University of Bonn has hosted a delegation of vice-chancellors from six universities in Ghana. The summit, which was also attended by representatives from the German Rectors’ Conference, was aimed at consolidating existing partnerships and instigating new ones. In Ghana, one of the focus countries for the University of Bonn’s international cooperation, it maintains a strategic partnership with the University of Ghana, among others.
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