Furthering international collaboration

Argelander Academy Grants

Argelander Academy Grants allow postdoctoral researchers to invite up to four international scientists with similar research interests to come to Bonn for a period of two to eight weeks to work together on a research question (ideally related to a TRA). Each Academy concludes with a small conference. The aim of this funding line is to foster networks, support early independence, increase international visibility, encourage work on innovative research questions and promote collaborative research projects (e.g. joint application for third-party funding).


No further calls are currently planned

Funding Conditions

Postdoctoral researchers at the University of Bonn who would like to invite international scientists to work on a research question, ideally related to one of our Transdisciplinary Research Areas.

Funding includes:

  • Travel and accommodation expenses for up to 4 international postdocs staying in Bonn between two to eight weeks.  Upon availability, housing can be provided in the University Guest House
    • Travel allowance according to DAAD standards [available in German only] (determined according to country of origin, not actual costs)
    • Accommodation allowance (1200 € / month)
    • Costs for Visa Applications for international guest will be reimbursed
  • Optional: Support by the hosting institute, e.g. for research costs  
  • Up to €5.000 will be provided for a small conference or symposium to conclude the visit. This encompasses the invitation of up to two guest speakers (travel and accommodation for up to 4 nights) and catering and advertisement costs for the event.
  • Upon request the costs for accompanying children and partners (only in connection with accompanying children) of the international guests can be subsidized.

Beyond funding:

  • International scientists will have the opportunity to benefit from the Argelander Program, especially the workshops offered within the Postdoc plus Training Program
  • Opportunity to host the concluding conference/symposium in the Argelander Competence Center
  • Administrative support for the conference organization
  • Consultation on funding opportunities and individual funding consultation
  • CV of the applying postdoc (family time etc. taken into account, please make clear in CV)
  • Innovative potential of the research question
  • Relevance for the university’s research profiles, e.g. for one (or more) of our TRAs
  • Clear aims and concrete goals of the Academy (e.g. increasing international visibility - for instance, through joint papers - , application for third-party funding)
  • CVs of the invited scientists (preferably including guests from one of our strategic partner universities or regions
  • Involvement in any further activities beyond the scope of the research project, e.g. guest lectures by the international scientists, seminars for doctoral students, participation in colloquia etc.

Applications will be assessed by an interdisciplinary selection committee consisting of representatives from all faculties involved, chaired by Prof. Dr. Andreas Zimmer, Vice Rector for Research and Early-Career Researchers.

The application should include:

  • Letter of motivation, including the aim, goals and impact of the Academy (max. 1 page) as well as an outline and budget plan for the visit and the conference (max. 2 pages)
  • Letter of support by the hosting institute, specifying the kind of support provided
  • Brief outline of the research question and its innovative potential, incl. relevance for the university’s research profile, e.g. TRAs (max. 1 page)
  • CV of the applying postdoc
  • CVs of the invited scientists
  • Employment contract with the University of Bonn or scholarship agreement
  • Only for scholarship holders: a letter of support by a professor at the University of Bonn (see template).
  • If applicable, confirmation of support by the hosting institute 

The review of the applications normally takes four to six weeks from the deadline. 

Please note

When planning trips in connection with this measure, please note the current travel advice from the Federal Foreign Office (in German).


Avatar Radu

Dr. Robert Radu

Bonn Graduate Center (BGZ)

Poppelsdorfer Allee 47

53115 Bonn

Funded by the Federal and State Governments as part of the German Excellence Strategy
© …

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