Fit for the Job Market with Our Certificates

Certificate Doctorate plus

The certificate Doctorate plus can be acquired in the following tracks: Research, Research Management, Business and Organizations Track. In recognition of the training you received in Doctorate Plus courses, doctoral students from the University of Bonn can apply for the certificate when they have earned at least 50 units, of which at least 40 units must be earned in the track in which the certificate is issued.

The certificate is jointly issued by the Bonn Graduate Center and its cooperating institutions: Career Service, Human Development, Bonn University and State Library, International Office, Gender Equality Office and Bonner Zentrum für Hochschullehre.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© colourbox


One unit generally corresponds to 45 minutes of course time; units are awarded as follows:

  • Half-day workshop: 4 units
  • Full-day workshop: 8 units
  • Two-day workshop: 16 units
  • Supplemental individual reflection: 1 unit per half-day workshop

Up to 5 of the 50 units required for a certificate may be acquired by completing courses outside of the Doctorate plus program – for example, courses offered by the Bonner Forum Biomedizin or another institutions. The same workshop cannot be credited for two certificates (e.g. for the Doctorate plus Certificate and the Certificate of the Bonner Zentrum für Hochschullehre).

In addition, up to 8 units from our E-Training offer can be credited for a certificate.

Completion of your doctoral thesis is not required in order to receive a certificate.

Requesting Your Certificate

When you have fulfilled the requirements for receiving a certificate, please use our request form to apply for a certificate!

Questions about the certificate?

Do you have questions about the certificate? Then please contact us by email.

The three Tracks

Would you like to stay in research after your doctorate and work as a scientist at a university or a research institution? Then benefit from our workshops in the Research Track and find out what good scientific practice means, how you give a scientific lecture or what methods and instruments you can use to enrich your research and teaching.

Learn more2

Would you like to work in an exciting and growing professional field at the interface between science and administration? Then this track is the right choice for you. You can acquire knowledge and interdisciplinary skills that are particularly useful for a career in research management. Research managers work primarily at universities and research institutions, but also at funding institutions and science policy institutions. The workshops deal with topics such as university organization and science law, chairing meetings, strategy and leadership in science.

Learn more3

Would you like to pursue a career in an organization or company outside of the science sector after completing your doctorate? The workshops in our Business and Organizations Track equip you with skills and knowledge that will qualify you for positions in, for example, industry and an NGO or to run a startup. Among other things, our workshops help you successfully master the application phase, sharpen your profile and take on management tasks.

Learn more4

Certificate in Your Bag?
Apply Now for an Add-on and Advance Your Career

You are a doctoral student, a graduate with a doctorate or a post-doc (up to two years after the doctorate) and have obtained a doctorate plus certificate in one of the tracks? Then you can apply for the track-specific add-on:

Research Add-on

If you have acquired a certificate in the Research track, you can apply for a two part individual career coaching session with Dr. Antje Schultheis5 focused on planning a career in academia. The coaching (150 minutes in total) is available in German or English and in-person or online.

In order to support women in their endeavor to take up a career in research, female doctoral students receive four coaching appointments (300 minutes in total).

Research Management Add-on

Gain initial, everyday insights into the professional field of science management during a one to four-day job shadowing. The Research and Innovation Services and other institutions of the University of Bonn are open to you for a job shadowing. Places are allocated according to availability.

Regardless of the acquisition of a certificate, within the framework of Erasmus+ funding7, employees and enrolled doctoral students have the opportunity to spend several days shadowing at a partner university or research institution abroad.

Business and Organizations Add-on

Have you received a certificate in the Business and Organizations track? Then apply for a two-part individual career coaching with Dr. Antje Schultheis5 focused on non-university career options. The coaching sessions (90 and 60 minutes) can be conducted in German or English and in-person or online.

Who offers career coaching in the Research and Business and Organizations Add-on?

Dr Antje Schultheis.jpg
Dr. Antje Schultheis © Christopher Horne

Our coach Dr. Antje Schultheis in profile

Dr. Antje Schultheis is an independent coach (as.empowerment10) and managing director as well as founder of the professional network Spinnen-Netz I ArbeitMitWirkung, which has been in operation since 2009. She is also a member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mentoring (DGM) and co-spokesperson for the Network Wissenschaftscoaching.


  • Coaching of doctoral students
  • Empowerment of academics in their career development
  • Positioning in science under a gender-specific aspects
  • Reflection and analysis of gender-specific and intersectional discrimination
  • Challenging communication situations
  • Work-Life balance
  • Reconciling of family and science
  • Networking


M.A. in Political Science/German Studies/Sociology; doctorate in Political Science; certified Life Design Coach (2020); certified Human Resources Officer (IHK Certificate 2017); further training as a coach for university teachers (2014); certified Diversity Coach and coach for Collaborative Consultation (2012); certified Process Manager; leadership training; mindfulness trainings.

From Modules to Tracks: Transition rules when acquiring the certificate

Until the winter term 2020/21, 50 units in workshops in at least two different modules were required for the Doctorate plus certificate. Starting from the summer term 2021, the four modules in Doctorate plus willl be replaced by the three career tracks.

Until the winter term 2023/24, the following transition rules apply:

Anyone who has already attended workshops in individual modules can apply for the prior version of the Doctorate plus certificate after acquiring 50 units by the end of the transition period. The respective modules are not listed in the certificate.

If you want to acquire a new Doctorate plus certificate in one of the three tracks, you can include up to 10 units from workshops before the introduction of the three tracks.


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Martina Stephan

Also see


Get to know our numerous orientation and support offerings.


Find out more about our wide range of offers, from good scientific practice to our Doctorate plus and Postdoc plus qualification programs.


Learn about the numerous funding opportunities and grants for doctoral students.

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