Yongguo Li
Prof. Dr. Yongguo Li
  • Institut für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
Research topics
  • energy homeostasis
  • fat tissue
  • molecular pharmacology
I am dedicated to investigating topics of energy homeostasis with a focus on human health and disease biology from a pharmacological perspective. My group employs a combination of state-of-the-art molecular technologies and pharmacological screening to study the role of signaling pathways on energy homeostasis to reveal druggable molecular targets and potential drugs that target them, which have fundamental implications for achieving metabolic health and combating metabolic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.
Selected publications

Li Y*, Fromme T. (2022). Uncoupling Protein 1 Does Not Produce Heat without Activation. Int J Mol Sci,23(5):2406. doi: 10.3390/ijms23052406. PMID: 35269549; co-corresponding author

Bast-Habersbrunner A, Kiefer C, Weber P, Fromme T, Schießl A, Schwalie PC, Deplancke B, Li Y*, Klingenspor M* (2021). Long noncoding RNA Ctcflos orchestrates transcriptional and post-transcriptional alternative splicing programs essential for thermogenic gene expression. EMBO Reports, 22(7):e51289. doi: 10.15252/embr.202051289. PMID: 34056831; co-corresponding author

Li Y *, Braun K *, Gabler S, Willershäuser M, Reber J, Karlas A, Laurila S, Lahesmaa M, u Din M, Bast A, Virtanen KA, Fromme T, Bolze F, O’Farrell L, Alsina-Fernandez J, Coskun T, Ntziachristos V, Nuutila P, Klingenspor M (2018). Secretin-activated brown fat mediates prandial thermogenesis to induce satiation. Cell, 175(6):1561-1574.* co-contribution.

Li Y, Fromme T, Schweizer S, Schöttl T, Klingenspor M (2014).Taking control over intracellular fatty acid levels is essential for the analysis of thermogenic function in cultured primary brown and brite/beige adipocytes.EMBO Rep,15(10):1069-76.

Yongguo Li
Prof. Dr. Yongguo Li
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