Registration Conditions

Registration terms and conditions for events offered by the Bonn Graduate Center and Human Resources Development & Career

The registration conditions of the respective areas can be found in the following. In order to participate in events of the Bonn Graduate Center and Human Resources Development & Career, you must have read and accepted the terms and conditions each time you register. 

Human Resources Development & Career

We reserve the right not to consider registrations received by post or fax. After processing your application you and your supervisor will receive an e-mail with information about your registration status. Please note that the number of participants is limited for didactic reasons and due to limited space.

The seminars are only open to

  • Employees of the University of Bonn who have a valid employment contract at the time of the seminar
  • Students enrolled at the University of Bonn
  • PhD-students whose thesis is supervised by a professor of the University of Bonn

If you have received a confirmation, this is – even if not explicitly mentioned – conditional. The seminar may be cancelled due to low registration numbers, illness, or another significant reason. In this case you are not entitled to the provision of the same seminar at a later date.

Attendance is compulsory. If you cannot attend the entire seminar, please inform your contact person for the seminar. If you are present for less than 90% of the time, you will not receive a certificate of attendance.

It is possible to withdraw from the seminar if there is an important reason for doing so. If the cancellation is made less than 21 days before the start of the event without sufficient grounds, we reserve the right not to consider future applications made by you.

The costs for internal seminars are assumed by the Human Resources Development & Career department.

In most cases, no catering is provided for half-day events. For full-day events, the Personnel Development & Career department provides water for the participants.

Pictures and videos may be recorded at all (online) events organized and administered by Human Resource Development. This includes events that Human Resource Development organizes using third parties. The images may be used for group photographs, overview photographs and campaigns. Images like this may be used for internal and external marketing (e.g. University of Bonn home page).

The person responsible for managing the images is:

Max Pietza
Poppelsdorfer Allee 47
53115 Bonn
Tel.: 0228 73-1877

Please contact the person above if you would like an image in which you are recognizable to be deleted.

We also offer the “Notes on Registration” for you to download.

If seminars and consultations of HR Development and Career are offered online, you consent to your name and, if applicable, your email address being forwarded to the seminar leader(s) so that you can be invited or admitted to participate in the course on the respective online platform. When participating in a course, the data protection and terms of use of the online platform via which the seminar is offered apply. Our trainers also comply with these when using their own software licenses.

To ensure that you continue to be informed about the offerings of the Personnel Development Science Team
we automatically add participants from the fields of science and science management to our
management are automatically added to our newsletter distribution list "Academic Career
Development" newsletter. You can unsubscribe from the list at any time here

Bonn Graduate Center

By submitting this form you are bindingly stating your interest in participating in the selected workshop. Please note the written copy of your data you receive automatically is not a confirmation you are enrolled in the workshop. Within the next few days, you will receive a separate email letting you know if you can participate or are on the waiting list. Please understand the number of participants for each workshop is limited to ensure best possible conditions.

Our workshop program is exclusively designed for early-career researchers of the University of Bonn and those in cooperative research training groups. This workshop is only open to the target group specified in the course description.

Continuous participation and active involvement in the workshop is required.

In principle, attendance is compulsory. If you cannot be present 100% of the time, please inform us in good time. In prior consultation with us and the course management, an absence of max. 10% of the course duration can be approved in exceptional cases.

Film and photo recordings may be made at all events that are administratively and/or organizationally accompanied by the Bonn Graduate Center. The images can be used for internal and external marketing activities (e.g. homepage of the University of Bonn, social media, etc.).

If you would like to delete a recording in which you are recognizable, please contact us at

If you are unable to attend the workshop after you have registered, please cancel your registration at least one week before the course begins. In this way, people from the waiting list will have the chance to participate in the course. In case of unexcused non-attendance, we reserve the right to block you from all events of the Graduate Center for a period of one year.

No fees will arise for you, since the costs for this workshop are covered by the Bonn Graduate Center.

We reserve the right to cancel the event due to low demand or other important reasons beyond our control (e.g. sudden illness of the trainer, force majeure).

Please note that if you participate in an online workshop, the privacy policy and terms of use of the online platform through which the workshop is offered apply.


Avatar Kutzer

Patrik Kutzer

Bonn Graduate Center
Avatar Pietza

Max Pietza

Personalentwicklung & Karriere
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