Transfer-Oriented Research for Practical Purposes1
The Competence and Research Unit for Intervening in, Preventing of and Coming to terms with Abuse of Power and Sexualized Violence (the “IPA Hub”) will begin its work in the Department of Moral Theology at the University of Bonn’s Faculty of Catholic Theology on May 1, 2025. It will engage in interdisciplinary cooperation and with networks of partners in Germany and abroad from academia, the private sector, the Church and society to tackle key challenges posed by the abuse of power and sexualized violence in transfer-oriented research and make its findings accessible on a practical level.
Postdoc Day 2025 – The Broad Spectrum of Bonn’s Science Landscape2
PhD – and then what? Germany’s research landscape includes a wide variety of institutions, ranging from universities and universities of applied sciences to world-renowned research centers. The Postdoc Day 2025 on Thursday, April 3, 2025, 12:30 p.m. - 18.00 p.m. offers postdocs and PhD candidates in the final phase of their doctoral studies a unique opportunity: you can explore the work of numerous non-university research institutions that are members of the Bonn Research Alliance (BORA). These institutions will introduce themselves at a “market of opportunities” and through short presentations. Additionally, many service units of the University of Bonn will showcase their support services for early-career researchers.
"Science needs facts, not emotions"3
Climate change threatens the existence of many people and ecosystems. In view of the scientific findings, many researchers are also worried about the future. Should they talk openly about their feelings?  In the new episode of the Hypothesis Podcast, climate researcher Prof. Dr. Lisa Schipper from the Department of Development Geography at the University of Bonn discusses the thesis “Science needs facts, not emotions” with host Denis Nasser. This episode is in English.
Modern Study Hall and Lounge4
The Chemistry Department Library reopened in late February of 2025 upon completion of extensive modernization and interior design work. The library has been transformed into a contemporary learning space that meets the needs of today’s students. Along with its books and journals, the library now offers some 65 variously configured individual and group workstations equipped with modern technology.
University of Bonn Wins with Escape Room About Energy in Outer Space5
A team of students guided by the Argelander Institute for Astronomy at the University of Bonn has won a competition organized by Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD) with a communication-centered idea for a modular escape room called “2051: Energie im Weltraum” (“2051: Energy in Outer Space”). The project team is to receive €10,000 to make its idea a reality between now and the end of the year. 
“Zukunft auf dem Teller”: New education project launched on innovations in the world of nutrition6
“Zukunft auf dem Teller” is the name chosen for the new education project jointly-run by LizzyNet and Biology Didactics at the University of Bonn to introduce schoolchildren to sustainable approaches in food production. Running for a period of 2 years, the measure is receiving financial backing from the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt and the Stiftung Umwelt und Entwicklung Nordrhein-Westfalen.
ENTRANCE regional conference on research cooperation with China at the University of Bonn7
The 2025 ENTRANCE Regional Conference, held February 20-21 at the University of Bonn, attracted a host of experts from various universities and research organizations. The main topics were Chinese research, IT and data security, and medical research cooperation.
Carnival meets University - carnival revelers, plaster art and mythical creatures8
The University of Bonn has been combining academic excellence with Rhenish cheerfulness for many years. This carnival season, the gates of the University of Excellence are once again wide open for encounters of the jolly kind. The Rector's traditional reception for the Carnival Prince and Bonna was just the beginning...
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