High Profile Professorships

High Profile Professorships

Establishing high profile professorships is a central measure following the success of the University of Bonn within the German Excellence Strategy in 2019, a funding program by the German Federal and State Governments to support cutting-edge research at universities. To ensure institutional renewal and continuing dynamic development of our University, we have established generously equipped Hertz, Schlegel and Argelander Tenure Track Professorships. They aim to strengthen the Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs)1 as well as the faculties2.

Hertz Chairs

Hertz Chairs serve to further develop our TRA profiles by establishing new research fields and methods, preferentially into the TRAs’ areas of scientific potential. The aim is to help these areas to catch-up with those fields that already have an outstanding international reputation.
Hertz Chairs are filled with excellent researchers who, in the opinion of internationally recruited reviewers, are leaders in their respective field or who, in the case of candidates just beginning their academic career, show the potential of being top-level researchers.

For the Hertz Chairs, TRAs identify overarching research topics that match their strategic planning and appoint outstanding individuals, regardless of their specific discipline. Hertz Chairs (W3) are equipped with a highly attractive start-up package ensuring that they have a maximum of freedom and flexibility for developing their research field and providing important impulses for the TRAs. Hertz Chairs will have reduced teaching responsibilities. They are requested to develop TRA-specific teaching modules, preferably in English, which are then introduced into existing study programs or used to develop new study programs.

Flugrobotik-Shooting am ais
© Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn
Argeländer Tenure Tracks
© Frank Homann/Uni Bonn

Argelander Tenure Track Professorships

Argelander Tenure Track Professorships are established at the intersection of two disciplines within the TRAs. They enable early-career researchers to develop their own independent research at the boundaries of disciplines.
Argelander Tenure Track Professorships are appointed as W1 professorships. Upon successful evaluation, they will be promoted to permanent W2 professors.

Argelander Tenure Track Professorships especially attract early-career researchers (up to four years after PhD). These professorships are funded by the Tenure Track Program of the German Federal and State Governments for the first six years. They are additionally equipped with a generous start-up package. Argelander Tenure Track Professors are primarily expected to contribute their teaching input to TRA-specific teaching-modules.

Schlegel Chairs

Schlegel Chairs are established in the faculties, based on a concept to advance the research quality in fields that show potential for development. Schlegel chairs develop thematic linkages to TRAs. They are starting points for third-party funding initiatives. Appointments to these well-endowed professorships are on a W3-level.

Forschung und Lehre
© Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn


Our appointment management team will support you with your application for a professorship at the University of Bonn. We look forward to working with you.

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Jasmin Leuchtenberg

Appointment Manager
Avatar Schröder

Katharina Schröder

Appointment Manager

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