27. January 2022

Healthy Campus Bonn Study Healthy Campus Bonn study and stress management seminar "Empowered For Your Doctoral Studies"

What causes stress and what role does a doctorate play in this? Healthy Campus Bonn, the university health management at the University of Bonn, is conducting a comprehensive study on the stress management seminar "Empowered For Your Doctoral Studies" in 2022 and is looking for doctoral students who become participants.

The seminar "Empowered For Your Doctoral Studies" addresses the specifics of the living and working environment of doctoral students and teaches you how to deal with stress factors in a healthy way by acquiring stress management strategies and techniques. The aim of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the stress management program for doctoral students in the long term to enhance it even further. The goal of Healthy Campus Bonn is also to implement the seminar for doctoral students at the University of Bonn permanently.
Participation in the randomized intervention study includes participation in three brief tests and attendance at the stress management seminar. The Healthy Campus team is happy to have you participate in the study. You are also welcome to draw the attention of your doctoral colleagues to the study and the seminar.

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