Your Postdoc at the University of Bonn
As a postdoc at the University of Bonn, you have every opportunity to achieve academic independence, pursue your career path and reach for the stars. The Argelander 1Program2 offers you a comprehensive range of qualifications, funding opportunities and further support to make the best possible use of your time at the University of Bonn. Find out about the offers that are available to you.

Regardless of whether it is at the beginning or at the end of the postdoc phase, the University of Bonn offers researchers from postdoc level a wide range of advisory and coaching services for personal assessment, career planning and career development.

As a postdoc at the University of Bonn, we accompany you on all career paths: in research, in research management or in business and society. Training, mentoring and coaching programs offer you a wide range of opportunities to develop your interdisciplinary skills.

The University of Bonn supports postdocs in various funding lines and provides individual advice on external funding opportunities. Whether it is material for carrying out your own research projects or travel grants as part of a conference participation.
Transdisciplinary Research Areas
University of Excellence
Further Topics
The University of Bonn has been home to excellent researchers for 200 years. Embedded in the UN location Bonn and a dynamic science region, it is one of the strongest research universities in Germany with international appeal. Our mission is to offer early-career researchers a high level of support and to guide them into scientific independence.
Scientific Integrity
Find out more about scientific integrity and responsibility in research at the University of Bonn. Here you will find the regulations for securing the Good Research Practice as well as your contact persons.
Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Would you like to make the research results of the University of Bonn available for the benefit of society? Let us advise you on the subject of patent registration or start-ups.
From all over the World to Bonn
The Welcome Center offers international researchers advice and practical support in planning and during their stay in Bonn.
Transdisciplinary Research Areas
Our Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs) form spaces for exploration and innovation in which central scientific, technological and social challenges are addressed. Postdocs are cordially invited to become members of the TRAs!
Working in Research
Here you can learn more about the University of Bonn as an employer, the tenure track-procedure and the reconciliation of family and work life.
Julia Küchel
Clara Kaminsky
Also see
The Argelander Program
Enjoy comprehensive support tailored to your interests and career stage with the Argelander Program for Early-Career Researchers at the Argelander Competence Center.
Working Healthily
We offer various opportunities to make everyday life at the university healthier and more mindful, as well as creating the best possible working atmosphere.
Living in Bonn
There is life outside the lecture hall and laboratory— and what a life! The City of Bonn and the Rhineland region has much to offer; the University also makes its own contribution to this mix.