Special grant program 'Covid Call'

Special grant program for research questions with a focus on social sciences, law, culture or the humanities related to the pandemic (COVID-Call 2021) 

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The coronavirus pandemic has posed tremendous challenges extending beyond impact on health and our healthcare system to affect the law and political life in questions of freedom and democracy, but also culture, the media, the economy, education, family policy and employment – throwing open a trove of questions to be addressed through research.

A special program has been allocated to drive forward research into societal/social, legal and cultural impacts around the Covid-19 pandemic and related liberal arts research.

Further information on the special funding line.

The application form for the special funding line.

Projects of the special grant program 'Covid Call'

Project leader
Dr. Johanna Hartung

Information about the project

At the end of the pandemic, work concepts have become more diverse. This project investigates whether workers' well-being differs between home-office and office days while considering a number of potential factors (e.g., social interaction, commuting, type of tasks, age). The results can inform employers as well as employees about an optimal configuration of home-office regulations.

  • Lecture with discussion (07.12.2022): 'Wohlbefinden zwischen Arbeitsplatz und Home-Office' (Dies Academicus)
  • Hartung, J. & Hülür, G. (2022, September). Well-being in the third year of the pandemic: a daily diary study of home and office days among working people in Germany. In: Hartung, J. & Hülür, G. (Chair), Evidence from diverse German speaking samples on experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Symposium at the 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie, DGPs), Hildesheim, Germany.
  • Stahlhofen, L., Hartung, J., Schilling, O., Wahl, H. W., & Hülür, G. (2022). The relevance of perceived work environment and work activities for personality trajectories in midlife. Journal of Personality.
  • Hartung, J., Stahlhofen, L., Zacher, H., & Hülür, G. (2023). The role of work and retirement in adult development and aging. Acta Psychologica, 104076-104076.

      Project leader
      Yvonne Scheit

      Marcel Heinecke (WHF)
      Lena Sevina Krzeminski (WHF)

      Information about the project
      Which digital technologies/media/formats do students at the University of Bonn use, how is this use perceived, and what difficulties are experienced? This involves taking a closer, systematic sociological look at what actually makes digital interaction so different, which makes it perceived as awkward by many students. In addition, what are the students' perspectives on the increasing digitization of the University of Bonn and, most importantly, how has all this changed as a result of Corona? The research project is a mixed methods study with panel design, based on three quantitative online surveys of students at the University of Bonn, interviews with students and expert interviews.

      Further information will follow.

      Project leader
      Prof. Dr. Caja Thimm
      Yannik Peters
      Patrick Nehls

      Kathrin Simone Dupps (WHF)
      Vimbai Cathrine Hühner (WHF)
      Niklas Kärmer (SHK)
      Lisa Melcher-Metzger (SHK)
      Mariya Molodsha (SHK)
      Joschua-Merlin Sachau (SHK)
      Nicolas Wehner (SHK)

      Information about the project
      Further information will follow.

      • Workshop (19.07.2022): 'Forschen mit Instagram-Daten: Werkstattbericht zu Möglichkeiten & Schwierigkeiten von Ansätzen der Computational Social Sciences' (durchgeführt von Dr. Lisa Merten, Hanna Immler M.A. und Philipp Kessling M.A., Hans-Bredow-Institut)
      Teaching events

      Closed projects of the special grant program 'Covid Call'

      Project leader
      Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin v. Gaudecker


      Moritz Mendel

      Information about the project
      Experiences and memories shape macroeconomic expectations, which have a measurable impact on economic growth. We combine individual expectation data from the years 2020 and 2022, the latter of which were collected in this project. The two periods exhibit completely different patterns - there was hardly a reaction of inflation expectations in 2020, whereas there were large jumps in expectations regarding unemployment and GDP growth. The pattern is reversed in 2022. An analysis of individual patterns allows us to gain a deeper understanding of expectations formation and how it can be influenced.


          Project leader
          Jun.- Prof Carmen Brandt

          Eshita Binte Shirin Nazrul (WHK)

          Information about the projectIn
          This study investigated the situation of undocumented Bangladeshis during the Corona pandemic in different German cities. Besides contextualising the legal and socio-economic status of this group, the main objective of the study was to elicit their access to health care and, in particular, COVID-19 vaccination, as well as their individual attitudes towards the latter and institutions that provide it. In addition, it was determined which networks exist for undocumented Bangladeshis and what role these played in their lives in Germany during the Corona pandemic. The results of the study thus not only provide insights into a group that has so far been ignored in German research, but also a basis for the development of guidelines for action in the field of (preventive) medical care for people who have so far been excluded from it. 


                  Project leader
                  Prof. Dr. David Kaldewey
                  Prof. Dr. Adrian Hermann

                  Caitlin Blome (SHK)
                  Daria Denkov (WHF)
                  Milena Fuchs (WHF)
                  Paula Kuhn (WHK)
                  Nicole Meck (SHK)
                  Lea Weigel (SHK)
                  Information about the project
                  The project is dedicated to the debates about school closures during the Corona pandemic from the discplinary perspectives of sociology of science and media studies. These debates are understood as expressions of a politics of knowledge that does not simply clarify scientific consensus, but navigates the tensions between multiple facts and plural social values.

                  Teaching events

                      Project leader
                      Dr. Thomas Grosse-Wilde
                      Dr. Laurence O`Hara

                      Ellen Hofmann (SHK)

                      Gregor-Rafael Görgen (WHF)

                      Information about the project

                      From bank insolvency to viral infection to climate change - everywhere today one can ask: Why didn't the state prevent the disaster? For which adverse consequences should the state be responsible and which must it actively prevent?

                      • Conference (10./11.11.2022): ‚Zurechnung bei staatlichem Unterlassen‘

                        Project leader
                        Dominik Suri

                        Gremary Antonieta Aza Mengoa (WHF)
                        Karen Yessenia López García (WHF)

                        Information about the project
                        It is proposed that the COVID-19 pandemic has had and still has a negative impact on biodiversity conservation in the Global South. However, the idea is that community-based natural resource management approaches are key in mitigating this negative impact due to an inherent endowment of principles, such as the existence of and adherence to social norms, which increases the resilience of such approaches to cope with external shocks.

                        Further information will follow.

                        Project leader
                        Dr. Matthew R. Robinson

                        Elorm Nick Ahialey-Mawusi (WHK)
                        Lani Mireya Jiménez (WHK)

                        Information about the project
                        Digital communication settings have become one of the most important sources of information for the public, and for semantic and symbolic expressions of actual and expected, societal developments. On the basis of this observation, it seems likely that digital communication is a significant factor for social resilience. The project focused this hypothesis on religious communities and their “digital religious communications“ during the pandemic, in an attempt to gain a better understanding of the significance of those communications for the resilience of religious communities during the pandemic.

                        Teaching events 

                          Project leader
                          Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter
                          PD Christoph Ernst

                          Lea Klingberg (WHF)

                          Information about the project
                          The project describes and analyzes how information and data visualizations of the Corona pandemic work. The outcome of the project will be a better understanding of the modes by which information and data visualizations of the Corona pandemic are interpreted by the public. The goal is to produce a compact brochure that will inform interested members of the public about how such information and data visualizations work.

                          Project leader
                          Dr. Julia Maria Mönig

                          Luis Nussbauer (WHF)
                          Evangelia Siopi (WHF)

                          Information about the project
                          The ways societies handled the COVID-19 pandemic from early 2020 on has shed light onto a topic that concerns us all: privacy. Having to use online meeting, learning and teaching software to be able to take part in social, school and work life, gave the providers of these services and products an even greater market power alongside with increased spying and surveillance opportunities into peoples’ daily lives. Opting-out of using these tools became impossible. Using smartphones that are ubiquitous listening devices anyhow for governmental Corona tracing did raise many data protection concerns, leading in several countries to trying to build “privacy by design”- applications and take ethical issues into consideration. The project undertakes an interdisciplinary reconsideration of privacy, asking how we do want our society to look like based on what we saw, experienced and hopefully learned from the current present and recent past.

                          Further information

                            Project leader
                            Dr. Lisa Schlielicke

                            May Meret Bohan (WHF)
                            Philipp Ertz (WHF)
                            Information about the project

                            How does the Corona pandemic affect the locations of social gatherings and does the weather influence the decisions where to meet. Results of the project can be used to add guidances to weather forecasts with respect to meetings and activities. This can help to counter social self-isolation in case of crisis situations such as a pandemic without violating restrictions.


                            Contact for further information

                            Johanna Tix

                            Manager of the TRA


                             +49 228 73 54468




                            Dechenstraße 3-11

                            53115 Bonn

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