Veronika Lukacs-Kornek
Prof. Dr. Veronika Lukacs-Kornek
  • Institut für Molekulare Medizin und Experimentelle Immunologie
Research topics
  • immune regulation
  • stromal cells
  • tumor
Stromal cell populations within secondary lymphoid organs (SLOs) guide immune cell migration and play a complex immunoregulatory role in an arising immune response. The stromal network exhibit complex interactions and cross talks with immune cells necessary for immunity and tolerance. Additionally,, these stromal cross-talks also operate within the tumor microenvironment. The research aims to understand the immunoregulatory role of stromal cells and their dynamics with T cells during an arising immune response and how we can influence stromal-T cell cross-talk for a more efficient immune response within SLOs and in the tumor microenvironment.
Selected publications

Lukacs-Kornek V., Malhotra D, Fletcher AL, Pinner S., Tayalia P., Collier A. and Turley SJ. (2011) Fibroblastic reticular cells suppress T cell proliferation through regulated release of nitric oxide Nat. Immunol. Sep 18;12(11):1096-104. doi: 10.1038/ni.2112.

Fletcher AL, Lukacs-Kornek V., Reynoso ED, Pinner SE, Bellemare-Pelletier A, Curry MS, Collier AR, Boyd RL, Turley SJ. (2010) Lymph node fibroblastic reticular cells directly present peripheral tissue antigen under steady-state and inflammatory conditions. J Exp Med. Apr 12;207(4):689-97

Julich-Haertel H., Tiwari M., Mehrfeld C., Krause E., Kornek M., Lukacs-Kornek V. (2017) Isolation and Enrichment of Liver Progenitor Subsets Identified by a Novel Surface Marker Combination J Vis Exp. Feb 18;(120). doi: 10.3791/55284.

Heier E., Meier A, Julich-Haertel H., Tschernig T., Lammert F., Lukacs-Kornek V. (2017) CD103+ dendritic cells protect against steatosis progression towards steatohepatitis J Hepatol. Jan 18. pii: S0168-8278(17)30012-0.

Julich-Haertel H, Urban SK, Krawczyk M, Willms A, Jankowski K, Patkowski W, Kruk B, Krasnodębski M, Ligocka J, Schwab R, Richardsen I, Schaaf S, Klein A, Gehlert S, Sänger H, Casper M, Banales JM, Schuppan D, Milkiewicz P, Lammert F, Krawczyk M, Lukacs-Kornek V*, Kornek M*. (2017) Cancer-associated circulating large extracellular vesicles in cholangiocarcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma. J Hepatol. Mar 3. pii: S0168-8278(17)30123-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2017.02.024. * Authors contributed equally to this work

Veronika Lukacs-Kornek
Prof. Dr. Veronika Lukacs-Kornek
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