Prof. Dr. Mark Lawrence Political dimensions of science Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go on a weekly ThinkJourney to explore desirable futures in different areas of life, spanning the semester. Our guests present their research and discuss with students, young researchers and interested members of the public. At the end of the semester, the journeys of thought are followed by a joint journey in real life to a thematically relevant place or institution.
Prof. Dr. Detlef Kurth Future Cities Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go on a weekly ThinkJourney to explore desirable futures in different areas of life, spanning the semester. Our guests present their research and discuss with students, young researchers and interested members of the public. At the end of the semester, the journeys of thought are followed by a joint journey in real life to a thematically relevant place or institution.
Kathrin Peters Generations Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go on a weekly ThinkJourney to explore desirable futures in different areas of life, spanning the semester. Our guests present their research and discuss with students, young researchers and interested members of the public. At the end of the semester, the journeys of thought are followed by a joint journey in real life to a thematically relevant place or institution.
Dr. Tilman Altenburg Globalised Economy Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go on a weekly ThinkJourney to explore desirable futures in different areas of life, spanning the semester. Our guests present their research and discuss with students, young researchers and interested members of the public. At the end of the semester, the journeys of thought are followed by a joint journey in real life to a thematically relevant place or institution.
Prof. Dr. Werner Eichhorst Work Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go on a weekly ThinkJourney to explore desirable futures in different areas of life, spanning the semester. Our guests present their research and discuss with students, young researchers and interested members of the public. At the end of the semester, the journeys of thought are followed by a joint journey in real life to a thematically relevant place or institution.
Prof. Dr. Martin Bujard Family Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go on a weekly ThinkJourney to explore desirable futures in different areas of life, spanning the semester. Our guests present their research and discuss with students, young researchers and interested members of the public. At the end of the semester, the journeys of thought are followed by a joint journey in real life to a thematically relevant place or institution.
Handelnd hoffen oder hoffend handeln? Zum Verhältnis von Ethik und Eschatologie aus exegetisch-neutestamentlicher und systematische Perspektive How do apocalypse and imminent expectations affect human actions? This question, which arises in view of the religious history of apocalypticism for the various writings of the NT, has (again) systematic relevance in the present. On the one hand, this results from the loss of significance of the progress model for the present and from the increasing diagnosis of an end-time crisis situation. On the other hand, it results more acutely from the cosmo- and process-theological revisions of the old transcendence-immanence opposition. Does God ultimately act through man, who no longer subdues the earth, but who causes the catastrophe? And what options for action are then still conceivable? The workshop will address these questions between New Testament and systematic approaches.
Gemeinschaft - Gemeinwohl - Gemeinsinn Gemeinschaftssemantiken fungieren häufig als Kampfbegriffe, sie markieren Bruchlinien und schließen die eigenen Reihen – und das sowohl in der in Praxis als auch der Theorie. Dabei wird aus dem Gemeinschaftskonzept zugleich ein bestimmtes Gemeinwohl abgeleitet, das wiederum mit einem (imaginierten) Gemeinsinn unterlegt ist. Die Verklammerung dieser drei Konzepte ist häufig implizit, bedarf aber einer klärenden Sortierung, besonders für die Debatte in sich immer stärker ausdifferenzierenden, pluralistischen Gesellschaften.
Book presentation & panel discussion: ‚Vergangenheitskonstruktionen. Erinnerungspolitik im Zeichen von Ambiguitätstoleranz‘ Kollektives Erinnern ist Vergangenheitsbearbeitung um einer gemeinsamen Zukunft wegen. Die aktuelle erinnerungspolitische Debatte geht davon aus, dass fragile und heterogene Gesellschaften ein Bedürfnis nach sinnstiftenden Großerzählungen haben. Im Begriff des kollektiven oder kulturellen Gedächtnisses sollen daher Wissensressourcen, Bilder und Narrative den Zusammenhalt der »geglaubten Gemeinschaft« (Max Weber) sichern. Bestehende Verunsicherungen und Ambiguitäten werden durch eine Politik der Erinnerungs- und Konsenssteuerung überbrückt. Im Gegensatz dazu zielen die Beiträge des neuen Werks, darauf, dass gegenwärtige Gesellschaften den pluralen Erinnerungsfeldern, den diversen Erinnerungsbedürfnissen und den damit einhergehenden Deutungskonflikten durch Praktiken der Ambiguitätstoleranz begegnen können.
We cordially invite researchers from all disciplines and institutions (universities, universities of applied sciences, non-university research institutions, think tanks) as well as practitioners and experts from NGOs, associations, policy, etc. to our Second Roundtable on (Forced) Migration Studies. This roundtable will focus on research-policy relations in the context of (forced) migration. Thereby, we want to pick up on the following guiding questions (among others): What role does science play in advising policy-makers and practitioners? What challenges are there at the interface between science and policy-making? What are the corresponding experiences and challenges of experts from the field? The thematic focus is one of the results of the first roundtable, which can be accessed online. The aim is to bring together Bonn’s experts on this challenging topic and provide a platform for experience exchange and collegial advice.
Modern knowledge-societies value intelligence as a set of problem-solving capacities. In recent years, we could be said to have entered not only a so-called “AI summer”, but even a “technology summer”. This imaginary draws on accelerated progress in AI research and the large-scale socio-economic and political implementation of ‘intelligence’ technology. In our fall workshop we will question some of the key assumptions underlying this socio-political constellation. In particular, we will focus on existential and linguistic meaning as potential limits to intelligent processing. Our goal is to trace the contours of a novel type of ethics of intelligence that takes into account the fuzzy, historically changing, and apparently non-computable nature of values. This requires us to recalibrate our sense of what it is to understand meaning and value in an age in which intelligence and even understanding seem to emerge in the realm of our techno-scientific artifacts.
Workshop as part of the SiZ project on the topic: Ambivalenz, Leistung oder ...? Suchbewegungen und Nachdenken über gesellschaftlich tragfähige Semantisierungen
Oberseminar: 'Die Macht der Sprache. Zur performativen Bedeutung von Semantisierungsen in Sinnbildungsprozessen'
The project “(De-)Democratization and Power Structures” led by Prof. Dr. Svenja Kranich, Prof. Dr. Daniela Pirazzini, PD Dr. Simone Knewitz will conduct an interdisciplinary workshop on the topic of 'Democratization, roles, and discourse' on September 12, 2023.
The project "The Illusion of the Obvious. On Truth and Reliability in Times of Crisis" under the direction of Prof. Dr. Cornelia Richter will be holding a conference from November 11th to 12th, 2022 on the topic “Der Anfang der wirklich Großen Erzählungen. Serielle Identität(en) und serienhafte Existenz".
The project "History of Natural Law in Scottish Enlightenment" led by Prof. Dr. Mathias Schmoeckel and Prof. Dr. Martin Kessler will be conducting a workshop on the topic of 'Natural law and the Definition of Good Order' from April 28th to April 30th, 2023.
The project “Semantizing the future. Agency and integrity in face of 'Grand Challanges'” led by Prof. Dr. Cornelia Richter and Dr. Andreas Odenthal leads a workshop on the topic of 'Political Hope: Technology & Digital Transformation' from June 28th. until June 30, 2023.
The project “Semantizing the future. Agency and integrity in face of 'Grand Challanges'” led by Prof. Dr. Cornelia Richter and Dr. Andreas Odenthal will conduct a workshop on the topic of 'Political Hope and Collective Action' on October 12, 2023.
The project “Semantizing the future. Agency and integrity in face of 'Grand Challanges'” led by Prof. Dr. Cornelia Richter and Dr. Andreas Odenthal will conduct a workshop on the topic of ‘Narration, Agency, and Imaginative Play: Visions of the Past and Future in Contemporary Tabletop Role-Playing Games' on November 23, 2023.
Conference (07.-09. Juli 2022): 'What Does Theology Do, Actually? Part III - The Unity of the Church and ist Histories' To speak of “challenges” is not an arbitrary choice of words. “WDTD3: The Unity of the Church and its Histories” seeks to engage the seemingly irresolvable tension between the idea of a universal church and the particularity of Christian traditions from historical perspectives. In so doing, challenges arising from this tension related to confessional identity, belonging and acceptance take center stage. Building on the WDTD Project’s interest in the confessional and cultural diversity of approaches to work in the theological disciplines, WDTD3 will consider how the work of the History of Christianity or Church History is evolving as the participants and actors doing this work engage their field interculturally and in conversation with issues of contemporary global concern.