6.1 Partnerships and International Researchers https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/personregister-uni-bonn/division-6/6-1-partnerships-and-international-researchers https://www.uni-bonn.de/++resource++plone-logo.svg 6.1 Partnerships and International Researchers Count Persons (9) Contact Phone E-Mail Details Mira Christ-Zöller +49 228 73-60617 m.zoeller@uni-bonn.de Lea Eversmann +49 228 73-7831 l.eversmann@uni-bonn.de Jessica Greis-Mills +49 228 73-4040 j.greis-mills@uni-bonn.de Maria-Theresia Hähnel +49 228 73-60612 m.haehnel@uni-bonn.de Dr. Christian Klöckner +49 228 73-1872 c.kloeckner@uni-bonn.de Juliana Müller +49 228 73-7627 juliana.mueller@uni-bonn.de Tina Odenthal +49 228 73-6190 t.odenthal@uni-bonn.de Susanne Räder +49 228 73-3090 s.raeder@uni-bonn.de Blanka Thees +49 228 73-7611 b.thees@uni-bonn.de