Orientation - Qualification - Support

Support During Your Doctorate

A doctorate at the University of Bonn offers you a new level of academic independence. In addition to high-level research and scientifically-oriented doctoral programs, you will find optimal support through the Argelander Program1. The extensive portfolio includes numerous offers in the areas of orientation, qualification and support.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© colourbox


With a wide range of services, the Argelander Program for Early Career-Researchers accompanies you in all stages of your doctorate.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© fauxels von pexels


Expand your academic and interdisciplinary skills with our Doctorate plus qualification program. Get to know our three career tracks and get fit for your professional challenges.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© colourbox


From grants for participation in conferences and online events, to support offers for families and completion grants: We have the right funding offer for every phase of the doctorate.


 Female Doctoral Students


Funding Lines for Doctoral Students


Workshops per Semester

More Topics

First Steps

Each faculty determines its own doctoral regulations. Here you will find information about the formal requirements of your faculty and the first steps towards a doctorate.

Structured Doctoral Programs

Our programs include innovative, personal support with regular progress reviews as well as extensive opportunities to expand your research network.

Newsletter - Bonn Doctoral Bulletin

Stay up-to-date on important topics on doctoral studies and subscribe to our newsletter.

From all over the World to Bonn

The “Pro-Motion” project supports international doctoral candidates during their doctorate with a comprehensive range of advice and supervision and promotes intercultural skills as well as networking and integration.

A Doctorate Abroad

Going abroad during your doctorate can be a great enrichment for your research project. Maybe even as part of a binational doctorate?

Who is Doing a Doctorate in Bonn?

Find out more about the registration of doctoral candidates at the University of Bonn: How many doctoral procedures are currently ongoing? Where do our doctoral candidates come from?


Bonn Graduate Center 


+49 228 / 73-60141



Alte Sternwarte
Poppelsdorfer Allee 47
53115 Bonn

Also see

The Argelander Program

Enjoy comprehensive support tailored to your interests and career stage with the Argelander Program for Early-Career Researchers at the Argelander Competence Center.

Research Profile

The University of Bonn stands for science at the top level. Get to know our transdisciplinary research areas.

Life in Bonn

There is life outside the lecture hall and laboratory— and what a life! The City of Bonn and the Rhineland region has much to offer; the University also makes its own contribution to this mix.

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