Research Management Track
Would you like to work in an exciting and growing professional field at the interface between science and administration? Then this track in the skills and training program Doctorate plus is the right choice for you. You can acquire knowledge and interdisciplinary skills that are particularly useful for a career in research management. The workshops deal with topics such as university organization and science law, chairing meetings, strategy and leadership in academia.
Upcoming Workshops in the Research Management Track
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With the on-demand e-training courses, you can continue your education flexibly and conveniently from home or on the road.
Certificate Doctorate plus
Acquire the Doctorate plus Certificate in one of our three career tracks.
Our Complementary Tracks
Research Track
Would you like to stay in research after your doctorate and work as a scientist at a university or a research institution? Then benefit from our workshops in the Research Track and find out what good scientific practice means, how you give a scientific lecture or what methods and instruments you can use to enrich your research and teaching.
Business and Organizations Track
The workshops in our Business and Organizations Track equip you with skills and knowledge that will qualify you for positions in, for example, industry and in an NGO or to run a startup. Among other things, our workshops help you successfully master the application phase, sharpen your profile and take on management tasks.
Eileen Bradley
Patrik Kutzer
Also see
Skills and Training Program Doctorate plus
Expand your skills with our training program Doctorate plus.
Funding and Support
Learn about the numerous funding opportunities and grants for doctoral students.