Research Profile Digitalization/AI


The research area 'Digitalization/AI' addresses the integration of digital technologies and intelligent systems in various aspects of science, business and society. The projects in the profile area 'Digitalization/AI' reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the topic and deal with the various effects, opportunities and obstacles of digitalization and artificial intelligence - which is now indispensable. Different facets, such as society, governance, science and ethics, are examined.

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Prof. Dr. Huw Price, who was Bertrand Russel Professor of Philosophy at the University of Cambridge until 2020, supports our profile area 'Digitization/ AI' as one of our Distinguished Emeritus Professors. He is considered one of the leading philosophers of science today.

The expertise of this profile area is also supplemented by Prof. Dr. Aimee van Wynsberghe, who has already started at the University of Bonn in December 2020 as an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship for ‘Applied Ethics of Artificial intelligence’.

Projects in the profile area 'Digitalization/AI'

Project leader
Prof. Dr. Caja Thimm
Jun.- Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gramelsberger (RWTH Aachen)

Prof. Dr. Frank T. Piller (RWTH Aachen)

Anna Böhmer (WHF)
Christina Chalkidou (SHK)
Phillip Engelhardt (WMA)
Stefan Gronsfeld (SHK)
Mara Nazaretyan (WHF)
Merle Rittinghaus (SHK)
Johanna Toussaint (WHF)
Former employee

Vincent Rastfeld (SHK)

Information about the project
In times of digitisation, datafication and the increasing use of artificial intelligence in many areas of society, the idea of autonomy has gained new attention. The researcher are investigating the possibilities of extending, simulating and replacing human agency through technology and promotes interdisciplinary cooperation at the project level. In particular, they explore the attribution of autonomy to technical artefacts such as robots, voice assistants, drones or vehicles. The common research goal is to answer ethical, regulatory, political and cultural questions that autonomous technologies pose for the digital society.

Teaching Events
  • Maximilian Mayer (2022). Autonomous Technologies, edited by Tim Rühling, Berlin DGAP, pp.74-90.
  • Maximilian Mayer, “Autonomie und Polarisierung. Machttheoretische Perspektiven auf globale digitale Plattformen”, in: Hendrik W. Ohnesorge, ed. Macht und Machtverschiebung Schlüsselphänomene internationaler Politik – Festschrift für Xuewu Gu zum 65. Geburtstag. De Gruyter Oldenbourg 2022, pp. 127–145.
  • Ying Huang and Maximilian Mayer (2022). “Power in the Age of Datafication: Exploring China’s Global Data Power”, Chinese Journal of Political Science.
  • Ying Huang and Maximilian Mayer (2022). “Digital Currencies, Monetary Sovereignty, and U.S.-China Power Competition", Policy & Internet vol 14, no 2 (2022) pp. 324-347.
  • Thimm, C. (2023b). Herausforderungen digitaler Bildung. Technologiesouveränität in Zeiten von ChatGPT. In Bröckling, G., Fries, R. & Narr, K. (eds.), Mit Medienbildung die Welt retten?! Medienpädagogik in einer Kultur der Digitalität. (pp. 3-14) Kopaed.
  • Thimm, C. (2023). Digitale Souveränität und personale Autonomie: Herausforderungen für eine Digitalpädagogik. Mediendiskurs, 104(2), 84-87.
  • Thimm, C. & Thimm-Braun, L. (2023). Künstliche Intelligenz und personale Autonomie: Diskriminierende Algorithmen als ethische und rechtliche Herausforderung für die Polizeiarbeit. In Susanne Gössl (Hrsg), Diskriminierungsfreie Algorithmen. Neue juristische Wochenschrift (S . 37-50). C. H. Beck.
  • Thimm, C. (2024). Technology Sovereignty in Times of ChatGPT: New Challenges for Digital Literacy, in Bonacho, F. (ed.) "Atas do VI Congresso Literacia, Media e Cidadania. Transição Digital e Políticas Públlicas”. GILM, Coleção Estudos e Reflexões do Politécnico de Lisboa (e-book in print).
  • Thimm, C. & Thimm-Braun, L. (2024/ Policies, regulation and legal perspectives on social robots. In Autumn Edwards & Leopoldina Fortunati (Hrsg.), DE Gruyter Handbook of Robots in Society and Culture. De Gruyter.
Further activities

Project leader
Prof. Dr. iur. Louisa Specht-Riemenschneider
Prof. Dr. iur. Daniel Zimmer

Information about the project

The transdisciplinary Research Grouping  analyzes legal and regulatory issues in the area of digitalization. These include the regulation of the use of algorithms by public institutions and companies, legal standard setting in the field of artificial intelligence, building ethical foundations for programming, e.g. in the field of autonomous driving, limits set by the need for sufficient competition etc.

Teaching events
  • Zimmer, Daniel (Hg.), Regulierung für Algorithmen und Künstliche Intelligenz. Tagung an der Universität Bonn am 7. und 8. September 2020, Baden-Baden 2021 (Schriften der Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung für das gesamte Regulierungsrecht; 5).
Paul Ruben Asmuth (WHF)
Judith Eifler (SHK)

Information about the project
Handwritten and printed tables contain a rich treasure trove of data for economic and social history. Using neural networks, we recognize the layout of handwritten and printed sources, extract en masse the data contained in the tables, and make them useful for economic history. From the computer science side, segmentation problems and their solution by means of so-called neural networks are an important field of research. So-called U-nets dominate in this respect, and we are continuing to research and improve their application in historical science in this project.

Further Information will come soon.

Teaching events 
Project leader

Prof. Dr. Markus Gabriel
Prof. Dr. Zed Adams, NSSR
Prof. Dr. Paul Kottman, NSSR

Alex Englander (WMA)

Jan Voosholz (WMA)

Information about the project
The Institute for Philosophy and the New Humanities convenes graduate students and distinguished scholars from The New School and the University of Bonn for intensive five-day seminars on pressing questions in contemporary philosophy and the humanities.

Further information
Click here to go to the project website

    Project leader
    Prof. Dr. Markus Gabriel
    Jan Voosholz
    Prof. Dr. Huw Price (Cambridge, Dist. Em. Prof. Universität Bonn)
    Dr. Stephen Cave (Cambridge)
    Kanta Dihal (Cambridge)


    Information about the project
    The Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence at the University of Cambridge and the Center for Science and Thought at the University of Bonn currently employ various postdocs, who spend half of their time in Bonn and the other half in Cambridge, and who are working on joint research projects. The focus here lies mainly on programmes such as 'Kinds of Intelligence' (researching the concept of intelligence from a multidisciplinary perspective) and 'Philosophy and Ethics of AI' (connecting ethics of AI with meta-etchics, ontology and philosophy of science).

    Teaching events
    Further information
      Project leader

      Prof. Dr. Markus Gabriel

      Information about the project
      In the framework of the competence platform KI.NRW, the CST is developing a certificate for artificial intelligence together with the Fraunhofer  IAIS, the BSI, the University of Cologne, RWTH Aachen University,  DIN e.V. as well as numerous DAX-30 and other companies from different industries. The project is one of the KI.NRW flagships financed by the state ministry MWIDE.

      The aim of the project is to develop procedures to examine generally accepted standards for AI systems and their verification, as well as to explore business models for an AI certification. To this end, we will write interlinked catalogs of requirements with technical, legal and ethical-philosophical criteria. Our research investigates the certification of ethical aspects. The theoretical basis for this is provided by a social ontology of AI, which is also being developed in the project. In accordance with the research interest of the CST, both the double autonomy of AI and the applied concept of intelligence constitute a special research focus.

      In order to make this philosophical basis operationalizable in the certification's context, use cases of AI applications are  -  in close exchange with our partners from law - analyzed and categorized according to ethically relevant parameters. Ethical minimal requirements for a certification will be defined.

      Teaching Events
      Further information
      You can find more information here.

        Closed projects in the profile area 'Digitalization/AI'

        Project leader
        Prof. Dr. Adrian Hermann
        Petra Tillessen

        Yasmina Burezah (WMA)
        Leonie Geiger (WHK)

        Information about the project
        Collaboration in research and teaching in the humanities consists primarily in creating sustained moments of intellectual intensity in the interaction between participants. In exploring the media constellations and the intellectual potential of collaborative online cultures, the project reflects on digital and analog tools for creating such intensity in the context of building a "Collaborative Humanities Research and Teaching Lab”.

        Teaching events
        Further activities

        Project leader
        Dr. Ying Huang
        Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer

        Nicolas Huppenbauer

        Information about the project
        The initiative addresses the interactions and implications of the idea of digital sovereignty on the one hand, and the increasing fragmentation of cyberspace and Internet governance on the other (further Information).

        Teaching events
        • Maximilian Mayer, “Autonomie und Polarisierung. Machttheoretische Perspektiven auf globale digitale Plattformen”, in: Hendrik W. Ohnesorge, ed. Macht und Machtverschiebung Schlüsselphänomene internationaler Politik – Festschrift für Xuewu Gu zum 65. Geburtstag. De Gruyter Oldenbourg 2022, 127–145.
        • Ying Huang and Maximilian Mayer, “Digital Currencies, Monetary Sovereignty, and U.S.-China Power Competition”, Policy & Internet, Vol.14, Issue 2, 2022, pp.324-347.
        • Ying Huang, Nicolas Huppenbauer and Maximilian Mayer, “Infrastructuring Cyberspace. Exploring China’s Imaginary and Practices of Selective Connectivity”, International Quarterly for Asian Studies, Vol.53, No.3, 2022, pp.413-439.
        • Ying Huang, Cyberspace Fragmentation from the Perspective of Technology Trends), The Journal of International Studies),2022, 95-119.
        • Nicolas Huppenbauer mit J.-F. Vögele, "Vulnerabilities Disclosure mit chinesischer Prägung: Nutzen und Gefahren", Inside IT, 01.02.2022.
        • Ying Huang and Maximilian Mayer,“Power in the Age of Datafication: Exploring China’s Global Data Power”, Journal of Chinese Political Science, Vol.28, Issue 1, 2023, pp.25-49.
        • Nicolas Huppenbauer, “Connectivity, centrality, and adaptation: The coproduction of political space in China’s standardization of autonomous driving technologies”, Global Media and China, 8(3), 2023, S. 414-430.
        Further information

          Project leader
          Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter
          Prof. Dr. Kathrin Friedrich
          PD Dr. Christoph Ernst

          Fiona Torke (WHF)

          Information about the project
          The starting point of the planned Research Group is the reflection of the current understanding of 'digitalization' along a critical reexamination of the analog/digital distinction. For this purpose, historical-systematic and cross-cultural reappraisals of the concepts of analog and digital operations in paradigmatic fields of knowledge and practice are conducted. On the basis of the conceptual pair continuation/discretization we can arrive at an understanding of digitization processes that is historically grounded and sensitive to cultural differences. This culminates in a program of comparative digitization research which allows for a systematic and culturally specific assessment of contemporary discourses and practices of 'digitization' and their (dis)continuities to past digitization phases.

          • Ernst, Christoph/Schröter, Jens/Warnke, Martin (2020): »Der Quantencomputer – Ein zukünftiger Gegenstand der Medienwissenschaft?«, in: MEDIENwissenschaft. Rezensionen 02 (Rubrik »Perspektiven«), S. 130-150.
          • Schröter, Jens/Ernst, Christoph/Warnke, Martin (2021): »Quantum Computing and the Analog/Digital Distinction«, forthcoming in Grey Room (in print). Classical Digital Machines, New Analog Computers, or Future Post-Digital Media? Quantum Computing and the History of the Analog/Digital Distinction, Vortrag an der Univ. Luxemburg (Februar 2022)

          Project leader
          Dr. Charlotte Gauvry

          Information about the project
          A cycle of interdisciplinary conferences to study the philosophical, political and medical (neurological and psychiatric) effects of the use of AI systems on mental health.

          Teaching Events

              Project leader
              Dr. Sergio Genovesi
              Dr. Scott Robbins

              ehem.: Dr. Katharina Kaesling

              Marie Bente John (SHK)
              Luis Nussbauer (SHK)

              Information about the project
              The project attempts to define ethical and legal foundations for the development and regulation of so called Recommender Systems. Recommender Systems, e.g. Facebook News Feed Algorithm or Youtube Video Recommendation Algorithm, are software systems that quantify the interests of users for a given content in order to recommend precisely those items to the user that she is most likely to be interested in.

              Teaching events
              Further information

                Contact for further information

                Johanna Tix

                Manager of the TRA


                 +49 228 73 54468




                Dechenstraße 3-11

                53115 Bonn

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