Internationalization through conferences

Participation in International Conferences

To further promote the internationalization of doctoral students from all subject areas at the University of Bonn, the Graduate Center supports conference participations abroad as well as the participation in summer or winter schools abroad (in-person or online). Prerequisites are active participation (such as poster presentation or talk), a letter of acceptance provided by the conference organizers and the formal admission as a doctoral student from the respective faculty.


Applications can be submitted electronically at any time via the linked application form. A review takes place quarterly at the following deadlines:

January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15

Funding conditions

Doctoral students from all subject areas as well as visiting doctoral students enrolled at the University of Bonn (with a minimum stay of at least six months) are welcome to apply as long as they have not yet completed their doctoral studies with the oral doctoral examination. Please note successful students are not eligible to apply for this funding program within the same year.

The grant includes:

Funding will be granted according to lump sums determined for the destination country (not according to actually occurring costs). Please note that conferences taking place in Germany cannot be funded.

Funding cannot be awarded retroactively, i.e. for conferences taking place prior to the deadline to which an application is submitted.

Example: You submit your application on March 10 for a conference taking place from April 5-10. The next deadline applying for the application is therefore April 15. As the date is after the conference, the application cannot be considered.

Please note that for accounting reasons, we can only accept invoices for participation or abstract fees issued with the University of Bonn indicated as the invoice recipient:

University of Bonn
Name of the institution or organizational unit
Recommended: Name of the customer or contact person
Regina-Pacis-Weg 3
53113 Bonn, Germany

  • Importance of the conference participation for the applicant’s research progress and building of scientific networks
  • Academic CV of the doctoral students

The decision on the award of funding will be made by an interdisciplinary selection committee of scholars. The Bonn Graduate Center supports the members of the committee in an advisory capacity. The members are:

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alessandro Bismuto, Prof. Dr. Sabine Feist, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Lorenzen and Jun.-Prof. Dr. Marie-Christine Simon.

The application should include:

  • A concise statement of the applicant´s contribution to the conference that is comprehensible for laymen
  • Acceptance letter provided by the conference organizers (can be handed in until 4 weeks after the application deadline)
  • Academic CV of the doctoral student1
  • Letter of support signed by the supervisor at the University of Bonn (see here 8for template)
  • Written formal admission as a doctoral student from the faculty or confirmation of enrollment for visiting doctoral students

The review of the applications normally takes four to six weeks from the respective deadline (January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15). Please refrain from any inquiries in this regard during this period of time.

1 Family responsibilities, parental leave, illness and further breaks are, of course, taken into account. Please explain possible interruptions in your application.

Please note

When planning trips in connection with this measure, please note the current travel advice from the Federal Foreign Office (in German).

Always reflect on and check the reliability of a conference before submitting an abstract or registering for participation. This will help you avoid so-called ‘predatory conferences’, whose organisers fraudulently target early-career researchers in particular. The website Think-Check-Attend can help you with the assessment.


Avatar Radu

Dr. Robert Radu

Bonner Graduiertenzentrum (BGZ)

Poppelsdorfer Allee 47

53115 Bonn

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External Funding Opportunities

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