Research and Teaching
Research and Teaching
About the University
Organisation and Institutions
Equal Opportunity
Working at the University
University Life
Press and Communications
Current Topics
Internal Reporting Office
Information on legal violations
About the University
About the University
About the University
University of Excellence
Why the University of Bonn?
Die Gründe an der Universität Bonn zu studieren, forschen und arbeiten.
Our Vision
Vision and mission statement of the University of Bonn, one of the most research-intensive German universities.
The University of Bonn maintains a range of partnerships with a variety of universities spread across six continents.
Facts and Figures
Facts and figures about the University of Bonn with 6 Clusters of Excellence, 2 Nobel Prize laureates, 35,000 students, over 200 subject and much more.
National and International Rankings
Sustainable University
We make contributions to improve the sustainability of day-to-day university operations in both research and administrative practices so future generations can fully develop their potential.
Healthy Campus Bonn
"Healthy Campus Bonn" - studying, researching, teaching and working together in a healthy way. As part of the University Health Management, Healthy Campus Bonn provides support with offers, events and information on the topics of mental, physical and social health.
Emergency Numbers
We are Uni Bonn
Renovating the University Main Building
Sustainable University
Sustainable University
Sustainable University
We make contributions to improve the sustainability of day-to-day university operations in both research and administrative practices so future generations can fully develop their potential.
Sustainability Mission Statement
Ideas Inbox & Funding Pot
Green Office
Fairtrade University Bonn
Hurray - we are a “Fair Trade University”, and our contribution to a fairer and more sustainable world has been recognized. Join in!
Waste Separation
Green Screen
Strategiepapier Nachhaltigkeit
Healthy Campus Bonn
Healthy Campus Bonn
Healthy Campus Bonn
"Healthy Campus Bonn" - studying, researching, teaching and working together in a healthy way. As part of the University Health Management, Healthy Campus Bonn provides support with offers, events and information on the topics of mental, physical and social health.
Healthy Working Practices
"Healthy Working Practices at the University of Bonn" - We offer a variety of offers for a healthy and mindful everyday working life and the best possible working atmosphere.
Healthy Study Practices
"Healthy Study Practices at the University of Bonn" - We offer a variety of offers for a healthy and mindful everyday study life.
About us
Healthy Campus Bonn forms the University Health Management and ensures healthy studying, researching, teaching and working at the University of Bonn.
On this page you will find a list of all Healthy Campus Bonn collaborations.
The scientific evaluation of the measures for demand-oriented adaptation is an essential component of Healthy Campus Bonn. In addition, a research contribution is made in own studies.
On this page you will find the contact details of the Healthy Campus Bonn team.
Uni Bonn: Healthy and Physically Active
Healthy Working Practices
Healthy Working Practices
Healthy Working Practices
"Healthy Working Practices at the University of Bonn" - We offer a variety of offers for a healthy and mindful everyday working life and the best possible working atmosphere.
Healthy Working ... Together
On this page you will find information about offers, events and recipes for a balanced diet.
Employee Survey
The employee survey is an important component of the University Health Management. We look forward to your support - help us shape it!
Here you will find events on the topics of nutrition, exercise and health. Join in as well!
Advice & Support Services
On the page you will find various counseling services at the University of Bonn that can help you with questions and problems.
Healthy Study Practices
Healthy Study Practices
Healthy Study Practices
"Healthy Study Practices at the University of Bonn" - We offer a variety of offers for a healthy and mindful everyday study life.
Healthy On Demand
On this page you will find digital offers from Healthy Campus Bonn that support you in taking care of your health and well-being.
Seminars & Workshops
Here you will find various offers to support your health at work. Feel free to drop by!
Healthy Eating
On this page you will find information about events, offers and recipes for a balanced diet.
Exercise Offers
The Bonn University Sports Centre offers a diverse and varied range of sports courses every semester.
Advice and Support Services
On this page you will find various counseling services at the University of Bonn that can help you with questions and problems.
Here you will find events on the topics of nutrition, exercise and health. Join in - stay fit!
Healthy On Demand
Healthy On Demand
Healthy On Demand
On this page you will find digital offers from Healthy Campus Bonn that support you in taking care of your health and well-being.
Seminars & Workshops
Seminars & Workshops
Seminars & Workshops
Here you will find various offers to support your health at work. Feel free to drop by!
Further Offers
SpeedReading - Schneller lesen mit Köpfchen
Mentalstrategien für Studierende der LWF
Find Your Path - Navigating Stress and Success as an International Student
Stress lass nach: Dein Toolkit für Erfolg im Studium
Further Offers
Further Offers
Further Offers
Stress management seminar "Stay calm during your doctorate"
Exercise Offers
Exercise Offers
Exercise Offers
The Bonn University Sports Centre offers a diverse and varied range of sports courses every semester.
Exercise Offers
Uni Bonn: Healthy and Physically Active
Uni Bonn: Healthy and Physically Active
Uni Bonn: Healthy and Physically Active
Uni Bonn: Healthy and Physically Active
We are Uni Bonn
We are Uni Bonn
We are Uni Bonn
Wolfram Barfuss
Dr. Wolfram Barfuss is Argelander Professor for Integrated Systems Modeling for Sustainability Transformation.
Julia Mink
Organisation and Institutions
Organisation and Institutions
Organisation and Institutions
University management
Governing Bodies
Faculties, Research Centers and other Academic Units
University Administration
Contact the Divisions and Units
Student Representative Bodies and other Organizations
Student Representative Bodies and other Organizations
Further Services and Facilities
The University IT department, the Studierendenwerk and the University Archive perform important functions at the University of Bonn.
The Libraries at the University of Bonn
University management
The Rector is the head of the University of Bonn. He acts as its representative and ensures that University rules are observed. He is the head of the Rectorate and is responsible for the University’s strategic objectives. He also coordinates implementation of these objectives. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch has been the 143rd Rector of the University of Bonn since May 2015.
Holger Gottschalk has headed the University Administration since 2017. Qualified in business administration, his main responsibilities include budget management, human resources and legal matters, and construction and property management.
Vice Rectorates
Rectorate’s Executive Management
The Executive Management develops and coordinates the Rectorate’s processes and manages cooperation in the Rectorate. It is responsible for establishing and expanding networks and for event and identification activities aimed at achieving the Rectorate’s strategic objectives.
Vice Rectorates
Vice Rectorates
Vice Rectorates
Vice Rectorate for Equal Opportunity and Diversity
Ensuring equal opportunity for the challenges of gender equality and diversity is a university-wide strategic management objective of the University of Bonn. Professor Dr. Irmgard Förster has been the Vice Rector for Equal Opportunity and Diversity since 2021.
Vice Rectorate for Digitalization and Information Management
Professor Dr. Maren Bennewitz is the Vice Rector for Digitalization and Information Management and is therefore responsible for the process of digitalization at the University.
Vice Rectorate for Research and Career Development
As Vice-Rector for Research at the University of Bonn, Ilona Grunwald oversees research and the affairs of early-career scientists. Her responsibilities as Vice-Rector include implementing the measures of the Excellence Strategy, quality assurance in research, the provision and optimization of research infrastructure, the promotion and expansion of interdisciplinary research networks, cross-university collaboration in the context of TRAs as well as the cooperation with research institutions outside the University. Another important focus is the promotion of young scientists and the development of sustainable scientific career paths.
Vice Rectorate for International Affairs
Professor Dr. Birgit Ulrike is the Vice Rector for International Affairs. Her area of responsibility includes cooperation with universities, research institutions and research networks worldwide.
Vice Rectorate for Sustainability
Professor Dr. Annette Scheersoi is the Vice Rector for Sustainability. For the University of Bonn, located in the German city of the United Nations, sustainability is an overarching issue of unique and central importance that affects all areas.
Vice Rectorate for Studies, Teaching and University Development
Professor Dr. Klaus Sandmann is the Vice Rector for Studies, Teaching and University Development. He is responsible for basic and inter-faculty matters in the areas of teaching and learning.
Governing Bodies
Governing Bodies
Governing Bodies
University Council
Hochschulrat der Universität Bonn
Faculties’ Conference
Die Dekane der Universität Bonn bilden die Fakultätskonferenz, die fakultätsübergreifende Angelegenheiten koordiniert und Rektorat und Hochschulrat in übergreifenden Fragen, die von grundsätzlicher Bedeutung sind, berät.
Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)
Representative Bodies
Representative Bodies
Representative Bodies
Representative Bodies
Council of Scientific Employees
Faculties, Research Centers and other Academic Units
Faculties, Research Centers and other Academic Units
Faculties, Research Centers and other Academic Units
Central Research Institutes
Affiliated Institutions and Collaborating Units
University Administration
University Administration
University Administration
Contact the Divisions and Units
Academic and Legal Affairs
IT and Computing Services
The Division for IT and Computing Services at the University of Bonn.
Human Resources
Facilities Management
Financial Administration
International Office
Research and Innovation Services
University Communications
Studying, Teaching, Academic Planning
Digitalization of administration
Academic and Legal Affairs
Academic and Legal Affairs
Academic and Legal Affairs
Section 1.0 Legal Department
Section 1.1 Academic Affairs
Anti-Corruption Administrative Office
Human Resources
Human Resources
Human Resources
Section 3.1 - Appointments and Professorships
Section 3.2 - Civil Servants, Scientific Staff
Section 3.3 - Scientific Staff
Section 3.4 - Technical and Administrative Staff, Trainees
Section 3.5 - Human Resources Competence Center
Service Coordinators
Family Office
Facilities Management
Facilities Management
Facilities Management
Contacts Division 4
Services of Division 4 - University Infrastructure and Facility Services
Contacts Division 4
Contacts 4.1
All contacts of section 4.1 - University infrastructure and Facility Services Information to Sachgebiete and competent employees (Sachgebietsleitern)
Contacts Printing
Kontaktseite der Abt. 4.1 / Sachgebiet Druckerei Hier findet man die jeweiligen Ansprechpartner für Druckaufträge bzw. für Fragen zu diesem Sachgebiet
Contacts 4.3
Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die kompetenten Ansprechpartnern des jeweiligen Sachgebietes in der Abt. 4.3 Technik des Dezernats 4
Contacts 4.5
Ansprechpartner Brandschutz und Bau in der Abteilung 4.5 des Dezernats 4 - Liegenschaften
Contacts 4.6
Contact information and Units of Unit 4.6 - Commercial Facility Management
Kontakte 4.7
Kontakte/Ansprechpartner Abt. 4.7 nach Themen
Services of Division 4 - University Infrastructure and Facility Services
Waste management and hazardous materials
Dies ist die Homepage des Sachgebiets Entsorgung und Gefahrgut der Abteilung 4.1 - Zentrale Serviceaufgaben - im Dezernat 4 - Liegenschaften Hier finden Sie die Ansprechpartner und wichtige Informationen sowie Downloads zu Formularen, die Sie für die Entsorgung benötigen. Ferner sind die Stichtage pro Quartal abrufbar, an denen das Labormobil abholt und bis wann die Anmeldung der Abholung erfolgt sein sollte.
Auf der Seite der Druckerei, die zur Abteilung 4.1 gehört finden Sie die Ansprechpartner, werden auf weitere Kontakte verlinkt, erhalten Hilfestellung zu Druckaufträgen und können sich die Beauftragungsvordrucke dort runterladen bzw. online versenden. Ferner erfolgt die Verlinkung auf eine Seite zur Beauftragung des Drucks von Visitenkarten bzw. Türschildern im Corporate Design der Universität.
Information for contractors
Auf dieser Seite finden die von der Universität bzw. vom BLB beauftragten Fremdfirmen Informationen zu relevanten Richtlinien, Leitfäden, Vordrucken sowie ein You-Tube Video, das Informationen für die Fremdfirmen veranschaulicht.
University parking
Informationen rund um das Sachgebiet Parkraumbewirtschaftung welches der Abt. 4.1-Zentrale Serviceaufgaben zugeordnet ist. Hier finden Sie die Öffnungszeiten, Downloads zu Vordrucken (Anträge etc.) sowie die Ansprechpartner. Ferner werden Informationen zur Antragstellung oder Kündigung gegeben. Es sind Übersichten über die bewirtschafteten und barrierefreien (ohne Schranke) Parkräume hinterlegt.
4.3 - Technical Services
Homepage of Section 4.3 Technical Services, a section of Division 4 - Facility Management.
4.5 Construction
Homepage der Abteilung 4.5 - Bau im Dez. 4 Liegenschaften der Universität Bonn Hier bekommen Sie Informationen zu den Aufgaben und Sachgebieten der Abteilung 4.5 sowie Angaben zu Leitlinien und Richtlinien.
4.6 Commercial Facility Management
Website of Unit 4.6 Commercial Facility Management a Section of Division 4 - Facility Management
Financial Administration
Financial Administration
Financial Administration
Bidding and Contract Terms Section 5.3
Section 5.1
Alle Kontakte von Dezernat 5 - Finanzen finden Sie hier.
Section 5.2
Alle Kontakte von Dezernat 5 - Finanzen finden Sie hier.
Section 5.3
Alle Kontakte von Dezernat 5 - Finanzen finden Sie hier.
Section 5.4
Alle Kontakte von Dezernat 5 - Finanzen finden Sie hier.
Studying, Teaching, Academic Planning
Studying, Teaching, Academic Planning
Studying, Teaching, Academic Planning
Sec. 9.1
Section 9.1 - Academic Planning and Capacity Matters
Sec. 9.2
Sec. 9.3
Quality Management and Digitalization Unit for Teaching and Learning
System Accreditation
Human Resources Development, Organizational Development and Healthy Campus
Endowments and Fundraising Unit
Homepage of the Endowments and Fundraising Unit: Access to information on the University of Bonn Foundation and the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship.
Internal Audit
Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection Unit
Human Resources Development, Organizational Development and Healthy Campus
Human Resources Development, Organizational Development and Healthy Campus
Human Resources Development, Organizational Development and Healthy Campus
Contact Organizational Development
Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection Unit
Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection Unit
Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection Unit
Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection Unit
Übersicht der Seminare und Beratungen des Arbeitsschutzes
Digitalization of administration
Digitalization of administration
Digitalization of administration
The “Digitalization of administrative processes” program (PDaP)
Informations on the “Digitalization of administrative processes” program (PDaP)
Student Representative Bodies and other Organizations
Student Representative Bodies and other Organizations
Student Representative Bodies and other Organizations
Student Representative Bodies and other Organizations
Student Representation
General Students' Committee (AStA)
Recognized Student Groups
Student Parliament
Further Services and Facilities
Further Services and Facilities
Further Services and Facilities
The University IT department, the Studierendenwerk and the University Archive perform important functions at the University of Bonn.
University IT and Data Center
Equal Opportunity
Equal Opportunity
Equal Opportunity
Equal Opportunity and Diversity
Gender Equality
Inclusive University
Family-friendly University
Center for Diversity Research in Teaching
Eine zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung der Universität Bonn. Zielsetzung ist die Weiterentwicklung der diversitätsbezogenen Lehre durch Forschung und Beratung.
Inclusive University
Inclusive University
Inclusive University
Studying with disabilities or chronic illnesses
Representative for severely disabled employees
Family-friendly University
Family-friendly University
Family-friendly University
Working and researching with childcare responsibilities
Students with Family Responsibilities
Caring for Family Members
Family-Friendly University Audit
The University of Bonn has been certified under the Family-Friendly University Audit since December 2011. The audit ensures family-friendly working and studying conditions.
The team of the Office of Family Services is on hand to answer all your questions relating to childcare, the combination of work, studies, family responsibilities and the responsibility for caring for family members.
Working and researching with childcare responsibilities
Working and researching with childcare responsibilities
Working and researching with childcare responsibilities
Temporary staff
Personnel on a fixed-term contract can take a leave of absence to care for children or relatives. Civil servants can change from full-time to part-time employment.
Maternity protection, parental leave and parental benefits
The period of maternity leave applies to pregnant women with an employment contract. Parental leave, parental benefit and maternity pay benefit families.
Further state benefits
Families profit from a range of state benefits such as family allowance, accommodation benefit and additional family allowance. Under certain circumstances, single parents can apply for an advance on their child maintenance payments.
Childcare at the University of Bonn
Good childcare is a prerequisite for combining a career or studies with family responsibilities. We are happy to help you find a suitable childcare facility.
Emergency childcare and childcare during events
The University of Bonn provides childcare services for parents who need to attend a conference. Alternatively, they can take advantage of the babysitting services provided by pme Familienservice & Babysitters.
Vacation childcare
The University of Bonn provides childcare for University employees during the Easter, summer and fall vacations. The City of Bonn also provides a number of childcare services.
Students with Family Responsibilities
Students with Family Responsibilities
Students with Family Responsibilities
Maternity protection
The Maternity Protection Act contains provisions seeking to protect the health and welfare of pregnant students and their unborn child whilst studying. Students are entitled to its protections only after registering their pregnancy.
Students can register for a place in special childcare facilities. The childcarers provide flexible childcare tailored to your individual needs.
BAföG with childcare supplement, parental benefit, family allowance and maternity benefit all enable students to attend university without financial worries.
Studying abroad with a child
Studying abroad with a child is a great experience. The Office of Family Services provides advice and support to all those wishing to take this step.
Caring for family members
The combination of studying for a degree with providing care for family members presents a considerable challenge. The Office of Family Services provides advice and support to students with care responsibilities.
Family apartments
A number of apartments for families are available in student dormitories. Under certain circumstances, students can claim accommodation benefit.
Location of baby change facilities and parent-child rooms
baby change facilities and parent child rooms Central Bonn Campus
baby change facilities and parent-child rooms on the Campus Poppelsdorf
Caring for Family Members
Caring for Family Members
Caring for Family Members
The legal framework
Caring for family members requires a great deal of organization. Find out about the provision of care leave, 10-day leaves of absence and degrees of care assessment.
Suggestions from the Office of Family Services facilitate the organization of care for family members in acute cases. The payment of financial support helps families.
Care centers and training for carers
Care centers answer general questions about care. Statutory health insurance providers organize free-of-charge training sessions for people who care for relatives.
The Office of Family Services provides a dementia advice service for University staff with responsibility for caring for family members. It is important that dementia is diagnosed by a specialist medical practitioner.
Working at the University
Working at the University
Working at the University
Job Opportunities
Working in Research
Working in Administration and as Technical Staff
Human Resource Development
Job Opportunities
Job Opportunities
Job Opportunities
Vacancies for (Assistant) Professors
Vacancies for Researchers
IT, Technical, and Administrative Staff Vacancies
Working in Research
Working in Research
Working in Research
Professors and Junior Professorships
Professors and Junior Professorships
Professors and Junior Professorships
Professors and Junior Professorships
We answer your questions about your appointment or your professional or private move to the University of Bonn.
Path to Professorship
Learn all about your pathway to a university professorship or assistant professorship. We are here to support and advise you on your journey.
Appointment Process
Here we outline the different stages of the appointment process, from the initial inquiry through to actually commencing work in Bonn.
Tenure Track at the University of Bonn
Individuals holding a tenure track position who complete the probationary period and achieve a positive final evaluation will be awarded a permanent professorship.
Thanks to Germany’s joint federal and state program for the promotion of early-career researchers (WISNA), the University of Bonn has been able to create 28 tenure track assistant professorships.
Onboarding at the University
We are here to help you settle into your new role at the University of Bonn. We provide advice and support and if we cannot help directly, we will put you in touch with someone who can. Let us help you find your feet.
Onboarding Privat
Professional success is built on a foundation of private contentedness. The University of Bonn leaves no stone unturned to help you find a new home and settle in.
Bonn and Surroundings
Take a look at what Bonn and its surrounding areas have to offer: the Romans, extinct volcanoes, dragons, wine, carnival and much, much more. It’s an exciting place to discover!
City of Bonn
Explore the city of your new place of work! What does Bonn have to offer?
Exploring the wider region. Take time to get acquainted with the hills of the Siebengebirge, the Eifel mountains, the Ahr valley and the cathedral city of Cologne – you will be glad you did.
Human Resource Development
Human Resource Development
Human Resource Development
Advice & Coaching
Beratung und Coaching für berufliche und private Herausforderungen.
Team Building
Beratung, Empfehlung und Vermittlung von Expertinnen und Experten, Trainer, Coaches, Moderatoren für Moderation, Teambuilding, Teamentwicklung, Veränderungsprozesse oder Strukturveränderung.
Begleitung von Führungskräften: Teamentwicklung, Mitarbeitergespräch, Qualifizierung und Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen - egal ob Sie die ersten 100 Tage im Amt sind oder bereits erfahrene Führungskraft.
Erschließen Sie sich mit unseren e-Learnings, Trainings und Qualifizierungsangeboten neue Kompetenzfelder. Eignen Sie sich neben fachlichen Fertigkeiten auch überfachliche Softskills zu den Themen Führung, Kommunikation, Projektmanagement oder New Work an.
Vielfältige Zertifikate, Training- und Mentoring-Programme unterstützen Sie zielgruppengenau bei Ihrer individuellen Weiterbildung und Karriereentwicklung. Entdecken Sie Karrierewege und unsere Beratung zu Ihren Möglichkeiten.
Global Working
Herzlich willkommen an der Universität Bonn! Wir unterstützen Sie mit vielfältigen Angeboten, um Ihren Einstieg so leicht wie möglich zu machen und ein gelingendes Onboarding für Sie und Ihre aufnehmenden Bereiche zu gestalten.
Egal in welchen Bereichen der Universität Sie beschäftigt sind, wir unterstützen und beraten Sie mit unserer Expertise.
University Life
University Life
University Life
Museums and Collections
The Museums in Bonn and from the University of Bonn
Canteens and Cafes
Living in Bonn
The site for housing, housing search as well as housing offers for students, teachers, researchers and short-term guests in Bonn.
Mobility in Bonn. Informations about the Season Tickets for Students and Members of Staff, University Parking, Working Together to Reduce Traffic and further informations.
University Sports
The university congregations of the University of Bonn, which belong to the topic religion. Protestant, Catholic, Islamic, Jewish, Greek Orthodox as well as Old Catholic congregation.
Infopoint and Uni Shop
The Infopoint with the Uni Shop
Music Forum
Together with the litterarium & atelier, the Forum Musik acts as an umbrella for cultural events at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University. It offers all music-loving students, faculty, staff and externals the opportunity to pursue their enthusiasm and curiosity for music.
Opening of the Academic Year
The traditional ceremony on October 18 has been the central celebration at the beginning of each academic year at the University of Bonn for more than 202 years now.
The Bonn University Festival With the University Festival in 2005, the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität took on a pioneering role in honoring its graduates. It was the first German university to break new ground by organizing a joint celebration for all graduates. The unifest with its graduation ceremony has long since become an "institution".
International Days
200 years of University of Bonn
The 200th anniversary of the University of Bonn took place on October 18, 2018 with a large ceremony in the WCCB in the presence of the Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.
Science Festival
Opening of the Academic Year
Opening of the Academic Year
Opening of the Academic Year
The traditional ceremony on October 18 has been the central celebration at the beginning of each academic year at the University of Bonn for more than 202 years now.
History and tradition of the opening of the academic year
In the history and tradition of the ceremonial opening of the academic year at the University of Bonn, the gown, beret and sceptre play a traditional role.
Program overview of the opening of the academic year
Traditionally elements such as the ceremonial marching in of the rectorate, official proclamations and review and outlook from the rector and the students point of view have been part of the opening of the academic year for many decades until now.
Review 2023/2024
The traditional ceremony on 18 October is the central celebration at the beginning of every academic year at the University of Bonn since its founding year in 1818.
Review 2022/2023
Die feierliche Eröffnung des Akademischen Jahres fand am 19. Oktober 2020 statt. Der Rückblick zeigt die „hybride“ Veranstaltungsumsetzung: minimales Präsenzpublikum und Livestream im Internet.
Review 2021/2022
Die feierliche Eröffnung des Akademischen Jahres fand am 19. Oktober 2020 statt. Der Rückblick zeigt die „hybride“ Veranstaltungsumsetzung: minimales Präsenzpublikum und Livestream im Internet.
Review 2020/2021
The ceremonial opening of the Academic Year took place on 19 October 2020. The review shows the "hybrid" event: minimal attendance audience and livestream on the internet.
The Bonn University Festival With the University Festival in 2005, the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität took on a pioneering role in honoring its graduates. It was the first German university to break new ground by organizing a joint celebration for all graduates. The unifest with its graduation ceremony has long since become an "institution".
Sponsors 2024
Sponsors and supporters of Unifest. Long-term partners.
International Days
International Days
International Days
International Days
Japan Tag
Der Japantag 2022 im Rahmen der International Days an der Universität Bonn.
International Projects
International Days 2022
International Days 2023
Ergebnisse International Days 2023
International Days 2024
Infopoint and Uni Shop
Infopoint and Uni Shop
Infopoint and Uni Shop
The Infopoint with the Uni Shop
Unishop Universität Bonn , online Shop
Kontakte Anfahrt Adresse des Infopunktes Alle Telefonnummer
Music Forum
Music Forum
Music Forum
Together with the litterarium & atelier, the Forum Musik acts as an umbrella for cultural events at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University. It offers all music-loving students, faculty, staff and externals the opportunity to pursue their enthusiasm and curiosity for music.
Forum Musik
Über uns
Aktuelles im Forum Musik
Press and Communications
Press and Communications
Press and Communications
Press Service
Video and Photo Service
The video service and the photo service of the University of Bonn as well as with video productions and film productions, own Youtube channel and shooting permission.
Corporate Design
The corporate design of the university has a high recognition value. It includes the design manual, logos of the University of Bonn and other information.
Social Media
University of Bonn Social Media
All contact persons in the Division of University Communications.
Be the Face of the University
Press Service
Press Service
Press Service
Online Press Review
What is the media reporting about the University of Bonn?
Press releases
Archive Press releases
Archive Press releases
Archive Press releases
Archive Press releases
forsch - the university magazine
forsch - the university magazine
forsch archive
forsch 2022/01
the digital forsch issue 2022/01
forsch 2022/02
Fall issue of the forsch 2022/02
forsch 2023/01 en
Die Ausgabe 2023/01 des Hochschulmagazins forsch in digitaler Fassung in englisch
forsch 2022/01
forsch 2022/01
forsch 2022/01
the digital forsch issue 2022/01
forsch article folder
All articles within the forsch 2022/01
Personalia forsch 2022/01
Die Personalmeldungen aus der forsch 2022/01
stories forsch 2022/01
stories forsch 2022/01
stories forsch 2022/01
stories forsch 2022/01
Excellence in Action
Erneut sind hochrangige Persönlichkeiten dem Ruf nach Bonn gefolgt
forsch 2022/02
forsch 2022/02
forsch 2022/02
Fall issue of the forsch 2022/02
Forsch Article folder 2022/02
Personalia forsch 2022/02
Die Personalmeldungen aus der forsch 2022/01
forsch 2023/01 en
forsch 2023/01 en
forsch 2023/01 en
Die Ausgabe 2023/01 des Hochschulmagazins forsch in digitaler Fassung in englisch
forsch news folder
Articles of the forsch issue 2023/01
Current Topics
Current Topics
Current Topics
IT and Cyber Security
Coronavirus Information
The University of Bonn COVID-19 portal provides information for University members and guests about the regulations currently in force.
Umfrage zur Campus-Sicherheit
Wie sicher fühlen sich die Studierenden und Mitarbeitenden der Universität Bonn? Wo liegen für sie „Angst-Räume“? Und wie kann ihr Sicherheitsgefühl erhöht werden? Das wollte die Universität Bonn genau wissen.
Student Orientation and Getting to Know the University of Bonn
Degree Programs
Application, Admission and Enrollment
International Students
Study and Internship Abroad
Organizing Your Studies
Consultation and Service
Uni Bonn App
Student Orientation and Getting to Know the University of Bonn
Student Orientation and Getting to Know the University of Bonn
Student Orientation and Getting to Know the University of Bonn
Choosing a Degree Program
Explore academic orientation workshops, online self-assessments, and digital tools to match your interests with the right field of study and career goals.
Introductory and Orientation Events
Study Guidance for Schools
Für Lehrer*innen und Ihrer Klassen bietet die Universität Bonn Vorträge, Workshops und andere Möglichkeiten zur Studienorientierung.
Advice and Information
Ihre Kontaktpersonen für die Studienberatung: Die Zentrale Studienberatung, die Fachstudienberatungen und die Fachschaften (studentische Beratung).
Youth University (Junge Uni)
The Junge Uni Bonn is addressed to children and teenagers as well as to schools, teachers and parents, and offers, in addition to various events from institutes, clinics and museums, central projects such as the Children's University ("Kinderuni"), the Science Scavenger Hunts ("Wissenschaftsrallyes"), the "Jugend forscht" regional competition Bonn/Cologne, the Research Paper Awards, the Youth University glossary, the early study program "FFF" (Promoting Young Academic Talent) as well as orientation and assistance offers for prospective students and school classes.
Introductory and Orientation Events
Introductory and Orientation Events
Introductory and Orientation Events
University of Bonn Days
Academic Advising Night
Am Langen Abend der Studienberatung können Studieninteressierte kurz vor Studienstart wichtige Orientierungs- und Entscheidungshilfen durch fachspezifische und allgemeine Beratung erhalten.
Student Orientation Weeks
Youth University (Junge Uni)
Taster program "Perspective in Science!" for girls in high school
Youth University (Junge Uni)
Youth University (Junge Uni)
Youth University (Junge Uni)
The Junge Uni Bonn is addressed to children and teenagers as well as to schools, teachers and parents, and offers, in addition to various events from institutes, clinics and museums, central projects such as the Children's University ("Kinderuni"), the Science Scavenger Hunts ("Wissenschaftsrallyes"), the "Jugend forscht" regional competition Bonn/Cologne, the Research Paper Awards, the Youth University glossary, the early study program "FFF" (Promoting Young Academic Talent) as well as orientation and assistance offers for prospective students and school classes.
Actionbound - Uni Bonn to go! (English)
Actionbound - Uni Bonn to go! Die Uni Bonn spielerisch in der App Actionbound entdecken... jetzt ausprobieren!
Degree Programs
Degree Programs
Degree Programs
Degree Programs A-Z
Doctoral Studies
Academic Degrees
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Staatsexamen, Bachelor of Laws, Theologische Abschlüsse sowie Masterabschlüsse werden hier erklärt.
Studying Natural Sciences and Medicine
Sie wollen Naturwissenschaften oder Medizin studieren und möchten wissen, was dabei erwartet? Wir erklären kurz, was die Fächer ausmacht.
Studying Humanities, Law and Economics
Sie möchten Geisteswissenschaften, Rechtswissenschaften, Wirtschaftswissenschaften studieren? Wir erklären Ihnen, was diese Studiengänge ausmacht.
Examination regulations
Bachelor of Arts Degree Program Combinations
Alle Studienfächer und ihre Kombinationsmöglichkeiten im Bachelor of Arts
Mature students (55+)
An der Universität Bonn gibt es kein gesondertes Seniorenstudium. Studieninteressierte können aber die meisten Studiengänge oder einzelne Vorlesungen besuchen.
Life-Long Learning University
Die Universität Bonn bietet regelmäßig einer breiten Öffentlichkeit Lehrveranstaltungen, Vortragsreihen, Vorträge, Diskussionen, Ausstellungen und Führungen, die über das fachspezifische Studienangebot hinausgehen.
Application, Admission and Enrollment
Application, Admission and Enrollment
Application, Admission and Enrollment
Application Guide
Admission Limits and Procedures
Beschreibung aller Zulassungsverfahren, welche an der Universität Bonn angeboten werden: Dialogorientiertes Serviceverfahren (DoSV), Zentrales Vergabeverfahren (ZV), Uni-interne Vergabeverfahren
Applications from International Students
All information for international students about application, admission and enrollment.
Application deadlines
Bewerbungsfristen und Einschreibefristen für alle Studiengänge der Universität Bonn
Special Application Matters
Wie schreibe ich mich für einen Studiengang ein, wenn ich nach der Bewerbung eine Zulassung erhalten habe?
All information about costs and the semester fee.
Special Application Matters
Special Application Matters
Special Application Matters
High-Level Athletes
Alle Informationen für Spitzensportler*innen für die Bewerbung um einen Studienplatz und die Unterstützung während des Studiums.
Cross-Registered Students
Eingeschriebene und nicht beurlaubte Studierende anderer inländischer Hochschulen können als Zweithörer*innen zugelassen werden.
Selection by Lot
Wie funktioniert das Losverfahren?
Interessent*innen, die einzelne Lehrveranstaltungen besuchen wollen und nicht als Studierende eingeschrieben sind, können als Gasthörer*innen zugelassen werden.
Applicants from non-EU/EEC countries
Informationen für die Bewerbung an der Universität Bonn, wenn Sie aus einem Nicht-EU/EWR-Land kommen.
Applicants for a Higher Pogram-Related Semester
Wer sich für ein höheres Fachsemester bewerben möchte oder mit bereits abgeleisteten Studienleistungen in einen anderen Studiengang wechseln möchte, kann hier die Auswahlverfahren finden.
Studying Without a University Entrance Qualification
Wenn Sie ein Studium ohne Abitur (Allgemeine Hochschulzugangsberechtigung) beginnen wollen, finden Sie hier Informationen zur Vorgehensweise und den Bewerbungsmodalitäten.
Underage Students
Wenn Sie bei der Bewerbung und/ oder bei der Einschreibung für ein Studium minderjährig sind, finden Sie auf dieser Seite entsprechende Informationen dafür.
Applicants for a Second Degree
Aufnehmen eines weiteren Studiengangs nach dem erfolgreichen Abschluss eines ersten Studiums.
Taking Two Degree Programs in Parallel
Eingeschriebene und nicht beurlaubte Studierende anderer inländischer Hochschulen können als Zweithörer*innen zugelassen werden.
International Students
International Students
International Students
Exchange Students
Learning German
Costs and Financing for International Students
Bonn Summer and Winter Schools
Exchange Students
Exchange Students
Exchange Students
Erasmus+ Program
Global Exchange Program
Erasmus+ Program
Erasmus+ Program
Erasmus+ Program
Erasmus Study in Bonn
Erasmus Traineeship in Bonn
Global Exchange Program
Global Exchange Program
Global Exchange Program
Application and Preparation
Information for international students on applying, registering and preparing for the Global Exchange Program.
Courses and Semester Calendar
The Global Exchange Program allows you to attend language courses and academic courses in German and English.
Learning German
Learning German
Learning German
Intensive German Course Before Starting the Semester
Intensive German courses (A1.1–B2.2) offered by the International Office for international students and doctoral students enrolled at the University of Bonn, visiting researchers and members of the university staff.
In-Semester German Language Courses
DSH Preparatory Courses
German Language Proficiency Test for Admission to Higher Education (DSH)
Language learning support
The language learning support offered by the International Office for international students, doctoral students, (visiting) researchers and members of the university staff.
German Language Proficiency Test for Admission to Higher Education (DSH)
Study and Internship Abroad
Study and Internship Abroad
Study and Internship Abroad
Study Abroad
Internship Abroad
Doctorate Abroad
Language Courses and Short-Term Programs Abroad
Organization and Planning
Study Abroad
Study Abroad
Study Abroad
Exchange Programs
Partner Universities
Free Mover
Exchange Programs
Exchange Programs
Exchange Programs
Erasmus Stay in Europe
Erasmus Stay Outside of Europe
Global Exchange Program
Exchange Programs at Institute Level
Erasmus Stay in Europe
Erasmus Stay in Europe
Erasmus Stay in Europe
Organization and Procedure
Global Exchange Program
Global Exchange Program
Global Exchange Program
Application and Forms
Free Mover
Free Mover
Free Mover
PROMOS Application
Internship Abroad
Internship Abroad
Internship Abroad
Finding an Internship
Erasmus Traineeship
Erasmus Traineeship
Erasmus Traineeship
Erasmus Traineeship
Organization and Procedure
Organization and Procedure
Organization and Procedure
Organization and Procedure
During the stay
University of Bonn: Information on the application procedure for the Erasmus traineeship programme
After the stay
University of Bonn: Information on the application procedure for the Erasmus traineeship programme
Organizing Your Studies
Organizing Your Studies
Organizing Your Studies
Starting your studies
Key Semester Dates
Akademischer Kalender, Vorlesungszeiten und andere Semestertermine,
During your Studies
Graduation and Transition to a Professional Career
Living in Bonn
IT and Online Services
Starting your studies
Starting your studies
Starting your studies
Preliminary courses
Orientation weeks at the start of your studies
Termine für Veranstaltungen, welche Orientierung und Informationen zum Studienstart vermitteln
During your Studies
During your Studies
During your Studies
Planning your Studies
Stundenplan erstellen | Ablauf des Studium < An- und Abmeldung zu Lehrveranstaltungen und Prüfungen | Selbst- und Zeitmanagement | Lernstrategien
Doubts About Your Studies
Study-Related Formalities
Exmatrikulation, Datenänderung, Gebührenmanagement der Sozialbeiträge, Rückmeldung, Beurlaubung.
Additional Qualifications
Zur Optimierung der Berufsqualifikation können Studierende an der Universität Bonn zusätzliche Kompetenzen (Schlüsselkompetenzen) erwerben, die ihre fachwissenschaftliche Ausbildung ergänzen.
Transferring to another academic discipline or university
The Bergfest is a mid-study event for students that offers opportunities to celebrate what they've already achieved and powers up for what's left.
Doubts About Your Studies
Doubts About Your Studies
Doubts About Your Studies
Support options
External advisory services
Theme Weeks: Doubts About Your Studies?
Sharing and networking
Fuck Up Stories - Student Edition
Die Bonner Hochschultage bieten einen umfassenden Einblick in die Fachbereiche der Universität Bonn, die sich mit Vorträgen und Institutsführungen vorstellen.
Study Skills
Focus Month on students in doubt about their studies
Studienzweifel, Zweifel am Studium, Studienabbruch, Studienwechsel, Studienfachwechsel, Hochschulwechsel
Graduation and Transition to a Professional Career
Graduation and Transition to a Professional Career
Graduation and Transition to a Professional Career
Career Service
iStart - Career Program for International Students
Alumni Network
Transfer Center enaCom - start-ups and knowledge transfer
Career Service
Career Service
Career Service
Career Events
Jobs and internships
Career Service to go
Hier finden Sie Informationen und Angebote, die bei Fragen der Berufsorientierung und bei der Planung des Berufseinstiegs nach dem Uni-Abschluss helfen.
Event Calendar
Hier finden Sie Veranstaltungshinweise für Studierende und Absolvent*innen zu den Themen Berufsorientierung, Berufseinstieg und Karriereplanung.
Cooperation partner
Wir danken an dieser Stelle der Techniker Krankenkasse Bonn, durch deren Unterstützung das Veranstaltungsprogramm in der vorliegenden Form möglich ist.
For employers
Wollen Sie als Arbeitgeber in Kontakt mit Studierenden und Absolvent*innen der Universität Bonn treten? Hier finden Sie Informationen zu den Möglichkeiten.
Für Fragen zum Career Service der Universität Bonn steht Ihnen das Team des Career Service gerne zur Verfügung. Hier finden Sie unsere Kontaktdaten.
Career Events
Career Events
Career Events
Femtec Career-Building Programme
Lecture Halls
Informationen zur Hörsaalsuche
Consultation and Service
Consultation and Service
Consultation and Service
Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service
Subject-specific Study Advisory Service
In jedem Studiengang gibt es wissenschaftliche Fachstudienberater*innen, die Ihnen detaillierte Informationen zu Ihren Studiengängen bieten.
Advice and support from fellow students
Studentische Beratung bietet einen realitätsnahen Einblick in Ihr Studium. Für jeden Studienfach gibt es Fachschaften, in denen Studierende höherer Fachsemester organisiert sind. Außerdem gibt es zusätzlich viele Beratungseinrichtungen des Allgemeinen Studierendenausschusses (AStA).
Psychological and Social Counseling
Student Registry
Financing and Support
Further Support
Living in Bonn
Examination Authorities
The examination authorities are responsible for registering for examinations, registering for Bachelor's theses, registering for Master's theses and the recognition of academic achievements.
Studying with health impairments
Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service
Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service
Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service
Events and Fairs
Events der Zentralen Studienberatung zur Studienorientierung oder Neuorientierung im Studium, an der Universität oder extern
Workshops and Coachings
Wir bieten diverse Workshops zur Studienorientierung und zur Studienbegleitung sowie bei Problemen im Studium an.
Make an appointment
Sie möchten einen Termin zur Studienberatung oder bei der Psychologischen Beratung in der Zentralen Studienberatung vereinbaren?
Study Advice and Support
Wir bieten persönliche, neutrale und ergebnisoffene Studienberatung für Studieninteressierte und Studierende an.
RessourcenStark durch's Studium
Wir bieten diverse Workshops zur Studienorientierung und zur Studienbegleitung sowie bei Problemen im Studium an.
Psychological and Social Counseling
Psychological and Social Counseling
Psychological and Social Counseling
Psychological Counseling
In einem persönlichen Gespräch können Sie sich zu psychologischen Anliegen, Unsicherheiten oder Problemen, die Lebensqualität oder Studienerfolg beeinflussen können – auch präventiv – beraten lassen.
Student Registry
Student Registry
Student Registry
Service Point
Alle Formulare des Studierendensekretariats, als PDF oder Link.
Leaves of Absence
Wie kann ich mich von meinem Studium beurlauben lassen?
Data Changes
Änderung der persönlichen Daten, Adressen oder Kontodaten
Lost Documents
Wenn Sie wichtige Studiennachweisdokumente verloren haben, kann das Studierendensekretariat für Ersatz sorgen.
Informationen zum Beenden eines Studiums
Documenting Your Studies
Studienbescheinigungen für Familienkasse (Kindergeld), BAföG oder Studiendokumentation sowie Rentenversicherungsbescheinigung für die gesetzliche Rentenversicherung.
Zu jedem Semester müssen Sie sich durch Überweisung Ihres Sozialbeitrags zurückmelden.
Switching to Another Subject or Degree Program
Sie möchten ein Studienfach oder Ihren kompletten Studiengang ändern? Was müssen Sie dabei beachten und welche Schritte müssen Sie gehen?
Contact Information
Alle Ansprechpersonen des Studierendensekretariats
Certificate of deregistration
Informationen zum Beenden eines Studiums
Financing and Support
Financing and Support
Financing and Support
Alle Informationen zur staatlichen Ausbildungs- und Studienförderung BAföG (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz)
Zur Finanzierung Ihres Studiums gibt es auch die Möglichkeit, einen Kredit aufzunehmen.
Informationen zur finanziellen Förderung besonders begabter Studierender, welche durch soziale und politische Kriterien ausgewählt werden.
Studying and Earning Money
Informationen zu Nebenjobs während des Studiums
Parental Maintenance
Informationen zum Kindergeld und der Unterhaltspflicht der Eltern sowie Informationen für Studierende ohne Eltern (Careleaver)
The Deutschlandstipendium
The Deutschlandstipendium
The Deutschlandstipendium
The Deutschlandstipendium
The Deutschlandstipendium is a merit-based scholarship. All students enrolled at the University of Bonn as well as high school graduates and prospective students are eligible to apply.
New applications
You have not yet received a Deutschlandstipendium at the University of Bonn and would like to apply? Here you will find all the information and application requirements for an application.
You have already received a Deutschlandstipendium at the University of Bonn and would like to apply for an extension? Here you will find all the information and application requirements for an application.
Do you have questions about the Deutschlandstipendium? Here you can find detailed answers about the scholarship program.
Providing support
Would you like to support us in sponsoring high-achieving students at the University of Bonn? Here you will find information on the support of Deutschlandstipendien.
You would like to get an insight into the activities of the Deutschlandstipendium at the University of Bonn? Here you can find testimonials of the scholarship program.
Here you can find an overview of all scholarship recipients’ meetings since the 2013/14 funding period and details of the sponsors.
Non-financial support program
As well as the financial aspect of the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship, the non-financial support program is also becoming increasingly important. You will find a few testimonials about non-financial support on this page.
2020/21 funding period
We did it: a new record of 146 Deutschlandstipendium scholarship recipients in the 2020/21 funding year. On this page you will find all activities related to the funding period. On this page you will find all activities related to the funding period.
2021/22 funding period
Wir haben es geschafft: ein neuer Rekord mit 146 Deutschlandstipendien im Förderjahr 2020/21! Auf dieser Seite finden Sie alle Aktivitäten rund um die aktuelle Förderperiode.
2022/23 funding period
No fewer than 192 Deutschlandstipendium scholarships were awarded at the University of Bonn at the beginning of the 2022/23 funding period on October 1, 2022. On this page you will find all activities related to the funding period.
2023/24 funding period
No fewer than 220 Deutschlandstipendium scholarships were awarded at the University of Bonn at the beginning of the 2023/24 funding period on October 1, 2023. On this page you will find all activities related to the funding period.
2024/25 funding period
Mit dem Start der Förderperiode 2023/24 am 1. Oktober 2023 können 220 Deutschlandstipendien an der Universität Bonn vergeben werden. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie alle Aktivitäten rund um die Förderperiode.
Further Support
Further Support
Further Support
Studying with a Family
Informationen und Ansprechpersonen zum Thema Studieren mit Kind.
IT and Media Services
WLAN, Eduroam, E-Mail und andere Campus-Dienste.
Studying with health impairments
Studying with health impairments
Studying with health impairments
Obtaining information before applying
Härtefall-/Sonderanträge beim Studienzugang
Counseling during your studies
Beratung für Studierende mit chronischer Erkrankung oder einer Behinderung.
Accessibility accommodations
Wenn Sie an einer chronische Krankheit leider oder eine Behinderung haben, welche Ihre Studierfähigkeit beeinflusst, können Sie Nachteilsausgleiche beantragen.
Legal framework, definitions
Specific information and services
Informational material
Informational material
Informational material
Informational material
Guidelines and manuals
Public relations/press
Research and Teaching
Research and Teaching
Research and Teaching
Research Profile
Teaching Profile
Support for Researchers and Teachers
Doctoral Students and Postdocs
Transfer Center enaCom
Quality Assurance in Research and Teaching
Research Profile
Research Profile
Research Profile
Transdisciplinary Research Areas
Excellence Strategy
Collaborative Research Projects
The University of Bonn is known for its collaborative and international research culture. Find more on our collaborative research projects funded by the EU, DFG, BMBF and further funding organizations.
Awards and Prizes
The University of Bonn is internationally recognized as one of the leading research universities in Germany with many outstanding and highly decorated researchers, including Nobel laureates, Fields medalists and Leibniz Prize winners.
Diverse Professorships
Transdisciplinary Research Areas
Transdisciplinary Research Areas
Transdisciplinary Research Areas
TRA - Modelling
TRA 2 - Matter
TRA 3 - Life and Health
TRA 4 - Individuals and Societies
TRA 5 - Present Pasts
TRA 6 - Sustainable Futures
TRA - Modelling
TRA - Modelling
TRA - Modelling
About TRA Modelling
Research TRA Modelling
Membership Application
Funding opportunities (new)
Open Call 2025 - Viermal im Jahr verfügbar! Entdecken Sie unseren flexiblen "Open Call" oder themenspezifische Ausschreibungen! TRA Förderung für unsere Mitglieder verfügbar.
Optimization and Algorithmic Game Theory
TRA Networking Event 2025
Optimization and Algorithmic Game Theory
Optimization and Algorithmic Game Theory
Optimization and Algorithmic Game Theory
TRA 2 - Matter
TRA 2 - Matter
TRA 2 - Matter
About TRA Matter
Mission, objectives and organization of the transdisciplinary research area – Building Blocks of Matter and Fundamental Interactions (TRA Matter) – of the University of Bonn.
Research profile, research areas, collaborative research and awards of the transdisciplinary research area – Building Blocks of Matter and Fundamental Interactions (TRA Matter) – of the University of Bonn.
Membership, partners and technology transfer of the the transdisciplinary research area – Building Blocks of Matter and Fundamental Interactions (TRA Matter) – of the University of Bonn.
Offers, calls and events by the transdisciplinary research area – Building Blocks of Matter and Fundamental Interactions (TRA Matter) – of the University of Bonn.
Story 1 - Gleim
Story 2 - Vogler
200 Years Rudolph Clausius
200 Jahre Rudolf Clausius Die bewegende Kraft der Wärme Ringvorlesung
Forschungsprofil, Forschungsbereiche und Auszeichnungen des transdisziplinären Forschungsbereichs - Bausteine der Materie und fundamentale Wechselwirkungen (TRA Matter) - der Universität Bonn.
Designated Hertz-Chair
TRA 3 - Life and Health
TRA 3 - Life and Health
TRA 3 - Life and Health
About TRA
Organization, aims, team and members of the Transdisciplinary Research Area Life and Health at the University of Bonn
Research profile, topics and projects of the transdisciplinary research area Life and Health at the University of Bonn
Offers, events and funding opportunities of the transdisciplinary research area Life and Health at the University of Bonn.
Network and partners of the transdisciplinary research area Life and Health at the University of Bonn: Bonner Forum Biomedizin (BFB), Postdocs, collaboration partners
Membership application
TRA 4 - Individuals and Societies
TRA 4 - Individuals and Societies
TRA 4 - Individuals and Societies
About us
Research Profile
Funding Opportunities
Members area
TRA 5 - Present Pasts
TRA 5 - Present Pasts
TRA 5 - Present Pasts
About Us
About TRA Present Pasts Transdisciplinary Research Area Past Worlds and Modern Questions. Cultures across Time and Space University of Bonn
Our Research
Research of TRA Present Pasts Transdisciplinary Research Area Past Worlds and Modern Questions. Cultures across Time and Space University of Bonn
Our Offers
Offers of TRA Present Pasts Transdisciplinary Research Area Past Worlds and Modern Questions. Cultures across Time and Space University of Bonn
Our Network
Network of TRA Present Pasts Transdisciplinary Research Area Past Worlds and Modern Questions. Cultures across Time and Space University of Bonn
Membership Application
Notice Board
Theaterbesuch mit anschließendem hochschul- und disziplinübergreifenden Austausch | Eine Kooperation der TRA Present Pasts der Universität Bonn und der Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft, Alfter.
TRA 6 - Sustainable Futures
TRA 6 - Sustainable Futures
TRA 6 - Sustainable Futures
About TRA Sustainable Futures
Agriculture, Climate and Ecosystems
Sustainable Healthy Diets
Transformative Technologies
Societal Change and Innovations
Lecture Series "Innovation Pathways to Sustainability"
Lecture Series "Innovation Pathways to Sustainabilities" of the TRA Sustainable Future, in which top-class and internationally visible scientists speak.
Registration Lecture Series
Lecture Series „Innovation Pathways to Sustainabilities“ der TRA Nachhaltige Zukunft, in der hochkarätige und international sichtbare Wissenschaftler*innen vortragen.
Application Summer School Nutritional Epidemiology
Application form for the Summer School in Nutritional Epidemiology "Digital Innovation in Nutritional Epidemiology" which takes place from August 25 to 29, 2025 at the University of Bonn.
Membership application
Excellence Strategy
Excellence Strategy
Excellence Strategy
Clusters of Excellence
High Profile Professorships
Collaborative Research Projects
Collaborative Research Projects
Collaborative Research Projects
The University of Bonn is known for its collaborative and international research culture. Find more on our collaborative research projects funded by the EU, DFG, BMBF and further funding organizations.
BMBF Collaborative Projects
An overview of the largest collaborative research projects funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) at the University of Bonn.
DFG-Collaborative Research Projects
Collaborative Research Centers (SFB), Transregios (TRR), Research Training Groups (GRK), Research Groups (FOR) and Priority Programs (SPP) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) at the University of Bonn.
Die Universität Bonn ist an zahlreichen EU-Verbundprojekten beteiligt (Horizon 2020, Marie Curie International Training Networks, etc.)
Further Projects
Foundations, the state of NRW or the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences and Arts fund a large number of research projects at the University of Bonn.
Teaching Profile
Teaching Profile
Teaching Profile
Excellent Teaching
The Strategic Development and Reinforcement of our Culture of Teaching
The Digitalization of Teaching
Teaching Sustainability
Ideas and Networks for Teaching
Excellent Teaching
Excellent Teaching
Excellent Teaching
The University of Bonn Teaching Prize
Der Lehrpreis wird auch für besondere Leistungen in der Weiterentwicklung von Curricula, der Organisation von Studiengängen, der erfolgreichen Einführung neuer Lehrformate u.a. verliehen.
Digital Teaching Innovations
Wir würdigen herausragende Initiativen im Bereich der digitalgestützten Lehre: Konzeption neuer und die Fortentwicklung bestehender eLearning-Angebote.
Teaching Sustainability
Teaching Sustainability
Teaching Sustainability
Sustainability Poster Competition
Poster-Wettbewerb 'Nachhaltigkeit' seit 2018 erfolgreich. Kreative Poster werden ausgezeichnet.
Support for Researchers and Teachers
Support for Researchers and Teachers
Support for Researchers and Teachers
Research Funding
Research Data Management
The team of the Research Data Service Center provides advice at all stages of the research process and develops general research data management (RDM) basic services for researchers across the entire university – from planning and applying for research projects to the publication and archiving of collected data. This includes support with questions regarding the creation of a data management plan, the search for usable research data, backup strategies, long-term archiving, or data security.
Welcome Center for International Researchers
Researchers at Risk
Support for Teachers
Funding for teaching
Teaching Abroad
Grants and scholarships for lectureships abroad promoting teaching mobility.
Study and Examination Management
Die Fakultäten verantworten die inhaltliche und organisatorische Ausgestaltung der Studien- und Prüfungsverwaltung sowie die elektronische Abbildung im CMS.
Research Funding
Research Funding
Research Funding
Funding Advisory and Project Management
EU Project Office
Research Contracts
University Grants
Funding lines by the University of Bonn to support collaborative research projects with our partner universities as well as grants and stipends for international researchers, grants for postdocs and female researchers.
Funding Advisory and Project Management
Funding Advisory and Project Management
Funding Advisory and Project Management
Major Instrumentation
BMBF and Federal Funding
Foundations, DAAD and Other
Research Contracts
Research Contracts
Research Contracts
Nagoya Protocol
Forschungsverträge EU BMBF DFG Wirtschaft Transfer Lizenz Kooperationsvertrag
University Grants
University Grants
University Grants
Funding lines by the University of Bonn to support collaborative research projects with our partner universities as well as grants and stipends for international researchers, grants for postdocs and female researchers.
Joint Doctoral Program Melbourne and Bonn
Welcome Center for International Researchers
Welcome Center for International Researchers
Welcome Center for International Researchers
Preparing your stay
Arriving in Bonn
Living in Bonn
International Guesthouse
Learning German
Leaving Bonn
Funding for teaching
Funding for teaching
Funding for teaching
“Together for More Quality in Study and Teaching” Project
Die Uni Bonn ist im Qualitätspakt Lehre erfolgreich: Projekt "Gemeinsam für mehr Qualität in Studium und Lehre" wird seit 2011 durch das BMBF gefördert.
Doctoral Students and Postdocs
Doctoral Students and Postdocs
Doctoral Students and Postdocs
Considering a Doctorate
During your Doctoral Studies (R1)
After your Doctoral Studies (R2, R3)
Your Contact Points
Events and Opportunities
Considering a Doctorate
Considering a Doctorate
Considering a Doctorate
First Steps towards a Doctorate
Find out which type of doctorate suits you, which prerequisites and requirements apply and which formal steps need to be taken into account before you enroll as a doctoral student at the University of Bonn.
Funding and Scholarship
Structured Doctoral Programs
The University of Bonn's Structured PhD Programs offer a comprehensive and cross-disciplinary curriculum designed to prepare students for a successful career. Programs such as the Bonn International Graduate Schools (BIGS), PhD programs within our Clusters of Excellence, Structured Doctoral Programs by Discipline, and Third-Party Funded Programs include innovative, personalized supervision with regular progress reviews as well as extensive opportunities to expand your research network and make contacts in your research field.
Individual Consultation
Offers for International Doctoral Students
Information for international doctoral students on planning and preparing their stay in Bonn as well as support offerings for the time of their doctoral studies
Doctoral Studies Abroad
University Life in Bonn
During your Doctoral Studies (R1)
During your Doctoral Studies (R1)
During your Doctoral Studies (R1)
Individual Consultation
Funding Your Doctoral Studies
In addition to the funding opportunities in structured doctoral programs, there are numerous scholarship programs for individual promotion of the doctorate about which the Bonn Graduate Center informs and advises doctoral students of the University of Bonn.
International Doctoral Students (Pro-Motion)
Pro-Motion supports international doctoral students and promotes intercultural competences and networking
Doctoral Studies Abroad
A research visit abroad can provide meaningful extra training during your doctorate
Coaching for Doctoral Students
As a doctoral researcher at the University of Bonn, you can discuss your concerns in one of the free, one-time coaching sessions, which are offered in both German and English and is aimed at doctoral researchers at any stage of their PhD project.
MeTra (in German)
Additional Offers
Research Track
Benefit from the workshops of the qualification program Doctorate plus of the Bonn Graduate Center in the Research Track if you want to stay in research and work as a scientist at a university or a research institution, and find out what good scientific practice means, how to give a scientific lecture or what methods and instruments you can use to enrich your research and teaching.
Research Management Track
In the Research Management Track of the Doctorate Plus qualification program of the Bonn Graduate Center, you can acquire knowledge and interdisciplinary skills that are particularly useful for a career in research management. The workshops deal with topics such as university organization and science law, chairing meetings, strategy and leadership in academia.
Business and Organizations Track
If you want to start a career outside the academic sector, the workshops of the Business and Organizations track of the Doctorate plus qualification program will provide you with the skills and knowledge that will qualify you for jobs in, for example, a startup, industry or an NGO or to run a startup.
Certificate Doctorate plus & Add-on
The certificate Doctorate plus can be acquired by doctoral students from the University of Bonn in the following tracks: Research, Research Management, Business and Organizations Track. The certificate is jointly issued by the Bonn Graduate Center and its cooperating institutions: Career Center, Human Development, Bonn University and State Library, International Office, Gender Equality Office and Bonner Zentrum für Hochschullehre.
Overview of E-Trainings
Through the platforms of TwentyOne Skills and PINKTUM, interactive, video-based E-Trainings or e-learnings on topics such as leadership, communication, new work, mental health or even time and project management are available to all doctoral students at the University of Bonn.
Science Communication
Science communication plays an important role in the everyday life of researchers and in the funding of third parties. We offer a wide range of qualification and support services for doctoral students and postdocs in the field of science communication.
Intramural Funding
Doctoral researchers at the University of Bonn, in collaboration with the Bonn Graduate Center (BGC), can benefit from the wide range of support available, including grants for participation in conferences and online events, support for families and parents during the Corona pandemic, as well as graduation grants.
Guide to Funding
In addition to doctoral scholarships, the University of Bonn offers doctoral students other subject-specific and interdisciplinary funding opportunities from which they can benefit, including travel grants for attending a conference or grants towards the printing costs of a dissertation.
External Funding - Doctoral Grants
In addition to the funding opportunities in structured doctoral programs, there are numerous scholarship programs for individual promotion of the doctorate about which the Bonn Graduate Center informs and advises doctoral students of the University of Bonn.
External Funding - Subsidies and Awards
In addition to doctoral scholarships, the University of Bonn offers doctoral researchers other subject-specific and interdisciplinary funding opportunities from which they can benefit, including travel allowances for attending a conference or grants for the printing costs of your dissertation.
After your Doctoral Studies (R2, R3)
After your Doctoral Studies (R2, R3)
After your Doctoral Studies (R2, R3)
Consulting and Coaching
One-to-one consulting and coaching for researchers and research managers
Consulting and coaching for scientists from postdoc level on. Support with individual professional challenges, preparation for applications and appointment procedures.
Job Talks
Argelander Career Talks
Careers plus certificates
Professional Teaching Competence
In Workshops, Reflexionsangeboten und kollegialen Hospitationen erhalten Sie Anregungen, Orientierung und Methoden für Ihr Lehrkonzept und können sich mit anderen Lehrenden austauschen.
Science Communication
Science communication plays an important role in the everyday life of researchers and in the funding of third parties. We offer a wide range of qualification and support services for doctoral students and postdocs in the field of science communication.
Your Contact Points
Your Contact Points
Your Contact Points
Bonn Graduate Center
Academic Career Development
Further Contact Points
Bonn Graduate Center
Bonn Graduate Center
Bonn Graduate Center
Overview of Offerings from the Bonn Graduate Center
Contacts at the Bonn Graduate Center
All contacts at the Bonn Graduate Center
Newsletter - Bonn Doctoral Bulletin
The newsletter lets you keep up-to-date on news about doctoral studies, our skills training program Doctorate Plus, current support and funding opportunities offered by Bonn Graduate Center and more.
Overview of Offerings from the Bonn Graduate Center
Additional Qualification: Doctorate plus
The skills and training program Doctorate plus (formerly Promotion plus) of the Bonn Graduate Center (BGZ) and its partners improves academic and extracurricular skills of doctoral students with workshops in the three career tracks Research, Research Management, Business and Organizations.
Individual Consultation
The Bonn Graduate Center offers individual consultation for all phases of the doctorate that concerns planning, motivation and financing your doctoral studies, including but not limited to these topics.
Online Coaching for Doctoral Students
As a doctoral student at the University of Bonn, you can discuss your concerns in one of the free, one-time coaching sessions, which are offered in both German and English and is aimed at doctoral student at any stage of their doctorate studies.
PhD Data Management and Statistics
How many doctoral researchers earned their doctorate last year? And how are they made up? Our current doctoral statistics answer these and other questions.
PhD Data Management
Helpful information on the registration of doctoral candidates within the framework of the official statistics on doctoral candidates at the University of Bonn.
Nacaps Survey
Funding lines for Doctoral Researchers
Doctoral researchers at the University of Bonn, in collaboration with the Bonn Graduate Center (BGC), can benefit from the wide range of support available, including grants for participation in conferences and online events, support for families and parents during the Corona pandemic, as well as graduation grants.
Argelander Grants for Postdocs
The University of Bonn supports postdocs in various funding lines and provides individual advice on external funding opportunities. Whether you are looking for material resources to carry out your own research projects or travel grants to attend a conference - you will find the right funding instrument here.
Structured Doctoral Programs
The University of Bonn's Structured Doctoral Programs offer a comprehensive and cross-disciplinary curriculum designed to prepare students for a successful career. Programs such as the Bonn International Graduate Schools (BIGS), PhD programs within our Clusters of Excellence, Structured Doctoral Programs by Discipline, and Third-Party Funded Programs include innovative, personalized supervision with regular progress reviews as well as extensive opportunities to expand your research network and make contacts in your research field.
Office of the BIGS-Association
The University of Bonn pursues the goal of leading young academics to a doctorate within the structured framework of graduate schools. Bonn International Graduate Schools (BIGS) guarantee doctoral training at the highest level and enable doctoral studies in outstanding research contexts with attractive international collaborations and a tailored qualification program.
Events and Opportunities
Events and Opportunities
Events and Opportunities
Event Overview
Welcome Event
Doktorhut - alles gut?! (in German)
Careers with a Doctorate
Postdoc Day
Better safe than sorry - How early-career researchers overcome risks and avoid pitfalls when submitting applications and performing research
The online lecture series Better safe than sorry - How early-career researchers overcome risks and avoid pitfalls when submitting applications and performing research supports young researchers to successfully carry out their scientific projects, to keep an eye on all legal and administrative guidelines and to avoid obstacles.
Newsletter - Bonn Doctoral Bulletin
The newsletter lets you keep up-to-date on news about doctoral studies, our skills training program Doctorate Plus, current support and funding opportunities offered by Bonn Graduate Center and more.
Transfer Center enaCom
Transfer Center enaCom
Transfer Center enaCom
Funding opportunities
Femtec at Uni Bonn
Founding a company
Conditions of participation
enaCom is the central service unit for promoting all transfer activities at the University of Bonn. We support a university-wide culture for exchange between science and society. Our team is available at all times to provide advice and support on topics related to establishing contacts for cooperation, start-up issues, and opportunities for exploiting research results.
enaCom is the central service unit for promoting all transfer activities at the University of Bonn. We support a university-wide culture for exchange between science and society. Our team is available at all times to provide advice and support on topics related to establishing contacts for cooperation, start-up issues, and opportunities for exploiting research results.
Transfer Network
Fostering knowledge transfer with its project partners, University of Bonn closely engages in many regional and supra-regional networks and initiatives in order to promote the exchange of knowledge in all areas with a variety of stakeholders.
Business and Society
Broad-based transfer involves co-operation and dialogue with all social stakeholders outside the scientific community. Transfer Center enaCom is your first point of contact for co-operations with the University of Bonn. We can present to you the opportunities that are available and help you on your way to a successful co-operation between science, business and society.
Inventions, Patents and property rights
Patented inventions are important for successfully introducing these innovations to the market. As a member of the University of Bonn, the Transfer Center will help you to identify, evaluate and protect the economic potential of your research and advise you on the details of this process.
Funding opportunities
Funding opportunities
Funding opportunities
Prototyping Grants
Beantragung - Prototypisierungsgrants
Hier können Sie Ihren Antrag für einen Prototypisierungsgrant der Universität Bonn einreichen.
Santander Innovation Grants
Application - Prototyping Grants
Please submit your application for a protoypting grant of the University of Bonn with this form.
Startup Spring School 2025
Founding a company
Founding a company
Founding a company
Idea Check
The start-up coaches at the Transfer Center enaCom will listen to your idea, assess its potential and show you ways to become self-employed. We give University of Bonn students, researchers, employees and alumni the opportunity to receive answers to all their questions with the obligation of confidentiality.
Consulting and Coaching
Have you made concrete plans for a start-up and just need the finishing touches and funding? Your project outline is in good hands with the enaCom coaching team. We provide individual coaching to address your needs and questions, and help you on the way to your own start-up. The consulting is free of charge and strictly confidential.
Many University of Bonn spin-offs are based on research results obtained by our researchers. The start-ups come from a wide variety of departments, ranging from the agricultural sciences to dentistry. Most start-up teams consist of students, researchers and alumni of the University.
Different founders share the office areas in a co-working space. You can concentrate on your work, meet like-minded people and benefit from the experience and knowledge of others. Our co-working spaces are places where knowledge transfer from the University and entrepreneurship are lived and made possible in practice.
Start-up Stories
An innovative idea, a sustainable business model and founding personalities with persistence - these are all important topics for successful start-ups. With our inspiring start-up stories, you can read up on relevant and interesting areas of start-up development.
Start-up Events
Start-up Mentoring
EXIST Women at University of Bonn
Application EXIST Women 2024/25
Quality Assurance in Research and Teaching
Quality Assurance in Research and Teaching
Quality Assurance in Research and Teaching
Good Research Practice
Animal Testing
International Profile
Campus International
Advice and Contact
War in Ukraine
International Profile
International Profile
International Profile
2025 Internationalization Strategy
Partnerships and Cooperations Worldwide
2025 Internationalization Strategy
2025 Internationalization Strategy
2025 Internationalization Strategy
HRK Audit: Internationalization of Universities
In 2017, the University of Bonn successfully passed the audit “Internationalization of Universities” by the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK)
Partnerships and Cooperations Worldwide
Partnerships and Cooperations Worldwide
Partnerships and Cooperations Worldwide
Regional Priorities in International Cooperation
University Partnerships
International partnerships, cooperations and networks of the University of Bonn.
Advisory Service for International Cooperation and Funding Programs
Regional Priorities in International Cooperation
Regional Priorities in International Cooperation
Regional Priorities in International Cooperation
Europe Strategy of the University of Bonn
Increasing collaboration with partners in the European landscape of academic research and teaching is a primary objective for the University of Bonn
Cooperations with Africa
University Partnerships
University Partnerships
University Partnerships
International partnerships, cooperations and networks of the University of Bonn.
International Partner Days
Erasmus+ partnerships
Information on initiating mobility and cooperation projects: for partner universities in Erasmus+ Programme countries and partner countries.
Campus International
Campus International
Campus International
Certificate of Intercultural Competence
Intercultural Trainings
The intercultural training is particularly recommended for people gearing up for a stay abroad but also for those studying in Germany.
NRWege ins Studium
Learning German
International Classroom Bonn
Welcome Days
Study Buddy Program
iStudy study support program
iStudy offers support for academic success, language support and social integration in Bonn. The program is aimed at international students on Bachelor's and state examination courses.
iStart Career Program
International Choir
International Club
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Monika Clemens
Monika Clemens
+49 228 73-4310
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