Maria A. Gonzales-Carmona
PD Dr. med. Maria A. Gonzales-Carmona
  • Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik I, Universitätsklinikum Bonn
Research topics
  • oncological gastroenterology
  • hepatobiliary tumors
  • immunotherapy
Senior Physician and Head of Oncological Gastroenterology at the Medical Clinic and Polyclinic I in the CIO (Center for Integrated Oncology). Function as principal investigator for several phase I, II and III clinical studies in the CIO (center for integrated oncology) of the department of Internal Medicine I, University of Bonn. Group leader in the field translational gastrointestinal oncology, including research on Immunotherapy of pancreatohepatobiliary tumors (hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC and bile duct carcinoma, CCC, pancreatic carcinoma).
Selected publications

1. Monin MB, Baier LI, Gorny JG, Berger M, Zhou T, Mahn R, Sadeghlar F, Möhring C, Boesecke C, van Bremen K, Rockstroh JK, Strassburg CP, Eis-Hübinger AM, Schmid M, & Gonzalez-Carmona MA. Deficient immune response following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in patients with hepatobiliary carcinoma: a forgotten, vulnerable group of patients?. Liver Cancer, in press.

2. Möhring C, Mańczak A, Timotheou A, Sadeghlar F, Zhou T, Mahn R, Monin MB, Toma M, Feldmann G, Brossart P, Köksal M, Sarria GR, Sommer N, Lingohr P, Jafari A, Kalff JC, Strassburg CP, & Gonzalez-Carmona MA (2023). Perioperative Therapy with Flot4 Significantly Increases Survival in Patients with Gastroesophageal and Gastric Cancer in A Large Real-World Cohort. Int J Cancer, 10.1002/ijc.34511.

3. Vogt A, Sadeghlar F, Ayub TH, Schneider C, Möhring C, Zhou T, Mahn R, Bartels A, Praktiknjo M, Kornek MT, Toma M, Schmidt-Wolf IGH, Branchi V, Matthaei H, Kalff JC, Strassburg CP, & Gonzalez-Carmona MA (2021). Alpha-Fetoprotein- and CD40Ligand-Expressing Dendritic Cells for Immunotherapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Cancers, 13(13), 3375.

4. Sadeghlar F, Vogt A, Mohr RU, Mahn R, van Beekum K, Kornek M, Weismüller TJ, Branchi V, Matthaei H, Toma M, Schmidt-Wolf IGH, Kalff JC, Strassburg CP, & González-Carmona MA (2020). Induction of cytotoxic effector cells towards cholangiocellular, pancreatic, and colorectal tumor cells by activation of the immune checkpoint CD40/CD40L on dendritic cells. Cancer Immunol Immunother, 70(5), 1451–1464.

Maria A. Gonzales-Carmona
PD Dr. med. Maria A. Gonzales-Carmona
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