Membership Application

This is the membership application for the TRA "Mathematics, Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems" (TRA 1).

You are eligible to become a member if you...

  • ... are capable to persue independent research in the TRA's research area and are member of a faculty of the University of Bonn
  • ... match the criteria above and are not member of the University of Bonn but are staff of an institut that holds a cooperation agreement with University of Bonn
  • .... are a PhD Student at University of Bonn in the TRA's research area (membership without voting rights)

Please contact the TRA1-Management for any questions concerning the membership at Thank you!

Contact data
Please upload a portrait photo for your profile on the TRA website. If you do not wish to upload a portrait photo, we will use a general dummy photo.
(University of Bonn)
(in Englisch, max. 5 keyword to be used to filter the member directory by her or his expertise)
Please tick the box to indicate whether you are already a member of another Transdisciplinary Research Area.
Do you have a particular interest or experience with public outreach and/or transfer?
I agree that the data and photo entered here may be used for internal purposes of the University of Bonn and for publication on the TRA website.

Please contact the TRA1-Management for any questions concerning the membership at Thank you!

Wird geladen