About TRA Modelling
The TRA Modelling is a contentual research alliance at the interface of applied mathematics, computer sciences, and application fields such as quantitative economics, life science/medicine, or geoscience. It is affiliated with the Cluster of Excellence Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM) and further cooperates with researchers from the Clusters of Excellence ImmunoSensation2 and PhenoRob , the Interdisciplinary Research Units "Mathematics and Life Science", as well as the b-it (Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology), the Fraunhofer Institute SCAI or the Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics.
TRA Modelling is represented by the Spokespersons Prof. Dr. Alexander Effland (Applied Mathematics) and Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gall (Computer Science), who replaced the founding Speakers (Prof. Bovier and Prof. Röglin) at the General Assembly in February 2023. They are supported by the Steering Committee and the TRA Manager (see below for more information).

Inspired by tradition
The University of Bonn has a traditional strength in mathematics. The Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM) with its integrated graduate school is the oldest cluster of excellence for mathematics in Germany and has made the University of Bonn one of the top mathematical research institutions worldwide. The exceptional standing of mathematics in Bonn is demonstrated by many high level awards, most notably two Fields Medals (“Nobel prize of mathematics”).
The Bonn University‘s Institute of Computer Science was one of the first of its kind in Germany. Hosting various ERC-Grant holders and one of the German Informatics Society’s “most influential minds from the German history of artificial intelligence (AI)”, Bonn is one of Germany’s top 10 computer science locations.
The Department of Economics of the University of Bonn is one of the leading economic research institutions in Europe and enjoys an excellent reputation worldwide. This is confirmed by international rankings as well as numerous highly ranked prizes and awards - notably the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1994.
Going beyond borders of disciplines
The TRA’s contentual self-concept is a deliberate "bottom-up culture" with a broad, open spectrum of inter- and transdisciplinary topics. The TRA Modelling was initially built around the core fields of mathematics and computer science applied to quantitative economics. Meanwhile, it developed towards further highly promising application fields such as life sciences/medicine, geodesy, and chemical engineering. In a participatory bottom-up process, the TRA sharpened its research profile and identified three (naturally overlapping) sub-schemes:
- “Mathematics, Computational Biology & Medicine”
- “Computer and Data Science for Economics”
- “Data Analytics and Algorithm Engineering”
Find out more: Research in the TRA Modelling
The main goals of TRA 1 Modelling are to strengthen inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation within mathematics, computer science, and its application areas as well as providing support to establish new cooperations and joint research projects. Furthermore, one of the overall goals of the TRA’s is to promote and support postdoctoral scientists and to provide opportunities for networking and academic exchange.
Find out more: Funding in the TRA Modelling
Organization of TRA Modelling
Prof. Dr. Alexander Effland (Institute for Applied Mathematics)
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gall (Institute of Computer Science)
Spokespersons of TRA 1 Modelling:
Prof. Alexander Effland (Institute for Applied Mathematics)
Prof. Jürgen Gall (Institute of Computer Science)
Further ex officio members (born members)
Prof. Valentin Blomer (as Spokesperson of Excellence HCM)
Prof. László Végh (Hertz Chair of TRA Modelling)
Prof. Sven Rady (as Head of the Department of Economics)
Prof. Walter Witke (as Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences)
Professorial members:
Prof. Anton Bovier (Institute for Applied Mathematics)
Prof. Jürgen Dölz (Institute for Numerical Simulation)
Prof. Anne Driemel (Institute of Computer Science)
Prof. Ulrike Endesfelder (Institute for Microbiology and Biotechnology)
Prof. Lucie Flek (Institute of Computer Science)
Prof. Joachim Freyberger (Institute of Finance and Statistics)
Prof. Philipp Hieronymi (Mathematical Institute)
Prof. Matthias B. Hullin (Institute of Computer Science)
Prof. Petra Mutzel (Institute of Computer Science)
Prof. Heiko Röglin (Institute of Computer Science)
Prof. Catharina Stroppel (Mathematical Institute)
Prof. Kevin Thurley (Institute of Experimental Oncology)
Status Group Representative:
Scientific Staff:
Dr. Magdalena Balcerak Jackson (Managing Director HCM)
Dr. Sven Mallach (Institute of Computer Science)
deputy position Dr.-Ing. Jan Martin Brockmann (Space Geodesy Group, IGG)
Technical and Administrative Staff:
Anna Kessler (Mathematics)
deputy position Daniela Schürheck (Computer Science)
Lilian Witters (Student Council Mathematics; deputy position: Leo Papenhausen)
Christoph Geron (Student Council Computer Science; deputy position: Felix Roth)
Manager: Dr. Daniel Minge
Contact: tra1@uni-bonn.de
Phone: +49 (0)175 1038957
All important information about the structure, objectives and legal basis of TRA 'Modelling' can be found in our statute
TRA Modelling is funded within the framework of the Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments.
Affliated Institutions
- EXC 2047 - Hausdorff Center for Mathematics: Foundations, Models, Applications
- EXC 2151 - ImmunoSensation2: The Immune Sensory System
- EXC 2070: PhenoRob - Robotics and Phenotyping for Sustainable Crop Production
- Interdisciplinary Research Units (IRUs) Mathematics & Life Science
- Digital Science Center (DiCe)
- Life & Medical Sciences-Institut (LIMES)
- b-it (Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology)
- Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics
- Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing SCAI
- Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS
- Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics FKIE
- Bonner Forum Biomedizin (BFB)