Helpful Information on PhD Data Management

Official Statistics on Doctoral Students

As a university, we are required by law to report data on all doctoral students at the University of Bonn to the State Statistical Office on an annual basis. For this purpose, we ask for your assistance by carefully and completely answering the questions on the survey form that you received from your doctoral office.

The legal basis is the Law on Statistics for Higher Education (HStatG) of November 2, 1990 (BGBl. I p. 2414) in the last valid version of March 2, 2016. Annually on December 1, the characteristics of HStatG § 5 (2) are reported until your doctorate is completed.

Further Information

Here you will find collected information on topics related to doctoral registration and doctoral statistics. 

Structural Doctoral Programs

Our programs include innovative, personalized support with regular progress checks and extensive opportunities to expand your research network.

First Steps towards a Doctorate

Each faculty determines its own doctoral regulations. Here you will find information on the formal requirements of your faculty and the first steps to a doctorate.

Information on Data Protection and Consent

What personal data is collected as part of the Official Doctoral Statistics and how is it used and stored? 

Recognition of Foreign University Entrance Qualifications

If you want to study at a German university, you have to meet some requirements. The most important basics for an application are explained here.

Recognition of Foreign Degrees

Depending on the purpose of recognition and the country of origin, different legal bases apply. In the European area, the Lisbon Convention (Council of Europe/UNESCO) is applicable.


Here you will find information on the first university entrance qualification as well as on the examination entitling to a doctorate as excerpts from the official key directory of the Federal Statistical Office.


Ongoing Doctorates


Completed Doctorates


Female Doctoral Students

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Results Doctoral Statistics 2023

Doctoral students at the university are members of an interdisciplinary research community that includes the seven faculties in Bonn. In 2023, a total of 6,518 young researchers did their doctorate at the University of Bonn. Another 587 doctoral students were able to successfully complete their doctorate.

The University of Bonn has an international body of doctoral students: the proportion of doctoral students with foreign citizenship is 27.3 percent. About 31 percent of all young researchers are already doing their doctorate within the framework of a structured program.

Nationwide Statistics of Doctoral Students

The Federal Statistical Office publishes the official results of the nationwide statistics on doctoral students on its website every year. According to these, in 2023 there were 204,900 people nationwide in an ongoing doctoral program, with a share of women of 48 percent. The proportion of doctoral students with foreign citizenship was 23 percent. An interesting detail: Bonn doctoral students account for a share of approx. 3 percent of doctoral students nationwide.


Avatar Teichrib

Carina Teichrib

Project Manager PhD Statistics
Avatar Gaspardo

Angelia Gaspardo

Project Manager PhD Data Management

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Get to know our numerous orientation and support offerings.


Find out more about our wide range of offers, from good scientific practice to our Doctorate plus and Postdoc plus qualification programs.


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