False alarm of the immune system during muscle disease
Researchers at the University Hospitals of Dresden and Bonn of the DFG Transregio 237 and from the Cluster of Excellence ImmunoSensation2 at the University of Bonn have made progress clarifying why patients with myotonic dystrophy 2 have a higher tendency to develop autoimmune diseases. Their goal is to understand the development of the disease, and their research has provided new, potential therapeutic targets. The results of the study have now been published in the renowned journal "Nature Communications".
Artificial intelligence recognizes patterns in behaviour
Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University, the University Hospital Bonn and the University of Bonn have created an open-source platform known as A-SOiD that can learn and predict user-defined behaviors, just from video. The results of the study have now been published in the journal "Nature Methods".
Turning One into Eight
To synthesize potential drugs or natural products, you need natural substances in specific mirror-image variants and with a high degree of purity. For the first time, chemists at the University of Bonn have succeeded in producing all eight possible variants of polypropionate building blocks from a single starting material in a relatively straightforward process. Their work has now been published in the prestigious journal “Angewandte Chemie.”
Reputation ranking: University of Bonn among the top 100 in the world
The University of Bonn is one of the 100 universities with the highest reputation worldwide. This is the result of the recently published ranking by Times Higher Education (THE) magazine, which is based on a survey of almost 40,000 international academics on excellence in research and teaching. Bonn is ranked 91-100, making it one of only six German universities to make it into the top 100 of the survey.
eROSITA relaxes cosmological tension
The analysis of how galaxy clusters, the largest objects in the Universe, evolve over cosmic time has yielded precise measurements of the total matter content and its clumpiness, report scientists of the German eROSITA consortium, led by the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics and with participation of the University of Bonn. The results affirm the standard cosmological model and alleviate the so-called S8 tension, while at the same time offering insights into the elusive neutrinos' mass. The analysis is based on one of the largest catalogues of galaxy clusters and superclusters, also released today. An important pillar in the analysis is the ``weighing’’ of the discovered galaxy clusters, where the University of Bonn contributed in a major way.
Dr. Julian Schmitt Wins Rudolf Kaiser Prize
Dr. Julian Schmitt from the Institute of Applied Physics at the University of Bonn is to receive the 2023 Rudolf Kaiser Prize, one of the most prestigious accolades in Germany for early-career natural scientists working in the field of physics.
Global survey shows: Broad majority of global population supports climate action
A recent study by behavioral researchers at the University of Bonn, the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE in Frankfurt, and the University of Copenhagen demonstrates for the first time that a broad majority of the world’s population supports climate action and is willing to incur a personal cost to fight climate change. The findings, published in the prestigious journal Nature Climate Change, are based on a globally representative survey conducted in 125 countries, involving approximately 130,000 individuals. According to the study, 69 percent of the world's population is willing to contribute one percent of their personal income to the fight against climate change – a significant contribution to climate action.
Rectorate welcomes Korean students
The 140th anniversary of diplomatic relations between South Korea and Germany was celebrated in 2023. The signing of the German-Korean treaty of friendship on November 26, 1883 marked the start of a close political, cultural and academic partnership, and the University of Bonn also enjoys extremely strong links with universities and other academic and scientific institutions in South Korea in many areas and disciplines. For instance, the Korean Studies team at the University of Excellence has covered various topics relating to the country’s past and present in its research and teaching for many decades now.