- Institut für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
- energy homeostasis
- fat tissue
- molecular pharmacology
Li Y*, Fromme T. (2022). Uncoupling Protein 1 Does Not Produce Heat without Activation. Int J Mol Sci,23(5):2406. doi: 10.3390/ijms23052406. PMID: 35269549; co-corresponding author
Bast-Habersbrunner A, Kiefer C, Weber P, Fromme T, Schießl A, Schwalie PC, Deplancke B, Li Y*, Klingenspor M* (2021). Long noncoding RNA Ctcflos orchestrates transcriptional and post-transcriptional alternative splicing programs essential for thermogenic gene expression. EMBO Reports, 22(7):e51289. doi: 10.15252/embr.202051289. PMID: 34056831; co-corresponding author
Li Y *, Braun K *, Gabler S, Willershäuser M, Reber J, Karlas A, Laurila S, Lahesmaa M, u Din M, Bast A, Virtanen KA, Fromme T, Bolze F, O’Farrell L, Alsina-Fernandez J, Coskun T, Ntziachristos V, Nuutila P, Klingenspor M (2018). Secretin-activated brown fat mediates prandial thermogenesis to induce satiation. Cell, 175(6):1561-1574.* co-contribution.
Li Y, Fromme T, Schweizer S, Schöttl T, Klingenspor M (2014).Taking control over intracellular fatty acid levels is essential for the analysis of thermogenic function in cultured primary brown and brite/beige adipocytes.EMBO Rep,15(10):1069-76.
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/research-and-teaching/research-profile/transdisciplinary-research-areas/tra-3-life-and-health/members-directory/yongguo-li#research_profile-tab
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/research-and-teaching/research-profile/transdisciplinary-research-areas/tra-3-life-and-health/members-directory/yongguo-li#businesscard-tab