Physicist honored for excellent teaching1
An innovative idea for training students has earned Prof. Dr. Simon Stellmer, a physicist at the University of Bonn, this year's Fulbright-Cottrell Award, which is endowed with nearly 70,000 euros. The prize goes to the University of Bonn for the first time. The Fulbright-Cottrell Award recognizes researchers in physics, chemistry, and astronomy who combine excellent research and creative teaching in an outstanding manner. An interdisciplinary lab course experiment is being created at the University of Bonn that can be used in both physics and geodesy. Researchers use the method to measure earth rotations, among other things. The project started on July 1 and will be steadily developed over the coming years.
The Insecurities of the Wilhelmine Empire2
So much for the "age of security": The author Stefan Zweig's description of the period before the First World War seems almost too good to be true - at least if you take a closer look at the political and social conflicts in the German Empire. This was done by Bonn historian Dr. Amerigo Caruso in his study "Blood and Iron Even Within' - Social Conflict, Mass Politics, and Violence in Germany before 1914". One of the results: Reflecting an increased need for security, a modern private security market emerged with guard companies and detective agencies.
Rapid tests effectively contained Covid-193
Rapid tests effectively broke Covid-19 infection chains in spring 2021. This is shown by a model developed by researchers of the ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy Cluster of Excellence of the Universities of Bonn and Cologne, the Collaborative Research Center Transregio 224 EPoS of the Universities of Bonn and Mannheim, and the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA). According to the results of this simulation model, antigen testing significantly reduced spring Covid-19 numbers, while vaccinations played a minor role. The study was published in advance as an "ECONtribute Discussion Paper."
Excellence Strategy: Federal Minister Anja Karliczek visits University of Bonn4
The Federal Minister of Education and Research, Anja Karliczek, has visited the University of Bonn. The focus was on the developments in the Excellence Strategy. The University of Bonn had emerged from the current competition of the federal and state governments as the most successful applicant with six clusters of excellence and the status of a University of Excellence.
Matter highway in space makes galaxy clusters grow5
Six months ago, astronomers at the University of Bonn reported the discovery of an extremely long intergalactic gas filament with the X-ray telescope eROSITA. In a new study, they have now focused on an interesting structure in the filament, the northern clump. Their new observational data prove that this is a cluster of galaxies with a black hole at its center. The gas filament is therefore a galactic matter highway: The northern clump is moving along it towards two more giant galaxy clusters and will eventually merge with them. The paper will be published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, along with other papers published on the occasion of the first eROSITA data release.
Dealing with slavery past6
How does one deal with the past, especially with the issues of slavery and colonization and their legacies? The tensions that this question can trigger among different groups of actors became visible last year in the global "Black Lives Matter" movement resulting in the toppling of statues and monuments. A workshop hosted by the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bonn will approach the topic from an interdisciplinary and European perspective from June 30 to July 2. During the conference, not only international scholars but also museum experts and activists will talk.
Battle of the Pleiades against plant immunity7
Mythological nymphs reincarnate as a group of corn smut proteins to launch a battle on maize immunity. One of these proteins appears to stand out among its sister Pleiades, much like its namesake character in Greek mythology. This is shown by a recent study led by the GMI – Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, in which the University of Bonn was also involved. The results are published in the journal PLOS Pathogens.
Flash mob in the nucleus8
The nucleus is much more than a storage compartment for chromosomes: It also contains the complex machinery that produces transcripts of the genes that are currently needed and releases them into the cell body. Some of the proteins involved herein are not evenly distributed in the nucleus, but cluster at specific sites. A study by the universities of Würzburg, Heidelberg and Bonn with the help of Evotec SE at the Martinsried site now shows how these "flash mobs" are regulated. In the long term, the results could also yield new therapeutic approaches for spinal muscular atrophy. They are published in the journal Cell Reports.