First Steps towards a Doctorate
At the beginning of the doctorate there are many questions: Do I want to do my doctorate individually or do I prefer a structured program? What are the prerequisites and requirements for a doctorate in my field? Which formal steps do I have to consider at the beginning and how do I enroll as a doctoral student? On this page you will find information and tips on all these questions - so that you can get off to a good start with your doctoral studies.
What Type of Doctorate Suits You?
The university offers you two options: you can pursue a classic individual doctorate with the support of a doctoral supervisor as experts in your field, or you can choose from our more than 30 structured doctoral programs. Structured doctoral programs combine excellent scientific framework conditions with individual supervision by experienced researchers in your field - supplemented by continuous exchange and regular meetings with your supervisors.
How to obtain your PhD in Germany
Bild © Research in Germany / YouTube
The individual doctorate
As a full-spectrum university, the University of Bonn offers a wide range of subjects in which every professor can be considered as a possible supervisor for your doctoral thesis. Find out about the numerous research fields that are covered in the seven faculties of the university. Talk to one of our professors with your idea for your dissertation project.
Doing a doctorate in a structured doctoral program
Each of our structured doctoral programs offers a comprehensive and interdisciplinary curriculum that encourages you to reach your full potential and prepare for a successful career. The programs include innovative, personal support with regular progress reviews as well as extensive opportunities to expand your research network and establish contacts in your research field.
International Doctoral Students
Doctoral Degrees in 2023
Female Doctoral Students
Formal Steps towards Your Doctorate
There are three important formal steps to be followed on the way to a successful doctorate. In this video you will learn which steps these are and what you have to do to get off to a successful start with your doctoral studies.
Formal steps towards a doctorate
Bild © Universität Bonn / YouTube
Confirmation of Supervision
Find a supervisor at the University of Bonn and obtain a signed confirmation of supervision from him or her. The faculties have their own templates ready for this. Contact your faculty's doctoral office.
Registration at the Faculty
Contact the doctoral office of your faculty with the written confirmation of supervision. Additional documents may be required. Find out about this in advance. If the registration is successful, you will receive a letter of admission within four to eight weeks.
Enrollment as Doctoral Student
As soon as you have received the letter of admission, you can enroll as a doctoral student. You can get more information about the documents you need from the Enrollment Office3.
Doctoral Degree Programs and Doctoral Regulations
Each faculty determines its own doctoral regulations, the prerequisites and requirements for the doctorate. Below you will find a link to these regulations as well as the contact details of contact persons for questions about the doctoral degree regulations for each faculty and for registration in the doctoral office:
- Faculty of Catholic Theology5
- Faculty of Protestant Theology (Dr.)6
- Faculty of Protestant Theology (PhD)7
- Faculty of Arts8
- Faculty of Law and Economics (Law)9
- Faculty of Law and Economics (Economics)10
- Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences11
- Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences12
- Faculty of Medicine (Dr.)13
- Faculty of Medicine (PhD and MD/PhD)14
Doctor theologiae (Doctor of Theology)
Biblical Theology | Historical Theology | Systematic Theology | Practical Theology
Sufficient knowledge of Latin, Greek and Hebrew is required in order to understand the biblical and ecclesiastical texts. (Section 2 (3) of the doctoral degree regulations)
. In at least three of the four subject groups (Biblical, Historical, Systematic, Practical Theology), successful participation in five seminars, two of which are on the subject of the doctoral thesis, is required. (Section 2 (2) of the doctoral degree regulations)
- Doctoral degree regulations15 (in German)
Dr. Hanno Dockter
+49 (0228) 73 7344
Rabinstr. 8
53111 Bonn
Further information on doctoral studies at the Faculty of Catholic Theology can be found here16.
Doctor of Theology (Dr. theol.)
Protestant Theology
Certificates of previously completed language examinations (Latinum, Graecum, Hebraicum)
The structured doctoral studies consist of a three-semester orientation phase covering several theological disciplines and a three-semester specialization phase relating to the discipline of the doctorate. Sections 9 and 10 of these regulations govern this in more detail. The structured doctoral studies usually comprise 6 semesters with a total of 24 course units per week to be completed.
- Doctoral degree regulations17 (English version for reference only)
- Doctoral degree regulations18, 1. Amendement19, 2. Amendement20 (in German)
- Habilitation regulations21 (in German)
Iris Hanita
+49 (0228) 73 7366
Rabinstr. 8
53111 Bonn
Further information on doctoral studies at the Faculty of Protestant Theology can be found here22.
Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.)
Hebrew Bible | New Testament and Early Christianities | Church History/History of Christianity | Systematic Theology | Hermeneutics and Ethics | Ecumenical Studies | Practical Theology | Religious Education
The doctoral thesis can be written in German, English, or French. Upon agreement, other languages are also possible.
Obligatory contents are:
- Active participation (including study achievements) in courses, such as academic societies, advanced seminars, colloquia, with a total wokload of 540 hours and at least 12 course units per week.
- Attendance at a minimum of two international conferences, symposiums, or similar events related to the chosen focus area - for at least on of these events, a self contained contribution (talk, presentation) with a minimum length of twenty minutes is required.
- If applicable, additional contents within an aptitude study program (Section 4 (2) of the doctoral degree regulations).
- Doctoral degree regulations18 (English version for reference only)
- Doctoral degree regulations23 (in German)
- Habilitation regulations21 (in German)
Iris Hanita
+49 (0228) 73 7366
Rabinstr. 8
53111 Bonn
Further information on doctoral studies at the Faculty of Protestant Theology can be found here22.
Doctor of Philosophy ("Doctor philosophiae")
Egyptology | General Linguistics | Ancient History | English/American Studies: Literature and Cultural Studies | English/American Linguistics | Arabic Studies | Christian Archaeology | German Language and Early German Literature | Teaching Classical Languages | Teaching German Language and Literature | Teaching History | Teaching Natural Sciences | Teaching Romance Languages and Literature | Teaching English as a Foreign Language | Development Studies | Education and Pedagogy | Anthropology with Special Focus on the Ancient Americas | Geography | German Linguistics | Historical Geography | Auxiliary Science of History and Archival Science | Indian Studies | Iranian Studies | Islamic Studies | Japanese Studies | Celtic Studies | Classical Archaeology | Classical Philology: Greek | Classical Philology: Latin | Cultural Anthropology/Ethnology | Cultural Studies | Art History | Media Studies | Medieval and Modern History | Classics: Medieval and Neo-Latin Philology | Mongolian Studies | Musicology | Modern German Literature | Modern German Literary Studies: German-Italian Studies | East Asian Art History | East-Asian History | Eastern European History | Philosophy | Political Science | Psychology | Religion Theory and Interreligious Communication | Rhenish Regional History | Romance Philology | Romance Languages and Literature: French Philology | Romance Languages and Literature: Ibero-Romance Philology | Romance Languages and Literature: Italian Philology | Romance Languages and Literature: Romanic Medieval Studies | Chinese Studies | Scandinavian Studies | Sociology | South Asian Studies | Southeast Asian Studies | Tibetan Studies | Translation Studies | Constitutional, Social and Economic History | Comparative Literary Studies | Comparative Religious Studies | Pre- and Early Historical Archaeology
A qualified degree following a relevant university studiesexists if at least the grade “good” (at least 2.5) was achieved both in the overall grade and in the written paper. The doctoral board decides on deviations in justified exceptional cases.
For German language skills, the DSH certificate is accepted, while for proof of English language skills, the TOEFL test and IELTS test are accepted. Some disciplines require evidence of knowledge equivalent to a Latinum or Graecum.
- The qualification phase generally lasts for two years within a supervisory relationship and begins with admission according to section 7.
- During the qualification phase, the doctoral thesis is produced. The qualification phase is research-oriented. Doctoral students should acquire a thorough understanding of academic problems, in-depth subject knowledge, as well as skills for interdisciplinary work. To this end, doctoral students should, if possible:
a) carry out research activities in an employment relationship at the University of Bonn or with a cooperating institution, or
b) participate in a structured doctoral program, graduate college, or research training group (structured doctoral studies) at the University of Bonn or a cooperating institution. - However, the qualification phase can also be completed without carrying out research activities according to a) or without participating in a structured doctoral program according to b).
- The regulations for structured doctoral programs apply as outlined in the respective program regulations. At least two research-related events and/or doctoral colloquia (usually amounting to four course units per week) are mandatory for all doctoral students during the qualification phase. These can be events from the discipline of the doctorate or interdisciplinary colloquia. Optional, target group-specific further training offers can be attended. Active participation in compulsory events must be proven by a certificate of attendance upon submission of the dissertation (cf. section 6 of the doctoral degree regulations).
- Reading version of the doctoral degree regulations24 (in German)
- Doctoral degree regulations25, 1. Amendment26, 2. Amendment27, 3. Amendment28 (in German)
- Habilitation regulations29 (in German)
Dipl.-Psych. Anke Piel und Sophie Lentz
+49 (0228) 73 7268
Rabinstr. 8
53111 Bonn
Further information on doctoral studies at the Faculty of Art can be found here30.
Doctor of Law (Dr. iuris)
Subject in the field of law
The doctoral thesis is to be written in German. Deviations are permitted in exceptional cases and must be approved by the doctoral board. In this case, a German summary is to be enclosed with the foreignlanguage doctoral thesis. Section 2 para. 8 clauses 3 and 4 apply correspondingly. (Section 7 of the doctoral degree regulations)
Admission to the doctoral studies can be granted at the same time as admission to the doctorate on request. The doctoral studies accompany the doctoral thesis and prepare for the doctoral examination. They impart in-depth academic expert knowledge and the ability to plan and conduct research independently, present and defend the acquired knowledge in front of an expert audience, and arrange it in a form ready for publication. (Section 5 of the doctoral degree regulations)
- Doctoral degree regulations31 (English version for refernce only)
- Doctoral degree regulations32, 1. Amendment33, 2. Amendment34 (in German)
- Habilitation regulations35 (only in German)
Monika Sommer
+49 (0228) 73 9101
Adenauerallee 24-42
53113 Bonn
Further information on doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law and Economics can be found here36.
Doctor of Economics (Dr. rer. pol.)
The topic of the doctoral thesis is to be selected from a field within economics represented at the Faculty. (Section 8 (1) of the doctoral degree regulations)
The doctoral thesis should be written in German or English. The work should be submitted in a condition that is ready for printing. (Section 8 (3) of the doctoral degree regulations)
(1) The doctoral studies consist of in-depth studies and research studies. The events in the doctoral studies are conducted in German or English; the necessary knowledge of English is a requirement.
(2) The in-depth studies generally take one year. The curriculum for the in-depth studies is determined by the doctoral board. It comprises lectures, seminars, and workshops. As part of the in-depth studies, the student is to provide four course assessments from lectures and seminars, and a certificate of attendance and presentation achievements from a workshop. Equivalent study achievements from economic doctoral programs or master’s programs at other universities can be credited to the indepth studies by the doctoral board on request.
(3) The research studies generally take two years. They accompany the production of the doctoral thesis and involve participation in research colloquia and workshops. During the research studies, each student must present his/her doctoral dissertation project in a research colloquium or workshop in the doctoral program. The presentation achievement is to be certified.
(Section 7 of the doctoral degree regulations)
- Doctoral degree regulations33 (English version for reference only)
- Doctoral degree regulations37 (in German)
- Habilitation regulations35 (in German)
Monika Sommer
+49 (0228) 73 9101
Adenauerallee 24-42
53113 Bonn
Further information on doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law and Economics can be found here36.
Doctor of Natural Sciences (Doctor rerum naturalium, abbreviated: Dr. rer. nat.)
Drug Sciences | Astronomy/Astrophysics | Biology | Chemistry | Computational Life Sciences | Geography | Geophysics | Geosciences | Computer Science | Food Chemistry | Mathematics | Meteorology | Molecular Biomedicine | Neuroscience | Pharmacy | Physics
For admission to doctoral studies, students must have the German or English language skills that are required for the doctoral studies. (Section 8 (6) of the doctoral degree regulations)
- Doctoral studies begin upon admission in accordance with section 8. They include the doctoral dissertation project and preparation of the doctoral thesis.
- Modular doctoral programs can be established in the faculty. They are approved by the Faculty Council.
- If a modular doctoral program requires courses to be taken during the doctorate or proof of skills and expertise, proof of these qualifications must be provided when applying for the doctoral examination procedure to be opened (see section 10).
- For doctoral students that are members of a graduate school listed in Annex 2, the regulations of that graduate school apply to the complementary studies provided for there. Notwithstanding this, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Bonn confers doctoral degrees exclusively on the basis of these Doctoral Degree Regulations.
- Regulations amending and newly announcing the Doctoral degree regulations 202338 (in German)
- Doctoral degree regulations 202239 (English version for reference only)
- Doctoral degree regulations 201140 (English version for reference only)
- Doctoral degree regulations 202239 (in German)
- Doctoral degree regulations 201141 (in German)
- Habilitation regulations42 (in German)
Karina Limbach, Claudia Schmidt und Jorg Wenniges
+49 (0228) 73 2232
Wegelerstr. 10, room 0.012 and 0.013
53115 Bonn
Further information on doctoral studies at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences can be found here43.
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (Doctor agronomiae; Dr. agr.), Doctor of Food and Nutrition Sciences (Doctor trophologiae; Dr. troph.), and Doctor of Engineering (Dr.-Ing.)
Upon selection of the Food Chemistry degree program, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences awards the academic degree of Doctor of Natural Sciences (Doctor rerum naturalium, Dr. rer. nat.) to graduates from the Food Chemistry course, who have written their doctoral thesis with a professor in the field of Food Chemistry in agreement with a lecturer from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. In this case, the doctoral degree regulations of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences apply.
Agricultural Sciences | Food and Nutrition Sciences | Geodesy | Geoinformation
Admission to the doctoral studies requires the language skills in German or English that are necessary for participating in the doctoral studies.
If the previous studies in accordance with para. 5 No. 1. to 3. or 6. were completed with less than “Good” or the previous studies fall under para. 5 No. 4. or 5., additional supplementary studies, usually of four semesters, which prepare for the doctoral dissertation project and serve as evidence of suitability as defined by para. 4, are required as part of the doctoral studies; in particular, an academic work is to be written in these cases if the previous studies were completed without a written paper. The nature, scope, and period of these study achievements that are yet to be completed are specified by the Faculty council; it also decides on the form and content of the evidence.
- Doctoral degree regulations44 (English version for reference only)
- Doctoral degree regulations44, 1. Amendement45, 2. Amendement46, 3. Amendement47 (in German)
- Habilitation regulations 48(in German)
Henning Selig
+49 (0228) 73 2867
Meckenheimer Allee 174
53115 Bonn
Further information on doctoral studies at the Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences can be found here49.
Doctor medicinae (Dr. med.) and Doctor medicinae dentariae (Dr. med. dent.)
Medicine | Dental Medicine
The doctoral thesis is to be prepared in writing in German or English.
- The doctoral examination procedure begins with the qualification phase. The qualification phase is generally two semesters in length and begins with admission in accordance with section 5. The doctoral board decides whether to recognize up to one year of topic-related research activity.
- The doctoral thesis is prepared during the qualification phase. The qualification phase is research-oriented. Doctoral students should acquire a well-founded understanding of academic problems, in-depth expert knowledge and the ability to undertake interdisciplinary work. To do this, they should
1. Undertake a research activity at an institute or clinic in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Bonn or an institution that cooperates with the University of Bonn and
2. Participate in a doctoral program or research training group, including doctoral research training groups, at the University of Bonn or an institution that cooperates with the University of Bonn.
3. However, the qualification phase can also be conducted outside an institute or clinic in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Bonn and without participating in structured doctoral studies in accordance with section 4, para. 1, sentence 2. The decision regarding this is made by the doctoral board. - For all doctoral students who are not participating in a doctoral program or research training group, including doctoral research training groups, the attendance of at least one research-related course, which usually corresponds to one course unit per week, is mandatory during the qualification phase. Successful participation in the course is to be demonstrated by a certificate of attendance when applying for the opening of the examination phase in accordance with section 7, para. 1.
- Doctoral students who have completed a university degree and are not full-time at the University of Bonn or University Hospital Bonn must enroll for two semesters of doctoral studies in accordance with § 67, para. 5 of the Higher Education Act (Hochschulgesetz, HG). The doctoral board decides on exceptions.
- Doctoral degree regulations 202150 (English version for reference only)
- Doctoral degree regulations 201751 (English version for reference only)
- Doctoral degree regulations 202152 (in German)
- Doctoral degree regulations 201753 (in German)
- Habilitation regulations54 (in German)
Janine Bernabei (Doctoral students A-N)
+49 (0228) 287-19203
Venusberg-Campus 1, Haus 33, 1. OG
53127 Bonn
Martina Suhre (Doctoral students O-Z)
+49 (0228) 287-19204
Venusberg-Campus 1, Haus 33, 1. OG
53127 Bonn
Further information on the Dr. med. & Dr. med. dent. doctoral program at the Faculty of Medicine can be found here56.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Medical Doctor/Doctor of Philosophy (MD/PhD)
Doctor of Philosophie (PhD): Epidemiology | Experimental Medicine | Clinical Immunology | Clinical Infectiology | Medical Biometry | Medical Psychology | Medical Sociology | Neuroscience | Public Health | Healthcare Research
Medical Doctor/Doctor of Philosophy (MD/PhD): Epidemiology | Experimental Medicine | Clinical Immunology | Clinical Infectiology | Neuroscience | Medical Biometry | Medical Psychology | Medical Sociology | Public Health |
Healthcare Research
The doctoral thesis is to be prepared in writing, in English or German.
- The doctoral examination procedure begins with the qualification phase. The qualification phase is generally three years in length under a supervision agreement and begins with admission in accordance with sction 5. Candidates with state examinations in medicine or dentistry can receive credit for one year of research activity during their studies if the candidate took a semester leave for this purpose. Recognition must be requested when applying for admission (section 5). The doctoral board decides whether recognition is granted.
- The doctoral thesis is produced during the qualification phase. The qualification phase is research-oriented. Doctoral students should acquire a well-founded understanding of academic problems, in-depth expert knowledge and the ability to undertake interdisciplinary work. To do this, they should
1. undertake a research activity in an employment relationship at the University of Bonn or an institution that cooperates with the University of Bonn; and
2. participate in a doctoral program or research training group, including doctoral research train-ing groups, at the University of Bonn or an institution that cooperates with the University of Bonn.
The qualification phase can, however, also be conducted without undertaking a research activity in accordance with point 1 or participating in structured doctoral studies in accordance with point 2. The decision regarding this is made by the doctoral board. - For all doctoral students who are not participating in a doctoral program or research training group, including doctoral research training groups, participation in at least two research-related courses, which usually corresponds to two course units per week, is mandatory during the qualification phase. Regular participation in the courses is to be demonstrated by a certificate of attendance when applying for the opening of the examination phase (section 7).
- Doctoral students must enroll for doctoral studies in accordance with § 67, para. 5 HG.
- Reading version of doctoral degree regulations (PhD)57 (English version for reference only)
- Reading version of doctoral degree regulations (MD/PhD)58 (English version for reference only)
- Doctoral Degree Regulation (PhD)59, 1. Amendement60, 2. Amendement61, 3. Amendement62 (in German)
- Doctoral Degree Regulations (MD/PhD)63, 1. Amendement64 (in German)
- Habilitations Regulation54 (in German)
Sarah Funk
+49 (0228) 287-10146
Venusberg-Campus 1, Haus 33, 1.OG
53127 Bonn
Further information on the doctoral program at the Faculty of Medicine can be found here65.
PhD Statistics
Information on the registration of doctoral students and the current questionnaire.
Support during Your Doctoral Studies
Learn more about the comprehensive support offers during your doctorate. Find out more about the Doctorate plus qualification program, our funding lines and individual advice and coaching offers for doctoral candidates.
From all over the world to Bonn
The International Office will support you on the way to a successful doctorate even before your arrival. Find out about visas, health insurance and finding accommodation.
Sandra Papel
Dr. Robert Radu
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Life in Bonn
There is life outside the lecture hall and laboratory— and what a life! The City of Bonn and the Rhineland region has much to offer; the University also makes its own contribution to this mix.