Funding Opportunities at a Glance
Funding a doctorate can be a challenge, but there are numerous ways to obtain support. From scholarships to specialized funding programs, the University of Bonn and external organizations offer a variety of instruments. The right funding can not only ease your financial burden, but also allow you to focus fully on your research.

Funding Lines at the University of Bonn
Benefit from the wide range of funding opportunities for doctoral students at the University of Bonn! From grants for participation in conferences and online events, scholarships for research stays abroad to graduation scholarships for international doctoral students: The University of Bonn has the right funding offer for you at every stage of your doctorate.

Guide to Funding Your Doctorate in Bonn
The motivation and decision to do a doctorate are very individual, just like the path to it. Whatever the reasons for doing a doctorate may be, for many people the question inevitably arises at the beginning: How do I finance this multi-year research project? The good news is that there are various options for funding doctorates in Germany with a wide range of funding instruments and organizations.

External Funding Opportunities - Doctoral Grants
In addition to funding opportunities in structured doctoral programs, there are numerous scholarship programs for individual doctoral funding. Find the scholarship that suits your needs here!

External Funding Opportunities - Subsidies and Awards
In addition to doctoral scholarships, which enable you to finance your doctorate over a longer period of time, there are numerous other funding opportunities that you can benefit from during the course of your doctorate. These can be travel grants for attending a conference or grants towards the printing costs of your dissertation.
Individual Consultation
The Bonn Graduate Center (BGZ) offers you individual advice on non-subject specific issues relating to doctoral studies. Do you have questions about financing your doctorate? Please feel free to make an appointment!
Workshops on Funding Your Doctorate
As part of the Doctorate plus qualification program, we offer a workshop on doctoral financing every semester.
Newsletter - Bonn Doctoral Bulletin
Stay up to date on important topics relating to your doctorate and find out regularly about various funding opportunities, among other things.
Also see
With a wide range of services, the Argelander Program for Early Career-Researchers accompanies you in all stages of your doctorate.
Life in Bonn
There is life outside the lecture hall and laboratory— and what a life! The City of Bonn and the Rhineland region has much to offer; the University also makes its own contribution to this mix.